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Chapter 121

Richie glanced at the monitor to see that there were only three more songs to go and the next one was one of Jesse's favorites -'In These Arms'.  God, how he wanted to have her in his arms.  It had been forever since they'd made love.

The guys glanced at each other conspiratorially knowing what was coming.  After her nap, Jesse had talked to Tico about surprising Richie during the show.  She knew he'd be expecting something during the solo so it had to be during another song.  They'd gotten Jon to join them and that's when the plan had come together.

Jesse waited backstage in Richie's guitar area.  She was nervous about this but excited too.

"This next song is a personal favorite of our favorite 'Outlaw'- Jesse - I want to dedicate this to you and I promise, you'll be in Richie's arms soon."

Richie began to play and Jon sang to the ladies in front.  He also messed with Richie when the cameraman found Jesse.  Just as Richie began his solo, the picture appeared on his monitor and a smile spread from ear to ear.  Jesse had hoped he'd mess up but Richie made it through.

As the song ended, Richie took his guitar off and was met by Jesse as well as his guitar tech who took the guitar.  Richie took Jesse in his arms lifting her off the ground her tight.  The crowd was cheering as he kissed her deeply.

Jon and the guys watched with huge smiles.

"In case you're wondering, Jesse had a picture from her very first ultra-sound put on Richie's monitor just before his guitar solo.  We were ALL expecting him to mess up," laughed Jon.

Richie set Jesse down but kept her close as he laughed too.  "After 26 years of you messing with me, I'm use to it!"

Everyone laughed at that too.

"For those of you who missed it this afternoon, here's Richie's announcement from the roof when we performed earlier today," said Jon as he pointed to the screen that now showed the rooftop performance.

Everyone watched as the video was played.  While it played, Richie held Jesse from behind.  Whispering in her ear, he said, "You really got me with the picture!  I almost did blow the song but I knew it was your favorite."

Jesse looked over her shoulder, "Really?"

Richie gave his infamous smirk as he nodded 'yes'.  "I want to take you back to the hotel and make love to you all night."

Running her hands along his arms, Jesse replied, "I want that too."

"Okay, 'Outlaw'!  You've distracted us long enough," shot Jon.

"But what a beautiful distraction she is," smirked Richie.

"Ahh!" chorused the crowd as Richie kissed her on the cheek and put his hat on her.

"Uh, 'Outlaw'," called Tico from his drum set.  "The longer you distract us, the longer it will be before you can be in THOSE arms."

"Tic, I'm IN those arms NOW!" shot Jesse.

"Yeah, but your clothes aren't scattered all over the room," pointed out Dave.

"And no smell of your cheap perfume," added Jon.

"They have a good point," said Richie.

"You gonna get down on your knees?" asked Jesse.

Richie let go of her and knelt down in front of her.  Taking her by the waist, he pulled her to him and placed a kiss on her stomach.  Looking up at her, he said, "I will love you until the end of time."

Jesse felt her insides melt as she ran her fingers through is hair.  "I love you too!"

The fans were eating it up watching the couple.  It had been a long time since they'd seen Richie this happy and they loved the playful banter between the guys. 

Richie stood taking Jesse in his arms again and kissed her.  "See you in a few."

Jesse ducked off stage as Richie grabbed his guitar and the guys finished the show.

Chapter 122        Index