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Chapter 1

My name is Eileen, I am 27 years old and I used to work for the Backstreet

Boys. I was their personal assistant for 7 years and this is my


I was young and wild. I drove my parents crazy and they didnt know what to do

with me anymore. My dad called his friend who was starting a boy band in

hopes of hitting it big and making his first million. "Please Lou, please

find some type of job for her to do. I swear she is making me crazy!" "Well

Mike, I promise I will think about it. What can she do?" "DO? Well she is

great at making Mary and I get grey hair. No seriously, I bet she can help

you in some way. Maybe keeping things organized and the helping the boys be

where they need to be and stuff. Just please think about it." "Ok Mike, I

will call ya later" Lou replied.

A few hours later, Mike called upstairs to his daughter. "Honey can you come

down here for a minute?" Eileen flew down the stairs to find her father

waiting at the bottom. "Wazz up dad?" "Well, I was just talking to my friend

Lou. You remember him dont you?" he asked. "Yeah, the fat pedophile" she

laughed. "Hey, that is my childhood friend young lady!" he replied. "So what

about him?" "He has offered you the job of a life time and you are going to

take it" her dad said. "A job? Doing what?" she said as she looked at him

like he was crazy. "Eileen, your 20 years old now and its about time you

started doing something. Lou is working with a bunch of up and coming singers

and they will be starting a tour of Europe next week and you will be going

with them." "And just what the hell am I supposed to be doing?" she replied

with a smartass tone that her father hated. "You will be the boys personal

assistant. You will travel with them and take care of their needs." "Dont

you mean baby-sit them dad? No way! Im not doing it. Call that asshole you

call a friend and tell him to find himself another jackass to do it!" she

yelled to her father. That was a big mistake on her part. Suddenly she saw a

look in his eyes she had never seen before. He started walking towards her as

she instinctively stepped back. "You are taking the job and you are going to

Europe young lady or you are out of this house. Do I make myself clear? I've

had it with your nasty ass attitude. You have spent far too long living off

your mother and I and its about time you learn some responsibility" he said

as he was now in her face.

The following week, I was on a plane with the asshole Lou and his 5 little

playmates. Needless to say I was not happy. Lou sat next to me on the plane

to explain my duties to me. "Your job is very simple. If they need something

you do it for them, if they want something from the store, you go get it for

them. See, now isn't that easy?" I wanted to punch him in the face but held

back because I knew that little jerk would whip out his cell phone and call

my dad. Dad had warned me if I didn't at least give it a chance, he would

throw me out and cut off all my funds. I don't think getting thrown off the

plane in the first five minutes would constitute giving it a try in my

fathers eyes. I just looked Lou in the face, and in the most sickening tone

said, "of course Lou, that sounds way easy. No problems here." The minute I

make a few bucks Im outta this flea circus she said to herself.

That's where my adventures with the Backstreet Boys all began.


Chapter 2

Well, its been 6 months and actually the guys are doing great. They have

become really popular here in Europe. Especially Germany, the girls cant seem

to get enough of them. We have finally stopped touring around and staying in

cheap hotels and we are now in Sweden. The guys are getting ready to record

their first album. They are so excited about it. I'm just excited not having

to travel from place to place every night.

I'm not finding the guys quite as annoying as they were. Dont get me wrong,

they have their moments still, but they are starting to grow on me a bit.

With one exception of course, Nick. He still drives me crazy most of the

time, although he does have an occasional moment. Like when he put blue dye

in Brians toothpaste and Brians teeth turned blue! Now even I have to say,

that was a moment to remember. Brian was in his room getting ready for an

interview, and all throughout the hallways we all hear this horrendous

scream. Brian came running out into the hallway looking for Nick. No one had

to tell him, he just knew. Nick was constantly pulling pranks on everyone. We

all came out into the hall thinking Brian was hurt. Kevin grabbed him by the

shoulders and asked what was wrong. Brian just opened his mouth and gave us

the cheesiest grin. Turns out the dye did not come off and Brian had to get

his teeth bleached and miss the interview, but he is fine now. Just cant wait

to see what he does to get Nick back!

AJ and I have gotten to be close friends. No, not like what your thinking.

Just friends. We tell each other everything. He really understands me and

accepts me for what I am and even puts me in my place when need be. Its

great to have a best friend and confidant on the road. There are times when I

can just go to him and put my head on his shoulder and without words he knows

I'm in overload and just need to be held. We have this unspoken language

between us. Lou hates this. He doesnt like me being so close to AJ.

