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Chapter 1

Hey, This is Richie Sambora.  Hey, lay your hands on THIS! 

All eyes in the gallery were on her as she quickly checked her text message. 

“Ashley, I need to call Carly.” 

“Is everything okay?” 

“I don’t know.”  Moving to a corner, Jessica quickly pushed the speed-dial number for her babysitter and waited.  “Hey, Carly.  What’s up?....How high is it?....That’s not too bad.  Give him some Tylenol now and in three hours, give him Motrin.  As long as he’s awake, keep alternating.  If he gets worse, text me….I will.  See you in the morning.” 

Closing her phone, Jessica James turned to rejoin her best friend only to run into a tall man who caught her in his arms preventing her from falling. 

“Excuse me,” she apologized.  “I didn’t….” she stopped in mid-sentence realizing just who the arms belonged to. 

“It’s okay.  I wanted to make sure everything was okay,” he smiled, a touch of his Jersey accent coming out in his words. 

“No, everything isn’t okay and I probably should go home,” she answered. 

“Are you in DC for the concert tonight?” 

“Yeah, how did you guess?” 

“Heard your ring tone and figured you were a fan.” 

Red fire exploded in her cheeks as she groaned, “Oh god!” 

“I’m flattered.  How about having a drink with me?” 

Stunned, Jessica said, “Uh, okay.  I’d love to but…” 

“Your friend can join us.” 

“Are you sure?” 

“Positive.  Maybe I can distract you for a little while and you won’t feel guilty for being here.” 

With Richie beside her, Jessica went back to where Ashley was seemingly looking at a picture. 

“Ash, let’s go.” 

Ashley turned around.  “Oh….my….god….you’re…..” 

“Yes, he is and HUSH,” hissed Jessica.  In a quiet voice, “He’s invited us to have a drink with him.” 

Almost too quickly, Ashley said, “You go on and enjoy yourself.” 

“I can’t leave you alone.” 

“Yes, you can.  I’m a big girl.  Now, go, have fun, and call me when you’re done.” 


Whispering, “Don’t worry about me.  Richie is your favorite.  Enjoy!” 

“Thank you, Ash.” 

“Hold on before you go.  Richie, how about a picture with Jesse?” 

“Sure!”  agreed Richie and he wrapped his arm around Jesse’s shoulder. 

Ashley took the picture and watched as her best friend left with Richie Sambora giving a silent cheer.

Chapter 2       Index