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Chapter 8~

They arrived at Orlando Airport. It was quiet. Too quiet. We are used to

screaming fans everywhere, here there is no one. Well, I shouldn't say no

one. The boys families were here, and boy were they happy to see them. The

guys just looked around in shock. Lou just looked around and smiled. He was

happy the airport was empty. He was so pissed at Eileen, and was hoping this

would lead to a revolt by the boys and once again, they would be his.

Eileen stood looking around. Gosh I hope I did the right thing she thought.

She knew in her heart that she did. At least she believed in the guys. She

would do whatever it took to make them stars here and wipe that stupid smirk

off of Lou's face. God how I hate him. She watched as the guys all joined

with their respective families. How they had missed them. They spent so much

time calling home from Europe, at least the phone bills would be more

manageable. Lou got his bags and called good-bye to the guys saying he would

call them all in a day or two. As he was leaving, he brushed by Eileen and

whispered in her ear, "I hope your satisfied. You just killed the Backstreet


For the first time, Eileen felt alone. Lou went home to his beautiful house

and all the guys were with their families. She stood watching the touching

reunion of all the guys. A single tear fell. She truly was alone. She quietly

slipped away to the ticket counter. "When is the next flight to New York?"

she inquired. "Im sorry Miss. There isn't one until tomorrow." OK, she

thought, I will just crash in a hotel for the night and leave in the morning.

She wanted to give the guys a couple of weeks to spend with their families

and she needed to figure out a plan of attack. She had really gone off half

cocked this time. What the hell was I thinking? I bring these guys home to no

fans. No one knows who the hell they are and I don't even have a plan! She

was suddenly jolted out of her thoughts by Howie. "Eileen, what are you

doing?" he asked watching her walk away from the ticket counter. "I was

finding out about a flight home D. Unfortunately, there isn't one till

tomorrow" she replied. "HOME? You mean as in New York?" Howie asked

surprised. "Yes, D. Florida is YOUR home. I don't belong here" she said

wistfully. Thinking about how she was going to survive without these guys.

"Eileen, you cant leave us!" Howie yelled loud enough to get the others

attention. "Its not permanent Howie. Just for a couple of weeks. You guys

need to spend some time with your family and I need to work on our next

move." AJ quickly joined in. "Why cant you work from here? We haven't been

apart in years. You cant leave us now." She walked over to him and put her

arms around him. "I have no place here AJ. You all need to be with your

families a bit and home for me is in New York." What the hell is going on

here, she thought. This should be easy. Drop the guys off for a while and

head home for some peace and quiet. Too bad I have fallen in love with each

and every one of these guys. Why does each have to be so special?

The next morning, Eileen was on the first plane home to New York. She had

said good-bye to the guys the day before at the airport and told them she

would be in touch in the next few days. As she walked into her parents home,

she immediately felt empty. She hadn't been there since her parents had been

killed a year and a half ago. What am I doing here, she thought. This isn't

home. This is a place I couldn't wait to get away from and now I'm back and I

don't know why. She knew the answer deep down inside. She had to be away from

the guys. She was doing the one thing that was the most unprofessional. She

was getting too close. Over the next week, work is what Eileen buried

herself in. She was working out a plan to get the guys noticed. Lou was not

gonna like this, but tough shit she thought. The days went by quickly. It was

the nights that were hard. She was so used to the guys having a show and then

they all would hang out together afterward. Now the nights were empty and


AJ called the guys one by one asking them to meet at his house the next day

at one. Each asked why, and honestly AJ didn't know. He was just doing what

he was asked to do by Eileen. The next day, one by one each guy came to AJ's

including Lou. "What is this all about?" he asked. "I don't know Lou. Eileen

just called me yesterday and asked me to gather everyone together today." Lou

didn't like this. He didn't like this one bit. What the hell is she up to, he

thought. Shortly after they all arrived, AJ's doorbell rang one final time.

He opened the door and went running into the arms of Eileen. Quickly all the

guys joined in. "OK, Ok" Eileen laughed. "Its only been a week guys!" If they

only knew how much she really missed them. Lou stepped up to her. "So lets

get this meeting on the road. I'm a busy man and I've got things to do, even

though this reunion is SO touching Eileen." She just smirked at him. "Sure

Lou, lets get to it. Ok, guys this is the deal here. You are unknown here and

I've come up with an idea of how to get you known to the right crowd of

people." They all sat around listening to her plan. They seemed to be in

agreement and excited about this. "Are you out of your fucking mind Eileen?"