Especially after he found out about the tattoos. I thought he was gonna have

a stroke! Well, since the tattoo incident, we have gone 3 more times. AJ has

3 and I have 2 much to Lou's dismay. AJ told him everyone needed an image and

his was gonna be the "bad boy". Believe it or not, he fell for it. Now he

doesnt hassle him about it anymore.

Like I said earlier, the guys and I seem to be getting on fine for the most

part. Lou is a totally different story. We are like oil and water. There have

been so many times when I have just wanted to haul off and punch him in the

face cause he is such an asshole. Only because of my father I haven't done it

yet. We fight all the time. One day during a fight, I asked him if he didn't

like me that much, why doesn't he just get rid of me. I figured my dad

couldn't be pissed if it was Lou's decision and not mine. He said he couldn't

cause he owed my dad so much for many things he had done for him in the past

and he couldn't hurt my dad that way, so he would just put up with me. BIG

MISTAKE telling me that on his part. Now I know I can do just about anything

I want and get away with it. Oh well, like I've told ya many times, the man

is an asshole.

One afternoon, Lou and I were working on things in his suite while the boys

were at a press conference. Lou asked if we could talk. He wanted my opinion

on something. I sat back in my chair, looked at him and said shoot. "I am

thinking about replacing one of the guys" he said. "I dont think one of them

is working out quite the way I would like." "WHO??" I said. "I think the

guys are terrific just the way they are. The fans love them. Who do you want

to get rid of?" Very matter of factly he said, "Howie." "Howie, why the hell

would you do that. He is a sweetheart." I felt the anger creeping up but I

need to keep my cool so I could find out what was going on in that warped

little mind of his. "Your right, Howie is a sweetheart. A really nice guy,

but I dont see him fitting into my "Boy Band" image. He is not as attractive

as the other guys." "Lou, first of all you cant get rid of him, you have a

signed contract" He laughed this sick little laugh. "Honey, you don't know

anything about business. I wrote those contracts myself. Dont you think I put

a loophole in there for my use?"

"Lou, first off you are a sick little bastard. You are going to get rid of

someone because they don't fit YOUR image? The fans love him just as much as

the rest of the guys." I don't know exactly what happened to me, but I felt

this need to defend Howie to the death. "Secondly, if you even try to do

that, I will personally go to each of the guys and tell them what you are up

to and about the loopholes and they can go to their lawyers and YOU will be

out on your ass. They will not stand for this and you know it. And thirdly, I

found out from my father that he is your financial backer in this venture and

I will go to him and tell him everything. He will pull out so fast and you

will have nothing. I''m telling you, DONT FUCK WITH THEM LOU!" By this

point I was out of my chair and in his face. The guys were coming down the

hall, and heard my last statement. They came running into the suite asking

what was going on. Kevin grabbed we around my waist and pulled me off Lou.

"It nothing guys, just a little misunderstanding. Everything is fine. We are

status quo." Lou didn't want me to see it, but I saw just a hint of fear in

his eyes. Since then, nothing was ever said about the subject again. The

guys were recording and no one was none the wiser.

Well, time for another McDonalds run. Gotta go, ya know how growing boys are

when they wanna eat.

Chapter 3


Well, its official. We are now prisoners in our hotel. I guess I should

explain. The boys CD is a rousing success here in Europe. We are back touring again,

but its mostly throughout Germany. For some reason this country in particular is

crazy for the guys. We are stuck in the hotels a lot because there are crowds

of girls outside just waiting to get a glimpse of the guys. Since we've been in

so much, the jokes and pranks are getting wilder and crazier than ever just to cut the

boredom. Nick rigged a bucket of water above the inside of Kevin's door, so when he

opened it he was drenched. Then one day Howie fell asleep on the floor while

we were watching a movie, and Brian was feeding him candy in his sleep. But

the best was when Nick, AJ and myself were in my room throwing water balloons

out the window from 23 floors up! Unfortunately, we nailed the hotel manager

right on the head. The 3 of us were on the floor hysterical laughing about it. Of course, we had no

idea who that was. Then, suddenly the door flew open and big ole Lou is

standing there glaring at us. We were laughing so hard we couldn't even talk

to him. Then Lou informs us who the guy was and that we had 24 hours to

vacate the premises and there better not be any further instances. Needless

to say, Lou was pretty pissed. Jeeze, some people just cant take a joke!

We now have a new girl traveling with us. Her name is Fatima. She is a dancer

and is going to be the guys new choreographer. She is a lot of fun and we get

along great. She even lets me join in dance practice with the guys cause

there is nothing else to do when they are practicing for hours on end. Who

knows, maybe if one of the guys trips over their own 2 feet I can fill in for

them. Fatima and I were just laughing about how we have never seen such a

bunch of uncoordinated group of men.

