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Chapter 120

The guys were gone for close to two hours but they were making their way back now to kill time before their first show at the O2.  Richie was floating on air knowing Jesse would be there soon.  He'd missed having her in his arms.

In the dressing room area, Richie spotted his daughter talking to Obie and Anthony.  "Ava?  When did you get here?" he questioned as his heart was beginning to pound.

"Before you began to play," she answered giving him a hug.

"Did Jesse go to the hotel?" he asked hopefully.

"No sir.  She's been in your dressing room since right after you told everyone how much you loved her."

"She heard?"

"Daddy, she was in tears."

Richie's heart sank.  The fall-out was about about to happen and he had no way of softening the blow.  "Hang out here a little while longer, sweetheart.  I need to talk to Jesse."

Jon spoke up, "Want me or Tico to talk to her?"

"No, I made the call, I'll take my medicine."  Reluctantly, he made his way to his dressing room and pushed the door open.  Taking a deep breath, he smiled and greeted her, "Hey, baby!  How'd you like the set?"

"I didn't watch it."

He heard the hurt and anger in her voice and decided to get straight to the point.  "I can explain, Jess."

"Really?  You can explain going behind my back?  You can explain breaking a promise?" and the glass she'd been holding sailed through the air smashing against the wall behind him.

"Jess, come on, calm down.  It's not good for the baby or you to get your blood pressure up like this."

"Then you should have thought about THAT BEFORE you called Dr. Parrish!  You've been so damned worried about Kevin's games and him hurting me but you didn't think twice about hurting me yourself but I guess it's okay since we're supposedly together!"

"I love you, Jessica, and I didn't....."

"YOU CALLED!  That was intentional!  You called TWENTY MINUTES after promising me I could tell you when I got to London!"

Richie moved to her and tried to take her in his arms but she backed away.

"DON'T YOU DARE!   Get the hell away from me!"

"Jesse, please, hear my side of it."


Tico had slipped in unnoticed and put his hand on Richie's arm.  "Go on.  Get out and let me talk to her."

Richie looked at Jesse as she sat down, her tears flowing like rivers.  His heart was breaking because he knew it was his fault.  Quietly, he left.

Tico moved to Jesse and sat down putting his arm around her.  Without hesitation, she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his shoulder as she began to sob.  Tico pulled her tight rubbing her back and pressing a kiss into her hair.  They sat like that for a long time, the only sounds were Jesse's sobs.

Finally, as she began to calm, Tico said, "Jess, you need to hear Richie's side.  I know you're hurt because he went behind your back but he did it because he loves you.  He did it because he's scared.  Your heart condition is a very serious situation and he deserves to know what he faces."

"But he told me he could wait.  I was going to tell him as soon as I got here, soon as I could be in his arms."

"He meant it too but he's scared, Jess.  All his life, he has wanted more than just one child....but Heather could only give him Ava.  He was thrilled with that but she left him and you walked into his life.  You love him...the whole man, music, touring, all of it...and once more, he saw the future he'd always dreamed of.  He's terrified of going out on tour and getting a call from his mom or Dorothea or Alejandra or one of your friends telling him to hurry home because you aren't going to make it.  He would never do anything to intentionally hurt you.  He had every intention of telling you what he'd done...he just didn't expect you to get here as early as you did."

Jesse sat up and wiped her tears.  "Why didn't you tell him?"

"You asked me not to and I had no idea he was going to make that announcement on the roof.  If I had known, I would have told him you were here for it."

"I over-reacted....didn't I?"

"To a certain degree, yes, you did.  You had a right to be angry with him but you should have listened to his side before you threw the glass at him."

"I didn't throw it at him," she smirked.  "I guess I have myself to blame for part of this."

Tico smirked, "Probably.  If I know him, he's waiting outside.  Why don't I get him so he can tell you his side?"

"Thanks, Pop."

"Any time!  Go wash your face while I get Richie."  Tico gave her a kiss on her forehead before going to get Richie.

"Is she okay?" asked Richie as Tico emerged.

"She will be once you two talk.  She's washing her face now."


"Any time and take your time.  We've got Ava for you."

Richie smiled, "Jesse?"

"She called yesterday to ask me to take care of a few things for her.  If I'd known you were going to make that announcement, I'd have stopped you.  I knew she was going to be here in time to see us."

Richie sighed, "I shouldn't have done it but....damn, Tic....I AM excited about being a father again."

"Tell her."