Lou asked. "A high school and middle school tour?" "Yeah, why not Lou? They

are the right crowd for the guys and the rest of the ages will come along

later." "Well I don't like it one bit. Not one bit" Lou said slamming his

hand on the table to accentuate his point. "OK Lou, so then what is your big

idea?" Eileen asked with a smirk. "UGHHHHHH" was the only reply she received

as he stormed out the door. "School here we come" Brian said as he jumped on

the chair. "Oh, by the way guys, I've got one more thing to run by you all.

I've sold the New York house. I'm moving to Florida" she said amid the cheers.


Chapter 9~

The guys and I took off across the country in a high school and middle school

tour. Lou was conspicuously absent. He told me he had to go back to Europe

for a while. I don't trust him, I know he is up to something. Well, whatever

he is doing I for one am glad to be rid of him for a while. The guys seemed

to be enjoying themselves on this tour. It was nice to see, I was getting

worried that this wasn't gonna work. The kids seemed to be loving their music

and I was breathing a sigh of relief.

One night while they were winding up their show, Nick slipped coming off

stage and landed right on his back. "Oh SHIT!" was my first reaction as I ran

over. Nick just lay there, his eyes closed. "Nicky, Nicky are you all right?"

There was no answer. All the guys gathered around. I was in a total panic.

"Nicky! talk to me" I said running my hand through his blonde hair. Finally,

Nick bust out laughing. "Gotcha!" he said. I starting hitting him out of

frustration. "I swear to God Nick, I'm gonna kill you! I thought you were

really hurt" I cried. "Nothing hurt here except my pride maybe" he laughed

again. The guys were cracking up as I chased Nick through the whole backstage

area trying to kill him for real.

Later that evening I went to Nicks room to check on him. I knocked softly and

he answered "its open, come on in." I walked in to find Nick laying on his

bed watching TV in his boxers. "I just came to see if you were really all

right" I said softly.

"Yeah I guess I am" he said with a slight hesitation in his voice. I sat down

on the edge of his bed. "Are you gonna tell me what's really wrong Nicky?"

"I'm ok Ei, just my back is a little sore is all." he smiled. Why does that

smile melt my heart? Stop it Ei!! Then I heard words coming out of my mouth I

didn't even know I was saying. "Want me to rub it for you Nicky?" "Yeah, that

would be great Ei" he said rolling on to his stomach. I climbed on top of him

straddling his his hips. I gently started to rub up by his shoulders, running

my hands along the bottom of his hair. Damn, he feels so soft I thought. I

continued down his back, rubbing and kneading everywhere. Am I crazy, I

thought? I shouldn't be doing this, but he feels soooooo good. I heard Nick

softy moaning. "I'm not hurting you am I Nicky?" "Nooooo, this feels so

good. We should have hired you as our masseuse, not our assistant Ei. Please

don't stop."

All at once, a million thoughts ran through my mind. I shouldn't be doing

this, why does he have to be so soft, why am I getting so wet? I got down to

the bottom of his back and went to slide off him, but he quickly turned over.

"Where ya going, pretty lady?" he smiled that smile. Ya know the one that

makes your heart melt. "Its late Nicky, you better get some sleep" I said

trying once again to get off him, but he grabbed my arms and pulled me on top

of him. "It's not that late, please don't go yet" he said as he leaned up and

ran his lips across mine.

H E L P !! My mind screamed. My lips on the other hand, had a mind of their

own. Within seconds, I felt his tongue searching my mouth. As he pulled away,

the only thought I could form was "Oh Shit, Nick" as my mouth crashed into

his again. I felt his hands sliding up inside my shirt, pulling it up as he

went. Seconds later, my shirt and bra were off and Nick was sucking my

nipples hard. I threw my head back and groaned. "Ahhhh my pretty lady likes

that huh?" I couldn't respond. Too many thoughts were racing through my head.

All of a sudden I was on my back and Nick was licking his way down my body. I

can't be doing this, I thought. I looked down at him, and found his beautiful

blue eyes staring into mine. "Relax baby, Nicky will make you feel real

good" he said just before sliding his tongue into my belly button driving me

over the edge. Oh fuck it, I thought. This feels like heaven and its been way

too long since I've had a man. "Oh I bet you will Nicky" I said as I ran my

hand through his hair. It felt like silk and I was lost in the moment. That

was all the encouragement he needed. My pants were off in seconds and he was

between my legs. I felt like I died and went to heaven. "Nick, I need you

inside me baby" I whispered. The one thing I can say about Nick is he is very

obedient. In a second he was laying on top of me waiting to enter. "I've

dreamed about this for a long time Eileen," he said looking into my eyes.