Its would be nice to have a roommate now. Ive been feeling a bit lonely being

the only girl here. At least I thought it would be. Unfortunately, that's

not quite how it is. Kevin and Fatima quickly developed an intense

relationship. Of course this was just kept between the 3 of us. Kevin didn't

even want the other guys to know cause he was afraid they would be pissed.

After Lou did the nightly room check, I would be the lookout while Fatima

snuck into Kevin's room. We always made sure we had a room right by each

other, either next door or right across the hall. It kinda sucked listening

to them make love through the walls. Once again, I was lonely.

One night Fatima had just gone to Kevin's room, while I lay in my bed

quivering in fright from the storm. Not only was it pouring out, but the

lightening was fierce and when the thunder hit it felt like the whole hotel

was shaking. I was always afraid of this type of storm since I was little. My

father used to hold me in his arms and rock me till it stopped. Thinking back

on that made me feel even worse. Yes, I did learn to love these guys now, but

this is not quite the life I had pictured for myself. The way I saw it, if

this storm was happening I should be in the arms of a lover or maybe even a

husband, not alone in a hotel room half out of my mind with fright. Thats

when it happened. I looked out into the hallway and saw it was empty. I

knocked on the door to the right of my room. "Come in" I walked into the

dark room, only to hear a giant crack of thunder and flash of lightening that

lit up the whole room! I had my hands over my ears as I slid down the wall to

the floor. I sat there kinda rocking myself. He jumped off the bed and came

to me in an instant. "What's wrong honey?" he asked as he wiped away the tear

rolling down my cheek. "Oh AJ, Im so afraid of storms. I was lying in my bed

trying not to be afraid but I couldn't take it any more. I couldn't stand to

be in there alone anymore. Please can I stay with you?" she asked as she held

onto his arms for dear life. "Alone? Where the hell is Fatima?" "UMMM" is all

I could get out. "She's with Kevin right?" he stated. "Yeah, you knew?" He

laughed, not till a minute ago. I suspected something but wasn't sure."

"Please AJ, please can I stay?" I was crying so hard now, he didn't know what

to do. Lightening filled up the room again and he could see all the fear in

her eyes. "Sure you can" he said as he scooped her up and laid her gently on

the bed. He held her in his arms tightly. Each time the thunder rolled, she

would grab on just a little tighter. "its ok Eileen, I swear I wouldn't let

anything happen to you" he said. They lay there together, just holding each

other. Aj sang softly to her to take her mind off the storm. When he

finished, Eileen leaned over him and whispered, "that was so beautiful, thank

you." Suddenly their lips brushed against each other. They needed each other.

Clothes started flying everywhere. He wasn't as she had imagined at all, knowing his bad

boy image . He was so sweet and gentle with her. He placed butterfly kisses all over her

face and neck. "take me AJ, I need you so badly" He entered her slowly, he

couldn't stop kissing her. She smells so beautiful, and she's so damn soft he

thought to himself. They moved at a slow pace. They were both savoring every

moment. When they finally hit orgasm Eileen knew they better keep it down not

to wake the rest of the floor even though all she wanted to do was scream out

his name. She buried her face in his shoulder to stifle herself. He on the

other hand, couldn't care if the whole world heard him. He was in heaven.

They spent the rest of the night in each others arms. The next morning I work

up early. I looked over and saw AJ sleeping next to me. He looked like an

angel. What the hell have I done? I thought as I raced around the room to

gather my clothes. I gotta get out of here.


Chapter 4

I ran to my room only to find Fatima, Kevin and Lou waiting there for me.

"Where the hell were you all night?" Lou bellowed. Kev and Tima looked like

they wanted the earth to open up and swallow them at that moment. "I came

here to check on you ladies last night because of the storm and I come to

find the room completely empty. Then I go to check on the guys and I find her

in Kevin's room. What the hell is going on here?? Musical beds? So who's were

you in last night missy?" he asked again. DAMN this was so unexpected and he

was so pissed. I couldn't tell him I spent the night with AJ, who was by the

way still a minor. "I was just hangin out with one of the guys, I couldn't

sleep Lou. And I don't like what your insinuating" I shouted at him. When in

doubt, go into defense mode. "Well, what do you expect me to think when I

walk into Kevin's unlocked room and find these two fucking! When I couldn't

find you, I assumed you were doing the same. I better not catch you with one

of the guys Eileen or it will be your head!" he bellowed. "Well, first of

all, Kevin should learn to lock his door" I said with a glance towards Kevin.

"And just because someone around here is getting some, I don't think you

should assume ANYTHING about me cause you know what they say when you assume

Lou, you make and ASS out of U and Me!" With that Kevin and Fatima bust out

laughing. I looked over to see all the guys at the door laughing too. The one

thing Lou hates is to be made a fool of. He went storming out of the room,

saying over his shoulder to Kev and Tima "I will deal with you to later!"

