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Chapter 13

As the couple made their way inside, Jesse said, “You said something about having someone send some clothes for me.  What were you talking about?” 

“My clothing line…White Trash Beautiful…that I worked with Nikki Lund to develop.  I called Nikki and she’s sending you a box full of some of our creations….some formal, some casual.” 

“I can’t wait to see what she sends.” 

“Did you two have a good time?” asked Tony. 

“Sure did,” smiled Jesse resting her head on Richie’s shoulder.  “I’m going to change.” 

“Night,” said Billy.  “I’m headed to bed now that you two are home.” 

“Whoa!!  Sleeping arrangements,” said Tony.  “Richie and I slept in here last night.” 

Jesse looked up at Richie and said softly, “You can sleep with me, if you want.” 

“Nothing has to happen.” 

“Doesn’t matter to me….I just want to feel your arms around me.” 

Richie smiled and hugged her to him.  “Tony, take the guest room and Billy can stay where he was last night.” 

“Nah…Billy, you take the guest room.  I want to be down here in case Stevie gets up before you two do.” 

“That works too,” said Billy. 

Billy and Jesse left the two and they sat down. 

“How did it go?” asked Tony. 

“She agreed to let me adopt Stevie.  We’re going tomorrow to the school to talk to them about the situation with the older kids and for Jesse to add me to the forms as Stevie’s guardian.  She wants to put you and Billy on there too.” 

“She put up an argument?” 

“None, but she doesn’t want to rush into anything.  I think she’s worried about us as a couple.” 

“What about the trip to LA?” 

“I haven’t asked her yet.  She’s a little worried about Heather.” 

“That’s understandable.”  Tony looked down at the floor for a minute, then said, “Richie, Jesse’s a special lady and you two look really happy together.”

“Thanks.  She’s so normal, not like the women I’ve been around lately and DEFINITELY not like the fans.” 

“Kevin cured her of that.” 

“She was like that with him too.  Her dad was a roadie for .38 Special so she’s cool around bands.  Look, tomorrow, can you get that project for Stevie done?” 

“Yeah, I just need to go back to the store and give them the address.” 

“Good, now go get some sleep.” 

“Want me to get Stevie to school?” 

“No, we’re going to take him so we can talk to his teacher.  Sleep in.” 

“Night, Rich.”  On his way out, Tony passed Jesse and gave her a kiss on the cheek.  “Night, ‘Outlaw’.” 

“Night, Tony.  Thank you for everything.”  Joining Richie, she leaned over to give him a kiss. 

“You look comfortable,” smiled Richie.  “Guess I should go change too.” 

“Want a drink?” 

“Bourbon and water, baby.  I won’t be long.” 

“Uh, Rich….” 

“In the cabinet where you keep your Tupperware and hurricanes.  I got it yesterday when I went to the grocery store.” 


“I won’t be long.” 

Jesse watched Richie leave and then went to fix him his drink.  They hadn’t really talked about what Richie had done while she was sleeping so she began to wonder.  Groceries – she looked through her cabinets to find they were completely stocked with all the stuff she normally bought and then some.  Laundry – everything was done there too. 

She heard his footsteps and went back to get his drink.  He appeared in the door wearing a pair of gym shorts and a wife-beater and barefooted. 

“Here you go,” she said handing him the drink. 

“Thanks, baby.  Let’s go watch a little TV before we go to bed.” 

“I can’t believe I’m even tired after sleeping all day,” replied Jesse as she took a seat on the couch in the middle. 

Richie sat next to her and got comfortable as he said, “I’m not.  Jesse, you work twelve-hour shifts in an extremely demanding job and you take care of this farm and Stevie….all on just three hours of sleep a night.  Why you haven’t collapsed is beyond me.” 

“Too much responsibility.  Who would take care of Stevie?” 

“Time for you to slow down.  How much vacation time do you have?” 

“I get three weeks a year and I haven’t taken any in the four year I’ve worked there.” 

“THREE MONTHS!  Oh hell yeah, you’re about to start taking vacation time.  Tomorrow, you call your supervisor and get the next three weeks off.” 

“What am I going to do?” 

“This weekend, you’re flying with me to see Ava in her soccer tournament.  Then, you’re going to spend time with me on tour.  Does Stevie have any breaks from school coming up?” 