"You have no idea how many nights I've lied in bed thinking of this." Then he

slowly slid in. He didn't move for a second letting me get used to his size.

The feeling was amazing. He started moving very slowly even though I tired to

get him to go faster. "Patience, my lady" he said pushing me down so I

couldn't move. He just kept going at his pace bring us both to a mind blowing

orgasm. After catching his breath, he rolled off me bring me with him to lay

on his chest. As I lay in his arms, I came to my senses once again. What the

fuck did I just do??


Chapter 10~

Well, its been six months and the guys are doing great with the school tour.

The kids seem to love them. Unfortunately, the first single was a commercial

bomb. The guys were so bummed about it. I think we just chose the wrong song.

I have met up with a woman named Hildy at a local radio station. She has met

the guys and loves them and their music. She is also gonna help me hook up

with other local DJ's and try to get their music some airplay. We just have

to chose the next single much more carefully. I finally found out what that

fat bastard Lou is up too. He is still in Europe and apparently has got

himself a new boyband to line his pockets. He doesn't know that I know about

this yet. I'm waiting for just the right moment to call him on it.

As for me and Nick, well we are still seeing each other quietly. I don't

think nor do I want the other guys knowing about this. Yeah, Nick is a little

young but we make each other happy. I have seen a side of him I had no idea

existed. A softer gentler side. He makes me feel loved and wanted. God, I

haven't felt that way in a long time, but I think if the guys found out they

would have a cow!

I had decided to call a meeting of the guys to discuss the next single and

some promos when I got a knock on my door. I opened it to find a somber faced

AJ and Kevin on the other side. "Eileen, we need to talk" Kevin said. "We

think we might have made a mistake coming back here" added AJ. "Funny you

should mention that, I was gonna call a meeting tonight to discuss a lot of

things with you guys. I have an appointment I have to make, but how bout you

round up the guys and meet in AJ's room at 7" Eileen said looking at her

watch. It was 5:30 and her appointment was at 6. "Ok, we will see ya then

sweetie" AJ said as he and Kevin went to let the other guys know.

Eileen walked off the elevator in a daze. She didn't know what to think. A

thousand things were running through her mind. AJ ran up to her, grabbing her

by the shoulders. "Are you ok? Its 8:30 and we've been waiting for you to

have this meeting." "Huh? Did you say something J?" Eileen said, shaking her

head trying to think straight. "Ei, are you all right? Your hours late, you

seem to not have any idea what the hell your doing and your white as a

ghost?" "Yeah, Im fine honey. I just have something on my mind. I'm sorry

about the meeting. Can we do it in the morning?" "Yeah" he said walking her

to her room. "Us guys are going downstairs to the club, do you want to come

with us?" "Ummm, no thanks, you guys go have a good time. I just want to lay

down" Eileen said opening her door. AJ noticed the forced smile.

Once in her room, Eileen started pacing like a caged animal. I should just go

in there and tell him. What if he flips out? What choice do I have? Ok, I'm

gonna just do it. Eileen knocked softly on Nicks room. "Its open" she heard

him yell. She entered his room to find him standing in front of the mirror

fixing his hair. "My hair sucks. It won't stay" he said. "Ummm Nick, I need

to talk to you." Nick looked over for a second to find Eileen looking kind

of pale. "Wazzup hon" "Well, I've got some news Nick. I just came from the

doctors" Eileen said speaking softly. "Shit, I'm never gonna get my hair to

stay right" Nick whined. "Nicky, I'm six weeks pregnant" Eileen yelled in

disgust, thinking all he cared about was his damn hair. He looked over at her

once again for about two seconds, seeing the look in her eyes and knowing she

was telling the truth. He reached into his back pocket, took out his wallet

and threw something on the bed. "That should take care of things Ei" he said

nonchalantly. Eileen walked over to the bed and picked up what he had thrown

down. She then walked over to the dresser where Nick was standing. She

slammed the item down and spun him around to face her. "Five hundred dollars

Nick? You think that will FIX things?" Eileen reached up and slapped him

right across the face. Nick quickly grabbed Eileen by both wrists. "Don't you

ever touch me again Eileen. I am THE Nick Carter and you don't EVER touch me.

Do you understand?" He let go of her and they stood for a few seconds just

staring at each other. "I said take care of it and would ya mind leaving so I

could finish getting ready" he glared at her. Eileen turned and walked out

slamming the door behind her.

