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Chapter 137

The receiving line seemed to go on forever and Jesse was extremely grateful that it was for the fans only.  Her mind was complete chaos with everything that had happened in the ten minutes prior to the wedding.  Kevin and Stevie's words had finally registered with her during the ceremony and she was anxious to figure out what exactly was going on.

As soon as the last fan cleared the receiving line, Jesse turned to grab Richie's hands and pulled him with her away from everyone.  "Come with me."

"What's going on, baby?"

"I need to talk to you...before we talk to Kevin."

"Baby, we need to go on and talk to Kevin so we can get to the reception.  Our family and friends are waiting for us."

"I know what he has to say.  Please?"

"Two minutes."

Richie looked at Tico.  "Get Jackson and Kevin and find us a quiet place to talk."

"What about Stevie?"

Jesse said, "Let Dakota and Frankie take him to the reception."

"Is Kevin going to allow that?" asked Jon.

Jesse looked up at Richie, "He's giving up his rights."

Richie shook his head.  "Jessica, don't get your hopes up.  Kevin has been playing a game for the last three months."

"I'll go clear it with Kevin," said Jon.

Away from everyone, Richie took Jesse's hand, "Baby, I know you're excited about Stevie being here but please, don't get your hopes up."

"Richie that's what I wanted to tell you.  Kevin said he couldn't let Stevie miss his parents' wedding when I asked Stevie how he got here.  Then, Stevie NEVER called him 'Daddy'....just Kevin."

"It sounds good," conceded Richie, "but until I have it in writing, I can't believe it."

Jesse frowned, "You've always been right and you've always tried to protect me."

Richie hated seeing this reaction from Jesse and he reached out to caress her cheek.  "Jess, I WANT to be wrong but I can't stand to see you hurt yet again, especially today.  Kevin has played too many games.  He's really nice to you, convinces you everything is okay, and then pulls the rug out from under you breaking your heart.  I will kill him if he does it to you again."

Jesse took his hand, "My superman!  I love you, Richie."

Richie leaned to kiss her tenderly.  "Let's go talk to Kevin and see what he's up to this time."

Jack, Jon, Tico, and Kevin were all waiting for the couple in an out-of-the-way corner of the church and when they joined them, Kevin pulled out an envelope.

Handing the envelope to Jack, Kevin said, "Those are the papers  you need from me so Richie can adopt Stevie.  I've already talked to him, explained  what I'm doing, and will have his stuff shipped wherever you want me to ship it."

Jack pulled out the papers to read them over carefully.  There was a long silence as they waited.  Jesse clung to Richie, praying that everything was on the level. 

Finally, Jack said, "Everything is in order.  Richie, I'll have everything ready for the adoption when you two get back from your honeymoon."

Jesse let out the breath she's been holding and bounced into Kevin's arms wrapping her arms around his neck.  "Thank you so much."

Kevin held her close, his eyes closed as he felt her body pressed against his.  God, this was heaven but she wasn't his....she was Richie's wife now and he had to let her go.  He had to apologize and make this right.

Richie spoke up, "What changed your mind?"

Letting go of Jesse, Kevin said, "My conscious  got the better of me."

Jesse moved back to Richie who took her in his arms.  She asked, "Why did you act like such an ass?"

Kevin chuckled, "You knew all along that something was wrong."

"Yeah, she did," agreed Richie.

"I apologize, Jess."

"It wasn't you doing all this with the custody stuff, was it?" she asked.

"No, it wasn't.  It was my attorneys...mainly Mr. Olsen.  They wanted me to make you look like a use your feelings for me against that it would take the heat off me."

"You almost succeeded," growled Richie.

"I know, and Jess, I can't tell you how grateful I am that the judge knew you so well."

"He'd known me since Daddy moved back to Virginia."

"Did Olsen tell Stevie what to say in court?" asked Jack.

"Yeah, he did.  I wasn't in the room with him but I was at the door listening."

"That's coaching a witness," said Jackson.  "I could get him disbarred."

Jesse shook her head, "Why didn't you do something to stop him?"

"Because I thought it was what I wanted....Stevie...full custody."

Richie still held Jesse protectively next to him, as he asked, "What really convinced you  to change your mind, to give up your parental rights rather than share custody with Jesse?"

"Your call....Stevie missing you telling me what Jesse risked to have him....what you were willing to do to protect Stevie and Jesse.  You were right, Rich....I didn't give a damn about Stevie until you stepped up to be his father.  I knew how Jesse felt about me and whenever I wanted, all I had to do  was call...but I also knew how she felt about you.  Hell, you were Stevie's 'dad' from the day he was born and when I realized she'd named him after you, it hurt....the kind of hurt I imagine Jess felt when she woke up that morning and I was gone without a word.  It was just a matter of time before she met you and stole your heart.  In one week, you were more of a father to Stevie than I had been his whole life."  Kevin stopped and looked at his feet.  Looking back up, he continued, "Jess, you're such a beautiful person, inside and out, and I did fall for you.  I always looked forward to the shows on the east coast because I knew you'd be at them even if all I could do was talk to you.  You were never the typical fan.  That's why I liked being around liked ME, not the image."

"That's part of what I love about her too," said Richie.

"Thank you for giving me the honor of being your first; for allowing me to get to know Stevie; for being a part of your life even for such a short time."

Jesse had tears sliding down her cheeks.  "Kevin, I still want you to be a part of Stevie's life."

"No, Jess...I've caused enough disruption in your life and you don't need the stress.  You and Richie have started your life together, enjoy."

"Will you at least come to the reception?"

"My flight leaves in a couple hours."  Kevin reached out to wipe a tear.  "You're messing up your make up again."

Jesse smiled, "It's a miracle I made it this long without messing it up."

Kevin looked at her in Richie's arms.  "You had your fairy tale wedding.  Your dad would be really happy."

"He brought the guys into my life for a reason."  Jesse laughed, "He was so mad when I got involved with you."

That brought a genuine smile to Kevin's face.  "I remember.  We didn't play 'real' music or instruments."

"I remember him telling you that the day you brought us home from the hospital."

"Congratulations, have one hell of a good lady."

"Thank you, Kevin."

"It was all so beautiful, especially you, Jess."

Jesse moved out of Richie's arms and once more wrapped her arms around Kevin.  Whispering, "You'll always have a special place in my heart."

"You too, Jess," he replied as he kissed her cheek.  Letting her go, he took her hand.  "Don't let the circus pull you under," and he was gone.

Jesse turned around to face Richie, tears streaming down her cheeks.  Softly, she whispered, "We have our son back, Richie."

He smiled, "I know, baby," and she rushed into his arms.  He held her tight, a flood of relief washing over him.  It was finally over and they could finally get on with the life they'd wanted.  After several minutes, Richie said, "Let's head to the reception so we can be with him."

Jon spoke up, "Your carriage awaits you."

"A carriage?" questioned Jesse looking up at him.

"For my Queen, a horse-drawn carriage."

"We'll see you at the reception," said Tico giving Jesse a kiss on the cheek.

Richie took Jesse's hand and placed it on his arm.  "Let's go, my beautiful Queen of Swing."

Before they left, Jesse stopped Richie and turned to face him.  Putting her hands on his chest, she said, "Richard Stephen Sambora, I love you with all my heart and today has been absolutely perfect."

Chapter 138            Index