Richie went into the dressing room.  As the door was closing, Jesse came out of the bathroom and they both stopped to stare at the other.  A long moment passed before Jesse rushed into his arms.  Holding her tight, he closed his eyes to take in her scent and the way her body fit against his.

"God, I've missed you," he whispered.

"I've missed you too, Richie!"

"Let's go sit down on the couch," suggested Richie not letting go of her.  He led her to the couch and when he sat down, he pulled her into his lap.  "Jesse, I was going to tell you about calling Dr. Parrish as soon as you got here.  I never thought you'd get here in time to see us perform though."

Jesse played with is necklace as she said, "I managed to get an earlier flight with a shorter layover and we didn't have to switch planes.  I'd called Tico to tell him because I wanted to surprise you."

"I'm sorry for going behind your back like that, Jesse."

"I apologize for over-reacting."

"I'm just glad your aim wasn't any better," chuckled Richie.

"Actually, I hit where I was aiming," she smirked.  "You SHOULD be glad I wasn't aiming for you."

That got a laugh from him.  "Small favors!"  Getting serious with his hand on her stomach, "Jess, I'm extremely excited that you're pregnant but at the same time, I'm terrified too."

"I know," she whispered as she ran her fingers along the back of his hand.  "Tico told me.  Richie, I don't relish the idea of dying either but I do love you and I want to have your many as you want!"

Richie laced his fingers with hers.  "I know I have no right to ask you this but you promised me in Virginia that you would follow the doctor's orders..."

"I'll keep my promise," she reassured giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

"Even though I didn't keep mine?"

Jesse smiled, "It was so romantic that you were telling everyone from the roof."

"Right up to the point you realized I'd called?"

"Even then," Jesse nestled her head against his shoulder.  "The biggest reason I got so mad was because I had planned how I was going to tell you."

"I'm sorry I ruined your sweet addiction," he apologized as he pressed a kiss into her hair.

"How do YOU ALWAYS manage to surprise me without me finding out?"

Richie chuckled, "Age and experience."

"I guess," she sighed closing her eyes.  Her head was about to split because of all the emotions.  She tried now to focus on the warmth of Richie's hand on her stomach and his arms holding her close to his body.  She loved the way he made her feel.

Richie closed his eyes as he said a silent 'thank you'.  He'd missed her more than he'd let on.  "What were you going to do to tell me?"

"Mmmm, we were going to have a private dinner here in your dressing room."

"We can still do that."

"Good, because Tico set it up for me this morning before I got here....all of your favorites."

"Were you going to tell me over dinner?"

"Nope!  I was going to tell you during the show.  I had planned to talk to Obie and have him let me talk to you during your solo...and I was going to tell you then."

"I would have TOTALLY blown the song."

"I know," she smirked.  "That was part of my plan."

"That's not fair."

"All's fair in love and war and this is DEFINITELY love," she purred looking over her shoulder at him.

Richie kissed her softly.  "You know I would have made you come out with me.

"Yeah, I know."

"Is that all you had planned?"

"No, after the show, at the hotel, I had a gift for you...well, more like a couple gifts.  I can give the one I bought to you now," and she started to get up.

Richie held on to her saying, "Stay put.  I'm not ready to let you go."

"I was just going to get your gift.  I was coming right back."

"It can wait.  You said you'd bought one but what was the other one?"


"I already have you!"

"I know but I got this really beautiful white satin gown that I wanted to show you....let you unwrap me and make love."

"You know, we could do everything you planned still," cooed Richie as he slipped his hand under her shirt to the bare skin.  "All I need to do is lock the door."

"Mmmm, it's VERY tempting but I really wanted to show you the new gown," replied Jesse.

"Then how about a heavy make-out session?"

"How heavy?"

"Half-way between third and home!"

"I want to make love but not here.  I want to fall asleep in your arms, Richie."

Jesse yawned getting a chuckle from Richie.  "Baby, I think you could fall asleep now."

"I could but honestly, my head hurts from all the emotions."

"Why don't you take a nap then while we wait for dinner?"

"I can handle THAT."

"You could have handled making love too," he smiled giving her a squeeze.  "Scoot off my lap and I'll grab a blanket."

"Just hold me, please.  Tell me about the first two shows."

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything!  What were the fans like?  Did you make any mistakes?"

"Close your eyes then," and with Jesse nestled safely in his arms, Richie told her what she wanted to hear.  In no time at all, she was asleep.  He could easily have moved her so he could get up but Richie didn't want to let go of her.  "Thank you, God for bringing Jesse into my life," he said softly as he placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

Chapter 121        Index