Thankfully, the crowd dispersed from our door. All but AJ, that is. He came

in and shut the door. "Well, thank God that's over" he laughed. "Shut up AJ!"

I shouted. "Its not over by a long shot. I'm gonna have hell to pay for

this." "But Eileen, its not your fault what Tima and I were doing" Kevin

said. "Kevin, you dont seem to understand, everything that happens with you

guys is MY responsibility and I have to answer to Lou for it. He is gonna

figure it out that I was the one helping you since Tima and I share a room. I

might notice she was missing." I threw one of the bed pillows and it knocked

over the lamp shattering it into a million pieces. I slid down the wall, with

my face in my hands. "Great!! Just fucking Great! Now he has something else

to bitch about"

AJ sat on the floor next to me and put his arm around me. "Dont be upset

sweetheart. You'll deal with Lou. You always do." Kevin turned around to see

us and the surprise registered on his face. "You mean you two......." I

started to cry. "I dont know if I can fix things this time around" I

whispered. I got up and ran out. Fortunately for me the elevator doors had

just opened. I didn't know where I was going. I just knew I had to get out of


The doors opened, and I walked out. All I saw was a door in front of me, so I

pushed it open and walked out. I was on the roof. DAMN, it was cold. All I was

wearing was a pair of flannel boxers and a tee shirt. I just sat on the floor

and cried my eyes out. How could I have made such a mess of things? I thought

I was in control. A little while later I felt something warm being placed

over me. I looked up and AJ was standing there. He had put a blanket over me.

"Wanna tell me what the hell is going on?" he asked. "Everything is such a

mess AJ" I sobbed. He sat down next to me and got under the blanket. He put

his arm around me and pulled me close. "Your making too much of it babe. Lou

will calm down and everything will be fine. Please don't cry." He is so

sweet, I thought too sweet. Too young. He doesn't understand.

"AJ, in a little while Lou is gonna come looking for me. He is gonna grill me

about Kev and Fatima. What am I gonna tell him? That I've been helping them

get together every night for months on end?? And what about us. I was able to

skit the issue of where I was before, but this time he is not gonna let me

out of it. I cant tell him I was in your room last night. He would fucking

kill me! First of all, you know his policy about the people who work for you

being with one of you guys. That's instant dismissal. So, Fatima will be out

and so will I. Then he will go to your mother about it and my dad. Since you

are a minor, I know he will make a major thing of this." I started to cry

even harder. "There is more to this Eileen. I know how you are with Lou.

What's making you cry?" he asked softy, as his hand brushed through my hair.

"AJ, don't you understand? You and I slept together. That shouldn't have

happened. You are my best friend!" "Hey, friends sometimes need each other.

We both needed each other last night. We've been on the road a long time. We

have no one but each other at times. We are all tired and we want to go home.

We had a moment. It doesn't have to destroy our friendship" he said. I looked

up into his beautiful brown eyes. You could get lost in his eyes. "You don't hate me? You don't think I'm some kind of slut of

something?" I asked. "NEVER!" he said. "We still are and always will be best

friends Eileen. I will always be here when you need me. Neither of us wants a

relationship, do we?" "Baby, you know I love you to death, but you and me

together would be like oil and water" I laughed. "See, then its ok. We are

friends. Friends who fuck" he laughed "and anytime you need me for that or

anything else, you know I will be here" he leaned over and kissed her.

"So there you are!" Eileen and AJ looked up to see Lou standing at the door.


Chapter 5~

"So there you are!" Eileen and AJ looked up to see Lou standing at the door.

Oh Shit! Eileen thought, wondering how much Lou had heard of their

conversation. "AJ" Eileen whispered, "Just go along with whatever I say.

Trust me?" she said looking into his eyes. "I got your back babe" he

whispered back. Eileen stood up walking towards Lou. "Yeah here I am Lou.

What do you want?" she said sarcastically. "I wanna finish our conversation

from before", he bellowed. "Fine with me. Only this time we are doing it my

way. In private. Not in front of Kevin and Fatima or the other guys like

before. I am going to change into some warm clothes and I will meet you in

your room in a half hour for a PRIVATE conversation" she sneered as she

pushed by him. Lou looked over to AJ, who was trying not to laugh at Eileen's

hostility, knowing full well she was scared to death. "So what are you

looking at?" Lou yelled at him. AJ finally let out a hearty laugh. "Pure

perfection Lou. That's what Im looking at." AJ also pushed by Lou and went

downstairs. Lou stood there for a second wondering what mack truck had just

hit him.