She entered her room in a panic. What the fuck just happened in there? He

doesn't care. He never has, who am I fooling. I was just keeping his bed

warm. How could I have been so stupid? She started looking around the room.

I've got to get out of here, she grabbed her purse and looked around. The

hell with everything else. Whatever I need I will buy new. She quickly got

into the elevator before anyone noticed. Once the doors shut, she broke down.

Violent sobs wracking her body. When the doors opened again, she ran out not

looking where she was going and crashed into someone, landing them both on

the floor. "Eileen, are you ok?" he asked. "I've got to go" was the only

reply. He saw she was hysterical and running for the door. When they were

outside he grabbed her in his arms. "Eileen, where are you going? What's

wrong? Talk to me" "I can't. I've got to get out of here" she said trying to

get away but he was stronger and not letting go. "C'mon, lets go somewhere

and talk" he said.

Chapter 11~

"No! Please let me go" She cried. "Eileen, please I would never hurt you" he

said softly. This made her lose it completely. She went limp against his arms

and just cried so hard. He flagged down a cab and walked them over. "Please,

lets go somewhere and talk" he said. She couldn't even talk anymore. She just

nodded her head. He held her in his arms and let her cry, not saying a word.

Shortly the cab stopped in front of a small beach front house. "C'mon

sweetie" he said, as he lead he to the door. "Where are we?" she asked

softly. "This is a friends place and he's out of town. I was here earlier. I

just use this place to chill out when we are in California." They went inside

and he sat her down on the couch and he sat on the floor at her feet. "Just

let me make a quick call, Ok?" he asked. "NO! Please don't tell anyone where

I am. Please." He looked up into her blue eyes filled with tears. "I won't, I

promise Ei." She nodded and he dialed quickly. "Yeah J, its me. I'm not gonna

make it tonight with you guys. Just go ahead without me, Ok? Yeah, I'm fine,

I just don't feel like partying tonight. Have fun, I'll see ya in the

morning. Bye"

"Ok, now that's done, do you want to tell me what is going on?" She sat back

on the couch and let out her breath that she didn't even know she was

holding. "I don't even know where to begin" a single tear ran down her face.

"I'm just so stupid. I let things get out of control and I have no idea how

to get it back." "Why don't you begin at the beginning Ei. Whatever it is, it

can't be that bad that it can't be fixed. Let me help you." Eileen began by

telling him about her six month long affair with Nick. This raised an

eyebrow. "I know it was stupid. I know he was too young. He just made me feel

loved and wanted. Something I haven't felt in a long time. Thats when things

went out of control." She then told him everything that happened earlier

about finding out she was pregnant with his child and his reaction. She told

him about slapping him and what he had said to her. Once she got started, she

couldn't stop. She poured her heart out to him. He sat and listened to

everything she said, never saying a word until she told him every last

detail. "Well, that's the whole story. Every gory detail." She couldn't look

him in the eye knowing what he must think of her. She looked at the ceiling,

the floor and everything around her except for him. He put his hand on her cheek and

turned her face to look at him. "Please don't" she whispered. "Why won't you

look at me Eileen?" he questioned. "I don't want to see the disgust in your

eyes." She started to cry again softly. "That's the one thing I don't think I

could stand to see right now. I know what you must be thinking. I'm dirty,

I'm a whore" she cried. He forced her to look at him. "Never, I would never

think that of you. How could you say that?" She saw nothing but hurt in his

eyes. "It's true. I knew better even if Nick didn't and I still did it. I

just needed someone to love me....." "I love you Eileen. I always have. Why

didn't you come to me?" he smiled softly at her. "It doesn't matter now. I

love you. I've waited so long to say that. I know you don't feel that way

about me, but let me help you Eileen. I'll take care of you and I'll take

care of the baby as if it were my own."

She looked at him in shock. "You love me?" "I have for years baby. I was too

afraid to tell you. I thought you would laugh. There is only one other person

who knows, and he has been telling me for years to tell you." Her head was

reeling. How much more could she take in one day. He loved me for years?, she

thought. "Who else knows?" For some strange reason she needed to know who was

in on his little secret. "AJ knows. He confided in me years ago about your

one night together because he was so confused and needed someone to talk to.

He was afraid that what happened between you would ruin your friendship.

