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Chapter 106

"OH MY GOD! RICHARD!" exclaimed Jesse as she held her phone to her ear.

"What's wrong?"

"I have like a gazillion messages because I haven't had my phone all freakin' weekend.  I'll NEVER get caught up."

"Put it on speaker and set it down so you can write or type if you're going to use your laptop.  You've got time while I drive to get it done."

"You're NO help," she grumbled.

"I can be if you'll put it on speaker," commented Richie.


For the next hour, Jesse listened to her messages.  Most of them were business for Richie, requests to collaborate or make special appearances, but she did have a few personal messages as well.  She took notes as she listened with Richie telling her how he wanted it handled.  When she'd gone through all her messages, she began returning calls with his schedule in front  of her.

Richie was going crossing into New Jersey when Jesse finished and he handed her his phone.  "Here, go through my messages please."

"I need your password."

Richie gave it to her and she called his voice mail putting it on speaker so he could hear too.  The first few were from the guys letting him know that Frankie and Dakota were okay as well as Stevie.  Heather even called to ask how things were going.  Then the message that would break Richie's heart.

"Hey Daddy!  Hope you and Jesse are okay.  I wanted to let you know that I'm not coming to London until the 26th.  'Eclipse' is premiering on the 24th and my friends and I had made plans to go together.  I love you and I can't wait to see you & Jesse for the wedding."

Jesse looked over and saw a tear make it's way down Richie's cheek.  Reaching over, she took his hand.  "Richie, she just wants to be with her friends.  It's not that she doesn't want to be with you."

Richie remained silent but he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. 

Jesse deleted the message and closed the phone.  They rode for a while in silence as Jesse thought.  There had to be a way to fix this so that Ava and Richie would both be happy.  Looking at her laptop, she got an idea.  Typing, she began to search until she found what she was looking for.  Then she grabbed her own phone again and searched the contacts. 

Pushing send, she put her phone to her ear and waited.

"Who are you calling?"

"Hey, Kel, this is Jessica James....he's just great.....I need a favor...actually, it's for Richie and Ava....yeah....I need...." Jesse stopped and looked at Richie.  "How many friends would Ava want to take?"

"I'm not sure.  She's got a couple good friends she does things with."

"Kel, can you get Richie on the celebrity guest list and 5 tickets to the premiere?....That's awesome and I'm SURE she'll LOVE that!  Thank you SOOOO much.....of course I'll let you know when I get to town.....I wish I could come with him but I've got a couple things to do before I can join him.....I'm really looking forward to meeting you too....Thank you so much for hooking us up."  Jesse cut her phone off and looked at Richie.  "Tonight, call Ava and tell her to invite two friends to join her in London.  They can fly over with me and stay for the wedding."

Richie shook his head.  "No, you call her and take care of all the details."

"Richie, Ava doesn't need to know it was me who set it up.  Besides, I used YOUR connections and I'd never have gotten the tickets if it weren't for you."  She saw Richie about to say something so she stopped him.  "It's my turn to be your Superman, Richie."

"Are you really sure you want to deal with three pre-teen girls when you have all the wedding stuff to handle too?"

"I'm sure!  They can help me and Ava will feel like she's a part of it too."

Richie took her hand in his and placed a kiss on the back.  "You're amazing!"

"I love you too.  Want me to drive some?"

"Are you finished with everything?"

"All I can do for now."

"Are you tired?"


"Okay!  Okay!" he laughed.  "I want some coffee anyway.  You want anything?"

"Can I get a Mt. Dew this far north?" she asked.


"You seem to think so."

"No, I don't think you're cute!  I think you're fucking gorgeous and yes, you can get a Mt. Dew this far north."

"I want one when you stop."

Richie let go of her hand and reached up to caress her cheek.  "You can have whatever your heart desires!'

Jesse put her hand on his.  "My heart desires you."

"I'm yours for as long as you'll have me."

The two rode in silence for several minutes with Richie holding her hand in his, his thumb stroking the skin on the back.  Jesse watched him, her thoughts completely about him.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"What do you want to know, baby?"

"For the last three mornings, you've asked me to tell you one thing I love about you.  Why?"

"Every day, I want to find something new to love about you."

Jesse smiled.  "How can you be so romantic and NOT married?"

"Give me a couple months and I'll be very married!" he smiled.  "Jess, I don't want to take our love for granted.  I don't want us to go to bed angry and I want us to work for a VERY long time."

Jesse leaned to him putting her hand on his cheek.  "I love you so much, Richie.  I don't want anyone else in my life!"  She placed a soft kiss on his lips, "Tell you what....instead of doing it in the morning, let's do it before we go to bed.  That way, if we've had an argument, it'll force us to say something nice."

"I like that idea!"

"But I can't imagine us having a fight."

"We'll have's inevitable," said Richie.  "But, we'll make it as long as we work at it.  Come on, let's go in and then we'll switch."

"Promise me you'll play the song."

"I promise," he smiled as he kissed the tip of her nose.

Chapter 107        Index