Kevin and Fatima were still in the girls room when Eileen got back. "Well Ei,

what happened?" Kevin asked. "Nothing yet" Eileen stated softly. "The

fireworks begin in 30 minutes. Fatima, I dont know what is gonna happen when

I meet with Lou. Just know Im going in there fighting for our jobs, OK?"

Fatima walked over to her. "I know ya will Ei, Im sorry we put you in this

situation in the first place. Do what ya gotta do and say what ya gotta say

and you know I will back you up no matter what" she said. Kevin was pacing

like a caged dog. "Who the hell does he think he is? I am old enough to sleep

with who I want. Its not like its Nick or something like that. Im a grown

man. Well I will tell you girls something right now. Eileen, whatever

happens in that meeting neither of you girls are leaving." he said as he

banged his hand down on the table. "If Lou wants to play games we can too.

The guys and I will not be performing tonight or any other night if he dumps

you two. Im going to speak to them all now." Eileen walked over to him and

gave him a hug. "Kevin, don't do anything you will regret later. I can handle

Lou but you guys are not going to put the group on the line for us. Even if

he gets rid of Tima, it wont stop her from being your girlfriend, and I am

certainly not worth breaking up the group for." She let go of him and brushed

a tear away. "DAMMIT Eileen! I dont wanna hear this shit. You are just as

much a part of this group as anyone else is. You have been with us from the

very beginning and you aren't going anywhere now. I know you have been always

able to handle Lou in the past. I'm just telling you what is going to happen

if you cant handle him this time and that is final." Kevin yelled as he

walked out slamming the door.

Eileen and Fatima just stood looking at each other. Finally Eileen said, "I'd

better go get dressed, Lou is waiting for me." She went into the bathroom to

change. Her hands were shaking. She really didnt know quite why. Was it from

fear of knowing what was about to happen with Lou, or because of what Kevin

just said to her. I cant believe he actually thinks of me as part of the

group, she thought. Sure they hung out and had fun together and stuff, but

she always thought she was just another employee to them. It scared her to

think about how much she had grown to love the guys. Remembering back to what

she first thought of them all, she laughed to herself. But the truth be told,

she did come to love them all very much and the thought of not being with

them anymore scared her to death.

As Eileen came out of the bathroom dressed, she walked into a full room.

Fatima was still there as well as the rest of the the guys. Kevin walked up

to her. "Its settled Eileen. We have all talked and we are ALL in agreement.

Without you and Fatima, we don't perform." She looked around the room at all

the guys. She saw each one nod in agreement at her. "Eileen, you've been a

part of us and you always will be. We will not let you go. You are the best

thing that has happened to the Backstreet Boys and now we have realized that

Lou is probably the worst thing that happened to us. We are a team. Without

you, our team is no longer complete and we wont have it" Howie said looking

into her eyes. "I am completely overwhelmed" was all Eileen could say. Brian

was about to say something, but she put her fingers on his lips to silence

him. "Please don't anyone say anything else right now. You are all gonna make

me cry and I cant go into battle with Lou being a mush. I gotta go now. I

will let you all know what's going on when I can. Just know I love you all."

Eileen quickly walked out to meet Lou.

When she walked into his room, Lou was pacing. Jesus, just like Kevin she

thought. "So you wanted to talk, so talk Lou." She figured she better go in

fighting. "I wanna know just what the hell is going on here!" he yelled.