“He’s got all next week off but he’s got T-ball practice and opening ceremonies on the 10th.” 

“Okay, so he can spend some of the time with us.” 

“Richie, you’re in Dallas on the 10th.  I don’t want to miss opening ceremonies.” 

“You won’t.  We’ll work out which shows you are going to be at later.  We also need to get your passports.” 

“I need a picture for mine but I can use one of Stevie’s school pictures for his.” 

“We’ll get on that tomorrow then.” 

“I need to find some place that does passport pictures.” 

“You can get online tomorrow and check.”  Looking down at her as she leaned against him, he asked, “Does this mean you’re going to London with me?” 

“I never said I DIDN’T want to go but I do have a couple things to do before I join you.  Stevie isn’t finished with school until June 4th and then I have something on the 9th.” 



“Backstreet Boys?” 

“Yes.”  Richie was silent causing her to look over her shoulder.  “I don’t have to go.” 

“Have you bought the tickets?” 

“Not yet.”  Still seeing the ‘look’ in his eyes, she said, “Richie, I’m going because I like their music and so does Stevie and yeah, I’m friends with Howie and Alex but that’s it.  They have NO clue about what happened with Kevin.” 

“Are you taking Stevie?” 

“Yes, as his end-of-the-year gift.  I doubt very seriously that Kevin will be at the show.” 

“You’re probably right.” 

“Are you jealous?” 

“No, I just don’t like the idea of you possibly running  into him….alone.” 

“Can you fly back and go with me to the show?” 

Richie shook his head, “Afraid not.  The time difference won’t allow me to do it.” 

“I won’t go if it would make you feel better.” 

“I’m not going to start telling you what you can and can’t do.” 

Richie had finished his drink so she asked, “Do you want another?” 

“No…let’s go to bed, baby.” 

Jesse got up first and took his hand as he stood.  Hand in hand, they turned off the lights making their way to Jesse’s bedroom.  They climbed into bed together and Richie reached across her to cut off the light. 

Gathering her in his arms, Richie kissed her shoulder.  “Was this your dad’s room?” 

“Mmm, yeah.  I moved my stuff down here a couple years ago and made my room the guest room for Carly and Ashley….so they could hear Stevie.  When Daddy died, I started sleeping in his chair…to be closer to him.  Last night was the first time I’ve ever actually slept in here.” 

“Do you feel weird being in here with me?” 

“Not really.”  Jesse rolled over so that she was facing him.  She put her hand on his as she said, “Richie, last night, when you pulled me into your lap, it reminded me of him.  He used to do the same thing to get me to go to sleep, especially when I was pregnant.” 

“That’s why you relaxed.” 

She nodded her head ‘yes’.  “And I had a dream about Daddy that was so real.  He was sitting on the window seat and he told me to trust you….that you would take care of us.  When I woke, I could smell his cologne.” 

“That’s why you agreed to me adopting Stevie.” 

“It was part of it.  You had a part in it too….telling me to let my heart have a say too.  Richie, you didn’t have to do what Ashley asked or take us to a movie.  When you asked me for my number, I realized you really were interested in me and then you offered to fly me home so that I could stay for the show.  It felt really good.” 

“You’re an extremely beautiful lady.” 

“And you’re not just interested in sex.” 

“Too old to be in it just for sex.” 

Jesse laughed, “My old man.” 

“All yours, baby,” reassured Richie as he reached up to brush her hair back.  “Go to sleep, Jess.” 

“Hang on.  I need to set the alarm.” 

“What time does Stevie need to be at school?” 

“Eight fifteen.” 

“What do you two like for breakfast?” 

“I usually fix him bacon and eggs but his favorite is pancakes.”

“What about you?” 

“A Mt. Dew and pop tarts.” 

“NOT good,” scolded Richie as Jesse set the alarm.  “You’re going to eat a better breakfast from now on.” 

Jesse settled against Richie, her back against his chest and his arms around her.  She put her hands on his arms and closed her eyes.  The warmth of his body wrapped her like a blanket and she began to drift off to sleep.  Her voice heavy with sleep, she mumbled, “I’m falling in love with you.”

Richie hugged her closer.  “Me too, Jesse,” he whispered to the now sleeping lady in his arms.

Chapter 14       Index