That's when I told him how I felt about you. He swore to me he would never

touch you again since he knew how I felt." "He never did. We never did

anything again after that night. We talked and decided our friendship was too

important. He never told me about you" she said looking into his eyes. "He

and I have NEVER broken a confidence Eileen. He knew I would tell you when

the time was right. I don't think there has ever been a better time than

now." She reached down and brushed her hand across his cheek. He felt her

hand shake. He took it in his and kissed it. "I know he hurt you Eileen, but

I swear I would never do that to you. All I've ever wanted to do was love

you." "For the first time in my life, I'm at a loss for words. There are so

many emotions running thru me right now" she said. "Just say you'll give me

a chance to make you happy Eileen." "I want to but....." she stood and

started to walk towards the window. He stood up and put his arms around her.

He turned her towards him and brushed his lips across hers. "Oh Howie, I'm so


chapter 12~

Howie finally talked Eileen into going back to the hotel. It was about 2:30

in the morning when they arrived and all was quiet on the floor. He walked

her to her door and kissed her softly on the forehead. "I know you said you

needed time, take all the time in the world angel. Just know that whatever

happens and whatever decisions you make, I will be here for you always." She

looked up at him into his big brown eyes. "Thank you Howie" She whispered. "I

don't know what I've ever done to deserve someone like you in my life, but

thank you for everything." He smiled and opened her door for her. "Now go get

some sleep."

After hearing Eileen's door shut, Howie knew what he had to do next. He

walked next door to Nick's room and listened at the door for a minute. Good,

he thought. I can hear the TV so he must be up. He knocked gently. "Come in,

its open" he heard Nick yell. Howie entered quickly leaving the door slightly

open behind him by mistake. He looked over to Nick who was standing in front

of the dresser once again messing with his hair. He knew based on Nicks size

he would have to be fast, so he quickly moved across the room until he was

right next to Nick and with lightening speed brought his fist up and

connected with Nick's jaw knocking him to the floor. "What the fuck??" was

all Nick could get out before Howie started pummeling him with his fists.

"See Nick, when your on the floor, size doesn''t matter." Nick had no idea

what was going on and tried to push Howie off him. Howie was in such a rage

and couldn't be moved. Blood began flowing everywhere. "You son of a bitch.

How could you do that to her. You hurt her so bad and she never did anything

to you. Who the fuck do you think you are Nick? You are not God, you can't

play with people like you did to Eileen, you bastard" Howie was screaming at

him, accentuating each sentence with another blow.

Eileen thought she heard a bang from inside her room and she went out into

the hallway to see what was up. She saw Nicks door slightly open and she

heard yelling. She pushed the door open, and let out a blood curdling scream

when she saw what was going on inside. This sent all the guys out into the

hallway to see what was wrong. They pushed Eileen out of the way and piled

inside. Kevin grabbed Howie and pulled him off Nick. "Let me go Kev. I wanna

kill the bastard for what he did" Howie yelled. "Brian, you better call and

ambulance for him" Kevin said, looking at Nick whose face was covered in

blood. Eileen was still in the doorway shaking and hysterical crying. "AJ,

get her out of here" Kevin yelled. Howie was still fighting to get away from

Kevin, but he was being held in a bear hug and Kevin was too strong for him.

"What the fuck is going on here D?" Brian asked, kneeling next to Nick who

was unconscious. "That bastard hurt Eileen and then tried to buy her off. I

found her hours ago running out of the hotel crying and leaving us." Kevin

and Brian stood looking at each other with their mouths hanging open. "I know

Nick is being a little full of himself lately, but are you sure this is

true?" Brian asked. "You guys haven't even heard the half of it" Howie said

still struggling to get away. "Come on D, lets go to my room" Kevin said

ushering him out.

"What the fuck happened back there Eileen!" AJ yelled. "Oh God J, I thought

everything was going to be ok, and now it's even worse than before" she said

running her hand through her hair. They heard the paramedics leaving with

Nick and AJ grabbed her and took her to Kevin's room. Howie sat on Kevin's

bed with each hand in an ice bucket, bruised and bloody. AJ and Eileen came

in and Eileen immediately went to the opposite side of the room away from

Howie. "OK, now would someone like to explain to us what just happened here?"

Kevin yelled looking from Howie to Eileen. Eileen turned and looked out the

window and mumbled something inaudible. "What was that Ei?" Brian said. "I

just watched my best friend being wheeled out of here to the hospital, being

beaten up by another of my best friends and no one is talking?" Brian yelled.