"Everyone is sleeping with everyone and this group is going to hell in a hand

basket and its all your fault." She wanted so bad to smash him in the face

as she had wished to so many times before. She said to him through gritted

teeth, "First of all Lou, if we are going to talk then you better start

talking and knock off the yelling or this conversation is over. Secondly,

how the fuck does this become MY FAULT? If Kevin and Fatima are having a

relationship, then that is their business and not ours. They are both grown

up consenting adults. As for me, I was a little scared with the storm last

night and stayed with one of the guys. I see no problem with that. That is

also MY business and not yours. I dont see any other problems within the

group so I dont think the situation is as bad as your making it out to be so

why don't you just chill." Eileen had blurted that all out in one breath and

felt like she was gasping for air by the time she was done. "You don't see

any problems? First of all, we have a rule here that the help does not sleep

or have any other relations with the boys or they are out. Fatima knew that

rule full well, so as far as I'm concerned she is out. As for you, Eileen, I

know where you were last night and know what you were doing. I heard far more

than you thought I did on the roof. So therefore, you are out too! AJ is

still a minor for a few more months so THAT young lady could wind you up in

jail if you don't keep your fat little mouth shut. I'm sure Denise would be

real interested in what was going on in AJ's room." Lou grinned at her,

knowing he had her right where he wanted her. "Look Lou, I've known you have

wanted me out for years now, but Fatima has done wonders for the guys. If you

fire her, Kevin will just bring her along as his girlfriend and make sure he

informs the public about it. Then things will be even more a mess. I know

they like each other, but honestly I don't see a long term romance in this

for either of them. Just let her stay Lou" she said much more softly, almost

accepting defeat. She knew what she had said about Kev and Tima was a lie,

but she promised the guys she would do what she could. "Come on Lou, let her

stay. There will be a lot less problems for you in the long run. If you let

her stay, I will go quietly. I will tell my dad I just didn't like traveling

anymore and you did you best to honor his request. Its been years Lou, and he

will accept that." Lou looked at her, wondering what she was up to, she

didn't give up that easy. "Well, I will think about it and let her know in

the morning. That's the best I can do." "Fine Lou, that's fair enough, just

think about what I've said." With that Eileen's cell phone rang. She answered

it and Lou could see right away something was wrong. "Yes, uhhhh huh, how,

when" she clicked off the phone and fell to the floor in tears.

Everyone was sitting around Eileen's room restlessly. "What the hell is

taking so long? Its been an hour already" Nick questioned. Suddenly the door

flew open and in came Eileen. They all jumped up asking what had happened.

Eileen wasn't answering anything. She had pulled out a suitcase and began

throwing things in. She was flying around the room grabbing anything she

could get her hands on. Fatima finally grabbed her by the shoulders, stopping

her. "What the hell is going on Eileen?" "I've gotta go home. What ever I

leave behind pack up and take with you, OK?" Brian ran up to the girls. "What

do you mean you are going home? What the hell happened in there?" Eileen shut

the suitcase and headed to the door. "I will see you guys soon I promise.

Fatima, no matter what Lou says, DO NOT LEAVE the tour until you hear from

me." With that, Eileen walked out the door and gently shut it behind her

leaving everyone in the room staring at each other.


Chapter 6~

With that, Eileen walked out the door and gently shut it behind her

leaving everyone in the room staring at each other. Lou walked in with a

somber look on his face. AJ ran up to him and got right in his face. "What

the fuck did you do to her Lou. She left!" He pushed AJ away from him and

asked everyone to sit down. "I have some bad news to tell you all. The reason

why Eileen left in such a hurry had nothing to do with what went on earlier."

Everyone sat around looking at each other with confused looks on their faces.

They all knew after the talk they had earlier, Eileen must have had a really

important reason for leaving. She looked genuinely touched at their display

of emotions. Lou stood up and started pacing again. "There is no easy way to

say this so I'm just going to say it. While Eileen and I were talking before

she got a call. She went home because there was a terrible tragedy." Lou

stopped for a moment whipping the tears from his eyes. The guys were shocked.

They had never seen big tough Lou cry before. They all had a terrible

feeling. After a few moments Lou recovered enough to continue. "Eileen's

parents were killed in a terrible car accident. That's why she left so

quickly." There was complete silence in the room. No one knew what to say.

They all just looked from one to another tears forming in their eyes. Finally

Kevin stood up and walked to Lou. "So when are we heading back?" "Heading

back?" Lou asked. "For what?" "The funeral Lou. When is our plane home" Kevin

questioned again. "We aren't going home Kevin. You have shows booked we can't

leave." AJ was once again in Lou's face. "I don't give a shit about the

shows. Fuckin cancel them! We need to be with Eileen. We can't let her face

this alone." AJ shouted at Lou. "That's right Lou" Brian and Howie chimed in.

"She needs us as much as we need her" Nick joined in. "Well it isn't going to

happen" Lou simply stated.

Two hours later, the boys, Lou and Fatima were on a plane heading to New

York. Damn them all to hell, Lou thought. This is the last time they are gonna

push me around, telling me they are not going to perform. This little girl is

just causing me way too many problems. I have got to find a way to get rid of

her. Then the thought dawned on him. The end to all his problems. Now that

Eileen's father was gone, he had no further debts to him. Eileen did say in

their last meeting that she would leave if I let Fatima stay. That's it! I

will tell Eileen that Fatima can stay if she honors her agreement with me.

Then I wait a week or two and fire Fatima anyway. Thats perfect! This way I

get rid of both bitches!!

Eileen was in shock when she saw the gang walk up to her on the steps of the

funeral home. "What are you doing here? You have a show tonight in London."

