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Chapter 11

Rolling over, she looked at the clock – 8:00 PM.   “Damnit!” she mumbled.  Then she realized where she was and panicked, “Stevie!” 

Quickly she jumped up and rushed out to the kitchen where she almost ran into Tony who caught her to keep her from falling.  

“Where’s Stevie?” she demanded. 

“Just like an outlaw…making demands without even saying hello,” teased Tony. 

“Hello,” she growled.  “Where’s Stevie?” 

Richie wrapped his arms around her from behind.  “Calm down.  He’s in bed – homework done, bathed, and had a bed-time story.  Why don’t you go up and kiss him good-night?  I expect he’s still awake.” 

Her heart melted.  “You did all that?” 

“Yes, I did.  Go on up.” 

“Come with me?” 

“Of course.” 

The couple headed upstairs and the threesome looked at each other. 

“Those two are head over heels for each other,” said Billy. 

“It’s about time Jesse had some happiness.  I don’t remember the last time she was this happy.” 

Upstairs, Jesse sat down on the edge of the bed.  “Hey, Little Man!  I’m sorry I wasn’t around today for you.” 

“It’s okay, Mama.  You were tired and I had TONS of fun with Uncle Tony and Uncle Billy and Richie.” 

“You’ll have to tell me all about it tomorrow.  How do you feel?” 

“MUCH better!” 

“Okay, well, go to sleep now,” and she gave him a kiss. 

As she was leaning over him, he gave her a hug and whispered in her ear, “I told Richie it would be okay to date you.” 

“Really?” she smiled looking up at Richie. 

“He says he wants to make you happy and Mama, I want to see you happy…like in the pictures with Pawpaw!” 

Jesse brushed his hair back.  “I love you.  Now go to sleep.” 

“Good night, Mama.” 

Jesse got up and moved to stand in Richie’s arms, her arms around his waist as she looked back at her son.   

“He’s a good kid.  You’ve done a wonderful job with him.” 

“Thank you.” 

“Come on.  Let’s go downstairs.” 

At the bottom of the steps, Richie put his hands on her shoulders and guided her to the bedroom. 

“What are you doing?” she asked as he turned on the light. 

“I wanted to talk to you alone for a minute.” 


“Dinner.  Can you get ready in less than an hour?” 

“I guess so.  Where are we going?” 

“Your favorite restaurant.” 

“We’ll never make it.” 

“They don’t close until eleven and I’ve already called to make reservations.  I have a private section so we don’t need Tony or Billy to go with us.  Before you protest, they are staying with Stevie since they’re staying with me until I leave.” 

“A real date?” 


“What do I wear?” 

“Whatever you want but I made a couple calls today and you should be getting some new clothes soon.  I had Nikki send me some of the outfits we just premiered.” 

“You’ve lost me on that.  Tell me later.  What are you wearing?” 

“I’m going to change my shirt and pull on my boots.” 

“To make you even taller?” she smirked. 

Richie laughed, “You’ll be okay.  Go get ready.” 

He started to leave but she said, “Richie.” 

Looking back, “Yeah.” 

“What if I had said ‘no’?” 

“I wasn’t going to let you say ‘no’,” he grinned giving her a wink.  “You need to eat.” 

Jesse felt herself melt on the inside.  It had been so long since she had felt like this and the fact that it was with the guy she had dreamed about forever made it even better.  Excitement flooded through her and she fell back on the bed.  “OH MY GOD!  I am DATING Richie Sambora.” 

Laughter was her response as her best friend appeared in the doorway.  “I was wondering how long it would take to register!” 

“Ashley!! I just thought he was being nice!” 

“I TOLD you…that man is really into you.  Even Tony and Billy agree.” 

“I have to get a shower and do my hair and….what am I going to wear?” 

“Relax.  Go get your shower and I’ll pick out an outfit for you.” 

“Thank you!” 

As she stood in the shower, Jesse felt that familiar fear trying to come out.  She’d been down this road before with a celebrity and he’d trashed her heart.  She told herself that Richie wasn’t like that…he was older and he wasn’t married.  

Showered, Jesse headed back to her room where Ashley had laid out three outfits.   

“Richie is wearing a black button-down shirt.” 

Jesse looked at what Ashley had picked out and quickly chose a pair of black jeans, a black tank top, and black pair of heels.  As she dressed, she asked, “What did they do all day?” 

“Richie and Stevie went to the grocery store together while I went to the school and got Stevie’s missed work.  Billy and Tony were on a mission that Richie sent them on.” 

Tucking in her shirt, she asked, “What kind of mission?” 

“Don’t know.  Richie was being very closed lipped about it.  Maybe you can get it out of him.  Have you thought any more about London?” 

“Geez!  I’ve been asleep all day!  How was I supposed to think about it?” 

“I can’t believe you slept all day.  When was the last time you slept more than three hours…and in a bed?” 

“I don’t remember…before Stevie was born.”  Jesse stopped and looked at a picture of her dad.  “You’re going to think I’m crazy.” 


“Last night, Richie pulled me into his lap and the only thing I could think about was it was the same way Daddy use to get me to go to sleep.  And then, I had a dream about Daddy…it was so real too.  He was there,” she said pointing to the seat in the window.  “He told me to trust Richie and let him take care of Stevie and me.” 

“I don’t think you’re crazy, Jesse.  You miss your dad and Bon Jovi was his favorite group.  It stands to reason that you’d think about him while you’re with Richie.  You need to listen to his advice….relax.  Richie isn’t going to treat you like ‘he’ did.”  Ashley got up and moved to her best friend who wiped her tears.  Giving her a hug, she said, “He really does adore you and watching him with Stevie….Jess, he treated him as if he were his own son.” 

Hearing Richie in the kitchen, she said, “He’s waiting for me.  I need to hurry up.” 

“What about your hair?” 

“I’ll just put it in a ponytail to save time.” 

The two headed to the bathroom where Ashley helped Jesse finish getting ready and then they stepped into the kitchen where all three men stopped talking.   

“WOW!” praised Richie. 

Jesse moved to him and he wrapped her in his arms. “You’re pretty wow too!” she smiled up at him. 

“You two need to get going,” said Tony.  “Jess, your car is gassed and ready.” 

“Thank you.  Are you sure you don’t mind babysitting?” 

“Positive,” said Tony and Billy together.  “Have fun,” said Tony. 

“See you tomorrow, Jess,” said Ashley.

Chapter 12                Index