Eileen turned to face the four men. "Its none of your business, now stay the

hell out of my life!" She yelled, trying to walk out. AJ grabbed her arm and

brought her back two steps to the guys. "It is OUR business when something is

going on in the group, now someone better talk" AJ said. Howie looked at

Eileen, and she looked away. He had nothing to lose now, he had already blown

it so he told them the whole story. Eileen listened as Howie told them

everything that happened , not once being able to look at any of them. She

looked at the floor, hating herself for everything that happened. When Howie

was done the silence in the room was deafening. Finally, Eileen made a move

towards the door. This time it was Kevin who stopped her. "How far along are

you?" he asked softly. "Six weeks Kev. Now I'm going to pack my things and

leave if you don't mind. I've cause enough trouble for one night."

"Don't go" she heard barely above a whisper from the back of the room.

Everyone turned and stared. "It's not your fault Eileen. He was being an

asshole and I guess he got what he deserved." Everyone was shocked to hear

this from him. He walked forward and took her in his arms. "Please don't

leave us because of him" Brian said. "We all love you and we will help you.

Nick is just going to have to learn he can't treat people like that no matter

WHO he thinks he is." They all gathered around her, each asking her to stay.

"And what happens when Nick gets back from the hospital?" She asked.

chapter 13~

A few hours later, the gang got a call from one of the bodyguards about Nick.

They would be keeping him until the morning. He had a broken jaw, broken nose

and basically his face looked like chopped meat. Eileen was pacing in AJ's

room. "J, what's gonna happen when Nick comes back tomorrow?" "Well first

off, he better apologize to you for being an asshole, or I will throw him

ANOTHER beatin'" AJ said seriously. "AJ! Stop it. I mean we still have 3 shows

left till the break. Nick is not going to be able to perform the way he is.

Lou is gonna have a fuckin' cow when he finds out about this." "I know" AJ

jumped up. "We say we have to cancel because Nick has the flu" he said proud

of himself. "That won't work cause you guys COULD perform without him. Oh

what a mess I've caused." She couldn't sit still and it was making AJ crazy.

"Well what about if I say I have the flu too. They can't do the show without

both of us." She stopped in her tracks. "That just might work and Lou won't

suspect a thing! You are brilliant J" she said kissing his cheek."AWWWWWW I

will never wash that cheek again" he said laughing. "Now go get some sleep!"

After what seemed like 5 minutes of sleep, Eileen woke to her phone ringing.

"Hey Ei, we are having a meeting in Kevin's room in a half hour" Brian said

to her. "K, Bri I will be there" she said rolling outta bed. Shit, she

thought. This is gonna be one long ass day. Eileen threw on some clothes and

headed to Kevin's room. She knocked and walked in. "Kev, I hope you have at

least a few pots of coffee in here" she said to him. He took the coffee cup

out of her hands. "No coffee for pregnant women. It's not good for you or the

baby" Kevin said. "Have I told you Kevin how much I hate you this very minute

for being so fuckin anal?" Eileen hissed. "Here, have some juice Ei" Brian

said as he handed her OJ. "Ok, lets get this meeting going" AJ said. "Eileen

and I talked last night and I came up with an idea so Lou won't find out

what's up here. She is going to tell him she canceled the last 3 shows cause

Nick and I have the flu. Aren't I brilliant?" AJ chuckled. "Yeah about as

brilliant as a 10 watt light

bulb " Brian laughed. "D, your kinda quiet this morning. What do you think

about the whole thing" Kevin asked, afraid of what his answer would be.

"Well, is there even going to be a group after the break?"AJ walked up to his

best friend. "There will be if you and Nick can stop being such pussies" AJ

yelled. "We didn't work this hard just for you guys to be idiots." Howie

stood up and walked over to Eileen. "I will apologize to Eileen for what I

did yesterday, but not to Nick. I'm sorry but he had it coming and no one

else had the balls to do it" Howie said walking out. I'm too fuckin tired for

this Eileen thought. "Well guys, this meeting has been a little slice of

heaven, but I'm going back to bed." She left also leaving Brian, AJ, and

Kevin to figure out what to do next.

3 hours later, Eileen's phone rang once again. "WHAT" she yelled into the

phone. "Can't anyone get any sleep around here?" "Sleeping on the job

Eileen?" Lou said. "Oh Hi Lou. Sorry, I thought you were one of the guys. We

have a little bit of a problem here Lou" Eileen said. Here goes nothing, she

thought. Lou smiled to himself, he liked hearing that. "OH, and what might

that be?" he said, glad she couldn't see the smirk on his face. "I have to

cancel the last 3 shows Lou."

