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Chapter 132

Richie and Ray had been working for a couple hours when Tico arrived to take Jesse to lunch.  The two musicians decided to take a break so Richie could say good-bye to Jesse.

Jesse greeted Tico with a hug.  "Hey, 'Pop'."

"Hey, beautiful!  Are you ready for lunch?"

By now, RIchie was standing behind her, his arms wrapped around her.  He said, "Take her please! Her stomach is growling so loud I can hear her in the sound booth."

Jesse frowned as the others laughed.  "You're mean!"

"Never!" laughed Richie hugging her.  "You know I love you."

"Uh huh!  Sure you do," she said as she rolled her eyes.  Seeing Tico had an envelope in his hand, Jesse asked, "What's that, Tic?"

"This came for you at the hotel this morning," he answered handing it to her.

Jesse looked at the return address - Amelia Island Plantation - but she didn't recognize it or the handwriting.  "I don't know anyone living on the Plantation," she said."

"Sure you do, least, your dad knew them," said Richie.  "That's where the guys of .38 Special live now."

Jesse opened the envelope and pulled out a picture with a note attached.


It's been a while since I've seen you and I'm sorry I couldn't be at your dad's funeral.  He was a good friend and he loved you and your brother deeply.  You've both been in my thoughts.

I read about your engagement to Richie Sambora and it made me remember this picture.  If you don't remember the story, give me a call - 904-555-7695.  I'll be glad to tell you.

Congrats on your engagement.  I hope our paths will cross soon.  I'd love to catch up with you.


Jesse looked at the picture with Richie looking over her shoulder.

"That's me," commented Richie, "but I don't recognize the baby I'm holding."

"Its me," replied Jesse softly.  "That's my dad coming down the hall behind you."

The others moved to look too. 

"Do you remember the story?" asked Richie as he handed the picture to Tico.

"Yeah.  The picture was taken in Jacksonville when I was about two.  You guys were opening for .38 Special and Daddy had to take me with him because Mama had to work and they didn't have a babysitter.  Daddy had put me down for a nap in Donnie's dressing room.  When I woke, they say I started crying because I was running a fever.  Everyone with the .38 Special crew tried to quiet me and they were getting ready to take me to Daddy when you offered to try.  As soon as I was in your arms, I stopped and by the time Daddy was done, I was laughing and playing and didn't want to go to Daddy."

"Why don't you have a copy of this picture?" asked Tico.

Jesse shrugged, "Mama took a bunch of stuff when she left and Daddy said our copy was in what she took."

"Why haven't you mentioned this?" asked Richie.

"I'd honestly forgotten about it until I saw this picture.  Donnie's wife took it, I think."  Richie put his arms around her and she looked up at him.  "I've ALWAYS felt safe in your arms....even when I was little."

"A hell of a story to tell your kids," commented Ray.

"Yeah, it is," smiled Richie as he gazed into Jesse's eyes.  "Are you going to keep the picture?"

"Of course!  I think I'm going to frame it in a double frame.  I have another picture of you with your arms around me from that first night in DC that I like.  I'm going to put them together."

"I like that idea."

"You need to put it on your website with the story," suggested Tico.

Jesse looked up at Richie.  "What do you think?"

"It's up to you baby."

"I think I will and I'm going to call Donnie.  I would LOVE to have him at the wedding."

"Sounds good."

"You ready, Jess?" asked Tico.

"Sure.  Richie, do you want me to come back here?"

"No.  We won't be much longer.  How about we meet back at the hotel and make plans for the afternoon?"

"Sounds good."  Standing on her toes,s he kissed him.  "Love you."

"Love you too!"

Richie and Ray went back to work on the song as Tico and Jesse headed to lunch.

Chapter 133           Index