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Chapter 115

"About fucking time you called!"

"I can hang up if that's the way you're going to speak to me."

Hearing the hurt in her voice, Richie immediately regretted snapping at her.  Taking a seat across from Jon, he hung his head.  Tenderly, he said, "I'm sorry, Jess.  How did everything go?"

"That's a little better.  Everything went find and Dr. Cross is going to fax you his report."

"What number did you use?"

"Obie gave me a number.  Who's head have you bitten off today?"

"No one's.  I've been hiding in my hotel room most of the afternoon....avoiding everyone.  Do I get a hint about the other results?"

Jesse knew what he wanted to know but she wasn't going to tell him over the phone.  "Do you know how much I miss you?"

"As much as I miss you, baby.  It won't be much longer...four more days."  Richie knew she was dancing around the subject.  "Jess, I don't think I can wait."

Taking a deep breath, she said, "Without fixing the problem, a pregnancy is risky but not out of the question.  If I do get pregnant, he wants to monitor me just like my OB would."

"Does that mean you aren't pregnant?"

"I'm not telling you one way or the other.  You promised I could surprise you."

There was a long silence on the line before he finally said, "Okay...for now."

"I do love you, Richie."

"I never doubted that, Jesse."  Knowing he wasn't going to get anywhere, it was his turn to change the subject.  "What are you doing now?"

"Headed to the airport to pick up Ava."  Jesse heard the tone of Richie's voice and almost caved.  She had really wanted him with her and at that moment, she hated his 'job'.  "As soon as I get to London and can be in your arms, I promise, I'll tell you what Dr. Parrish found."

The urge to have her in his arms at that moment was overwhelming and the tears sprang fourth.  Dashing them away, he said, "Too bad you won't be here for Jon's big surprise."

"What surprise?"

"We're performing on top of the O2 arena."

"Has Jon lost his damn mind?"

Richie chuckled, "Probably.  If I knew you were pregnant, I could shout it from the roof while we're up there."

"When are you guys doing it?"

"Around noon."

"Oh!  My flight isn't due in until one."

"I know."

Jesse paused, "Richie...."

"When you're in my arms, baby...I can wait that long....I think.  Have you seen Stevie?"

"Not yet.  I'll see him tomorrow."

"Promise me you won't be alone with Kevin."

"I promise.  I'm going to record it and closing ceremonies for you."

"Thanks. Give him a hug and a kiss for me.  Did you get him a gift?"

"I did.  I got him the Lego set he wanted and put your name on it too.  Richie....I'm at the airport now so I need to go.  Love me forever?"

"And a day.  I'll call you later."

Chapter 116        Index