"WHAT?? WHY??" "Well, Nick and AJ have the flu and I think I'm coming down

with it too. They can't go on without both of them, so I'm flying the boys

home tomorrow. I have work to do with the next single coming out so I wanna

rest up too and feel better." "OK, tell the guys I hope they feel better

soon. Ummmm you too Ei." he mumbled. "Hey Lou, are you still in Europe?" she

asked, praying the answer was yes. "Yeah, it looks like I''m gonna be tied

up here longer than I thought" he said. If she only knew, he thought. I've

got myself a little gold mine he thought. "Oh, ok. Well nothing is happening

here now anyway with the break coming up. The boys will love the month off to

spend time with their families. I'll talk to ya soon Lou." "Yeah bye" Lou

said. Thank God everything is alright there there he thought. It will give me

more time here with NSYNC he thought and no one will know what hit them!

That fat bastard, Eileen thought. I can't wait to see his face when I let him

know I'm on to his little plan she thought.

Eileen had just fallen back to sleep again. Once again the phone rang. "What

now Lou" she yelled into the phone. "Sorry to interrupt your sweet dreams my

sleeping beauty, but meeting in Kevin's room NOW!" AJ yelled into the phone

before hanging up. Eileen burst into the room yelling "this better be fuckin

good Kev. I'm tired of being woken up!" She came face to face with Nick. All

the guys were sitting towards the back of the room. Good thing for them she

thought. "Oh Shit" was all she could get out looking at his face. "Well if it

ain't Miss Thang" Nick said staring her down. Looking at the guys she said,

"What do you all want now. I don't know how much longer I can stand to be in

the same room with Mr. Personality, so make it quick" she glared back at

Nick. "OK ENOUGH!" Kevin yelled making everyone take notice. "We all have to

work together, so for the sake of the group I think we ought to try to figure

out how to make this work." "Kevin, have I told you today how fuckin ANAL you

are? Lets get one thing straight" Eileen yelled. "You" she said looking

around the room "work for me! If any of you don't like it, feel free to

leave!" As she said her last sentence, her eyes bore right through Nick.

"Well, I for one will have to think long and hard on that one" Nick spat out.

"Don't let the door hit ya on the ass on the way out Nick" she said as she

spun around and walked out.


chapter 14~

She walked back into her room and slammed the door with such force the

picture fell off the wall. Who the hell does he think he is? If he wants to

leave, well so be it. I'm so sure we could find another blonde to take his

place. He isn't as special as he thinks! She sat on her bed and put her head

in her hands. I can't believe I said that to the guys though. I've never

pulled rank on them like that. They must really hate me now, she thought.

"Ya know Nick, who do you think you are?" Kevin bellowed. "I don't know what

your problem has been lately and frankly, I don't care but if you want to be

part of this group it's time to get your head out of your ass!" "Hey! Why is

everyone picking on me? Remember I'm the one who just got out of the

hospital." "Gee Nick, I wonder why" AJ joined in. Brian walked over to Nick

and put his arm around him. "Nick, no one here is trying to pick on you, but

lately you've been acting a little funny. We are all just trying to help you.

That's all. Is there anything you want to talk about?" "Yeah, as a matter of

fact I do" Nick said, making them all sit up and take notice. "I'm wondering

why someone I considered a brother beat the shit out of me and landed me in

the hospital looking like this" Nick said pointing to his face. Howie sat

glaring at him. The silence in the room was deafening. Finally Howie stood up

and walked right in front of Nick. "You want to know why? Cause someone I

thought was a brother hurt another member of our family Nick. That's why. As

much as we are brothers, she is one of us too. She has been there with us

since the beginning. She has always loved us and took care of us. She was

never just an employee and she was never just a boss like Lou. She was one of

us, and because you think your God, you've hurt her and us in the process.

And also because you deserved it." Nick towered over Howie staring down at

him. "Ya want a shot Nick, go ahead. But I swear, if you ever hurt her again

I won't hesitate to beat the shit out of you again." Howie said. Nick just

laughed. "I don't think thats what this is all about at all. I know you've

always wanted her Howie and I think your just pissed off that I got her and

you didn't." Howie lunged for him again, but Kevin saw it coming and was

right on top of him. "OK that's enough both of you" Brian yelled. "Nick, your

my best friend and Howie your my brother but this shits gotta stop! What

happened between Nick and Eileen is over and done with. It can't be undone.

What ever happens between Howie and Eileen is THEIR business, not ours. What

IS our business is this group. We have our first American album coming out in

one week. We need to decide if this group is going to go on or not. Now who

wants to be a part of this group?" Brian looked around the room at each guy.

Kevin nodded, AJ nodded, Brian nodded, Howie nodded. They all looked at Nick.