Lou went up to here and gave her a big hug. "He was my best friend" he

whispered in her ear. "Eileen, you've always been there for us and now its

our turn to be here for you" Howie said hugging her tightly. "London can wait

for the Backstreet Boys" Brian said. The rest of the guys joined in for a

group hug. "Why are we outside?" Nick asked. "I haven't had the nerve to go

inside" Eileen said softly. "C'mon honey, we can do this together" Kevin said

taking her hand leading her inside. They went into the room together. Kevin

on her left, AJ on her right. Her knees started to give out as they

approached the double caskets. They were all right there holding her tightly.

Lou hung back watching the "touching scene" before him. She thinks she's got

it tough, wait till I get through with you little girl. He thought. Her

fathers lawyer had taken care of all the arrangements. It was beautiful. Mr.

Haskins approached Eileen and held her tightly in his arms. He had known

Eileen since she was born. "I'm so sorry Eileen. Even though I only worked

for him, we became close over the years and I thought of him like another

brother." Eileen nodded. "I know he cared deeply for you also. He always

spoke of you with great affection too Mr. Haskins." "I hate to bring this up

Eileen, but the day after tomorrow when the funeral is all over I need you to

come to my office to settle your parents affairs." "I'll be there, say

around 10am?" she said. "Sure, whenever is best for you. I will make time for

you whenever."

For the next two days Eileen was in a daze. She went through the wake and the

funeral on autopilot. The guys did what they could for her to offer comfort,

but it didn't seem like enough to them. She didn't eat, and AJ watched her

sit at night staring off into space not sleeping a wink. It had been two days

and she had not slept. AJ was really starting to worry about her.

"C'mon baby, at least lay down" he said from the bed. She had spent the last

2 nights just sitting in the chair staring out the window. She got up and

walked over to the bed. She just looked at it like she was afraid to lay

down. "Its ok, I'm here honey" he said as he held his arms out to her. She

slid into the bed next to him and put her head on his chest. She was afraid

of this moment. The moment when she would finally lose it, but she couldn't

hold it in any more. She laid on his chest and cried her heart out. AJ's

heart broke for her. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to lose my

mother, and here she lost both parents at one time, he thought. He just held

her and let her cry. He gently kissed her forehead from time to time and just

rocked her in his arms.

She sent them back to Europe the day after the funeral. The guys didn't want

to go, but she insisted. "I have to take care of my parents affairs and in a

few days I will join you guys" she insisted. Yeah, not if I have anything to

do with it thought Lou. She stayed with them till there plane took off and

headed to Mr. Haskins office. He warmly greeted her as always. "I hate to

make you go through this so soon Eileen, but your fathers business holdings

are major and we can't take too much time to decide what needs to be done.

He took out their will and began reading it to her. She didn't really

understand what he was telling her. "Can you explain all this in English

now?" Eileen asked. Her head was pounding. "Well Eileen, in a nutshell,

everything is yours" he said matter of factly. "I don't understand anything

about his business" she whispered. What the hell was she going to do? " OK,

Eileen we can leave things running as they are with the people in charge who

have always been in charge. Your father was not involved with all his

businesses. He had people to run them." "Do you know these people Mr.

Haskins? Do you trust them?" "Well they have been with your father for quite

sometime and have always performed in a professional manner. I think it would

be a wise choice unless you would prefer to run them yourself." "NO!" Eileen

shouted. "I don't know anything about them. I just want to keep doing what

I've been doing, traveling with the boys." "Yes I see Eileen, that is another

thing we need to talk about."

That night Eileen showed up at the hotel in London. The guys were surprise to

see her when they got back to the hotel. "When did you get back?" Brian asked

hugging her. "Just before the show started" Eileen smiled as she hugged all

the guys and Fatima. "Why didn't didn't you join us at the venue?" Nick

asked. She laughed a little and said, "I did. I watched you from the audience

for the first time. Do you know how terrific you guys are?" With that, the

door opened and Lou walked in. He was taken aback to see Eileen. "Sweetheart,

what are you doing here?" he asked with a mock concern. "I've come to rejoin

the boys Lou, my fathers affairs were settled in about a half hour so my work

there was done." "Eileen, I thought we had come to an agreement right before

you got the call about your parents" Lou asked nervously. This little bitch

wasn't going to blow his plans now. "Well Lou, we did. But that was then and

this was now" Eileen smiled sweetly. Everyone kept looking between each

other, none of them having any idea what was going on. "You see Lou, its like

this, when you signed the contract with my father to front you the money to

get the Backstreet Boys off and running there was a section of the paragraph

that stated my dad was one half owner in Backstreet Boys Inc. Didn't you read

the whole thing through? So since my parents left everything to me, now I am

one half owner of Backstreet Boys Inc. and I'm not going anywhere and neither

is Fatima." Lou looked like he was about to pass out.