Finally, Nick nodded. "Fine" Brian said. "Then its settled. We have to find a

way to work this out. Howie, do you think you can be in the same room without

trying to kill Nick?" "I guess" Howie said looking at the floor. "Nick? What

about you? Do you plan on being part of this group or do you still want to be

God?" "I guess" Nick said looking at the floor. "Good. we have a month of

coming to us to settle down. Eileen is supposed to be working out a promo

schedule for the album, if she is even still talking to us" Kevin said.

The next morning as they were headed to the airport, the guys noticed Eileen

getting into a cab behind the limo. "She must be really pissed at us, cause

she has always traveled with us" Brian said to no one in particular. "She

just wants to be left alone now. I talked to her last night." AJ said. "How

is she?" Howie asked. "In light of all that's happened in the last two days

Howie, not good. But then again, can you blame her?" AJ with a tone in his

voice. On the plane the guys sat together and Eileen sat at the other end of

the plane alone. "I hate to see her hurting like this" Brian said to AJ. "I

know. I wish I knew what to do for her. Last night when I was talking to her,

she said she was thinking about calling Lou back to take over things for her.

I don't she wants to be with us anymore." AJ said sadly. Kevin stuck his head

over the seat. "Lou! Dammit. No one wants Lou back with us. He always treated

us like shit. She can't do that." "She can Kev, and if we don't think of

something thats exactly what's going to happen." The guys all sat together

discussing this. None of them wanted Lou back. "Where the hell has he been

all this time anyway?" Nick asked. "Who knows and who cares, as long as he's

not hassling us" Howie said. Well, at least it got the guys talking again.

That was a good thing.

As they disembarked the plane, they all waited together waiting for Eileen to

get off. She walked up to the group with knots in her stomach. She knew she

had to say something to them. "So long guys. I'll talk to you soon" she said

as she began to walk away. "Is that it" Kevin asked. "What do you want me to

say?" She asked. "I think we should get together and talk" he said. "Ok, when

and where?" she asked. "How about a bar-be-que at my house tomorrow at 4" AJ

offered. "Sure" she said. "I'll see ya then" and she left. "Well at least she

is still speaking to us" Nick said.

The next morning, she got up dreading going to AJ's. She hopped in the

shower and seconds later, she was doubled over in pain. Oh God, she thought,

what's happening here. Finally the pain subsided and she calmed down. She

slowly dressed and just as she was getting ready to go the doorbell rang. She

opened the door, and was surprised to find who was on the other side. "Nick"

she said with her mouth hanging open. "Can we talk?" he asked. She held the

door open letting him in. "I think we should talk before we all meet at AJ's"

he said. "What about?" she said not knowing what to make of this. "We need to

talk about what happened between us." "Yeah, I'd like to know WHAT exactly

happened between us Nick." she said with an attitude. "I have to finish

getting ready, so come upstairs and talk to me" she said walking up the


He walked into her room to see her sitting at her dressing table putting on

her make-up. He looked around the room. He suddenly realized that as many

years as they had spent together, he knew very little about her. He was

surprised to see pictures of the guys everywhere in her room. Pictures from

Europe, from their very first concert and just tons more from everywhere. "So

what did you want to talk about Nick" she said shaking him from his thoughts.

"I understand your pissed at me Eileen, but please don't take it out on the

other guys." he said. "What makes you think I'm doing that" she replied

casually, knowing full well what he meant. "AJ told us on the plane yesterday

that you were thinking of leaving us and bringing Lou back. That's punishing

ALL the guys Eileen. They've never done anything to you. Why do you want to

hurt them too? I don't understand you Eileen." She turned around in the

chair to look at him, her eyes filled with rage. "I am not doing anything to

hurt the guys Nick. I'm just trying to do what's best for the group right

now. I can't believe you Nick, you think everything is about YOU! Well, Mr.

Carter, it's not. I have a child on the way whether you like it or not, and I

have to think about whats best for US!"

She was so angry with him. As usual, this as well as everything had to

revolve around him! Once again, she was doubled over in pain. "Oh my God,

what's wrong Eileen?" "Nothing Nick, just get out" she said. "No! Something's

wrong, let me help you." "Get out" She screamed as she tried to walk out of

the room. Nick followed her into the hallway. "Eileen, please" Nick cried.

"Get out" she screamed again as she went to move away from him. She lost her

footing on the landing and before Nick could do anything, she went tumbling

down the stairs. "Eileen" Nick screamed. Then there was silence as he looked

at her laying unconscious at the bottom of the stairs.

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