Chapter 7~

"What do you mean 50% owner?" Lou looked like he was going to pass out.

Eileen started to laugh. "What's wrong Lou? Didn't you check that contract

the way you check your own?" Eileen turned towards the guys. "It doesn't

matter to me about the ownership. If you will still have me, I would like to

continue on in my role as your personal assistant. The only difference I can

see is that I get to keep a closer eye on your buddy here and make sure

things are on the up and up" she said as she nodded her head towards Lou.

"Are you insinuating...." "Save it Lou, if you were smart you would keep your

mouth shut cause you know I know too much." The guys were trying very hard

not to laugh. It was great to see someone putting "Big Papa" in his place.

Kevin looked to the other guys and each nodded. "Eileen, we would be thrilled

to have you back with us. We've missed you too much already in the short time

you've been gone" he threw his arms around her and gave her a big hug. Brian

jumped up on the chair and yelled, "Group Hug!" and the guys bombarded Kev

and Eileen. After she finally got them off her, she stood on the same chair

as Brian did earlier and said, "I have one final thing to say" looking

directly at Lou. "Fatima is staying on as our choreographer as well." Eileen

glared at Lou, daring him to say something. He just turned and walked out the


They stayed in Europe for another year. They had finished recording their

second album which was doing as well if not better than the first. The

touring was hectic, and the fans were wild about them. Eileen lay on the

couch in the common livingroom of the suite they were in with her feet up on

the coffee table. Nick sat down next to her pulling her legs across his lap.

He began rubbing her feet and Eileen was in heaven. If the world came to an

end right now, she wouldn't have noticed, this felt so good. "Ei, can I talk

to you about something?" he asked. "Hummmm go ahead Nicky, shoot." "Well the

guys and I have been talking lately, and as much fun as it's been here, we

were wondering when we were going to get to go home to America?" She knew

this subject would be coming up sooner or later and was dreading it. She went

to sit up to speak to him but he wouldn't let go of her feet. Damn, she

thought that feels so wonderful. That boy show knows how to work me to get

what he wants. "Nicky...." she said as she looked up at him to speak. Where

the hell have I been? She thought to her self. When did he grow up so much?

Those eyes.....that beautiful face..... "Eileen? are you ok?" Nick said

shaking her from her thoughts. "Oh yeah Nick, sorry I just spaced for a

minute. He flashed her that infamous Carter smile. STOP! she thought, don't

do that. She tried to continue the conversation with him. "I knew you guys

would be asking that soon. Do you think you will be prepared for that?" she

looked questioningly at him. "What do you mean Ei? It will be great to go

back home." Nick said softly. She knew how much he missed his family. All the

guys did. The guys seemed to sit on the edge of their seats to see where

Eileen was going with this. "It's just that when we head home guys" she said

looking at the rest of them, not being able to stare at Nicks eyes any longer

"things will be very different than you are used to here." Brian walked over

to her, "How do you mean?" he asked. "When we go back to America, you will be

totally unknown again. You will have to start over again. Are you prepared

for going from superstars here to nobody back there?" she asked. She didn't

want to hurt their feelings but she did want them to understand what was

going to happen. "It might be nice to be unknown for a little while Ei" Howie

said. "Don't you worry Eileen, we will be superstars back home too in no

time" AJ smiled. "OK guys, if this is what you really want, I will go speak

to Lou about it." They all nodded in agreement.

"NO" Lou shouted at her. "Lou, its time. They need to go home. Hell, they

want to go home. I've already explained to them about having to start over

again and they are more than willing" Eileen shouted back. "It's just not

time yet" he said again. "Lou, it IS time. If we don't take them back now, we

are gonna lose them. They are tired of being away from home and their family.

They need to get back there. Don't you think they can make it back home?" she

glared at him with her hands on her hips. "Frankly, no. I don't think America

is going to embrace this type of music now. Grunge is the thing. Not pop,

Eileen. If we go home now, they will fall on their faces and it will be

over." "You asshole Lou!" Eileen yelled. "All you think of these guys is a

money making machine. The big money you have gotten used to is here and you

don't care what they guys want, as long as you continue to line your pockets!

Well, I haven't said much in all this time about how you are running things

here, but its time I pulled my rank. I say the Backstreet Boys are going

home. If they fall, then let it be, but God Damn it Lou, I'm taking them home

where they want to be!" With that, the door flew open, and all five guys fell

on the floor. "Ummm, we were just passing by and the door opened?" AJ

laughed. "Is THIS what you really all want?" Lou asked them. They all nodded

up at him from the floor. "FINE! Just say I didn't warn you all. When you

fall on your faces, you can blame HER for ruining your careers" Lou said

pointing his finger at Eileen.

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