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Part 10

As the elevator made its ascent to the eleventh floor, Becca looked at her best friend. Sarah had basically been at the hospital with Howie from the very beginning with the exception of right after he came out of surgery, the press conferences, and the few hours she’d taken today to take her in-laws and children to the airport. The strain was now showing and Becca was worried.

"Are you sure you want us to leave?" asked Becca. "You look exhausted."

"I’ll be fine. There’s no sense in everyone hanging around here. Tommy and Raoul are gonna stay with me and the DLF jet will be back tomorrow."

"Has the doctor given any indication as to when Howie can go home?"

Sarah shook her head, "Not really."

The two fell silent again and Becca struggled to think of something to talk about to distract Sarah. That’s when she saw the bracelet. "Is that new?"


"The bracelet. I’ve never seen you wear that before."

Sarah looked down at the bracelet smiling softly as she remembered Howie giving it to her the other night. "Howie gave it to me for our anniversary."

"Oh wow! Your anniversary was the other day. I forgot completely about it."

"So did I but Howie didn’t," said Sarah as the doors opened onto the floor. Stepping out, Sarah continued, "He had AJ go buy it for me along with a single, white rose."

"That was so sweet. God, you two are something else. You never cease to amaze me."

Sarah grinned. "Becca, I had always dreamed of my perfect guy but NEVER did I imagine I’d actually find him. Even with all our problems, Howie has ALWAYS given me his heart so completely. The last five years have more than made up for all the pain Russell put me through."

As Sarah turned to go into Howie’s room, Raoul stepped in the way, blocking her.

Looking up at the giant, Sarah said irritably, "What are you doing?"

"Howie said to keep you out."


"I can’t say," he said grinning.

Sarah looked at her bodyguard and knew something was going on. Her first thoughts were something was wrong and she began to panic.

"Raoul, you’d better let me in there NOW!" demanded Sarah.

"Relax, ‘Shorty’! Howie is fine. He and the guys are doing something and they aren’t quite ready for you. Now behave and go sit down."

Sarah eyed him suspiciously but Becca said, "Come on, Sarah. Let’s go sit over there."


Kevin, AJ, Brian, and Nick had spent the afternoon with Howie while Sarah had seen the children and Howie’s parents off. Howie had wanted their help to surprise Sarah now that the doctor said he could move about some.

"Howie, are you sure you aren’t doing too much?" questioned Nick.

"I’m positive. All it is is a meal for Sarah with a romantic setting."

"Yeah, but we ALL know what your romantic moods lead to," cracked AJ.

"Not all the time," grinned Howie. "Besides, with all the medication I’m on, I’m not sure I could keep it up. There’s also the doctor’s orders to take it easy for a while. NO sex for about two to three weeks."

"Oh, man! That sucks," said Nick. "At least after GT was born, Bec could…"

Brian cut Nick off, "TOO MUCH INFORMATION. What do you want to do first, Howie?"

"Shower, haircut, and shave."

"Sarah’s gonna kill you if you shave your head," said Kevin.

"I doubt it. She knows I can’t stand having that patch gone. It looks ridiculous."

"But if you wear a hat, no one will ever know," pointed out AJ. "I can loan you a few."

"I’ll know. Every time I look in the mirror, I’ll know. Come on, I need help getting a shower."

All four men looked from one to the other to see who was going to help Howie.

Seeing their indecision, Howie said, "Oh for god’s sakes! You’ve ALL seen me without clothes and you don’t have to take a shower WITH me. Just help me get in there and undressed. I can sit in the shower if I need to."

AJ spoke up, "I’ll help you, D, but Sarah should be the one here doing this."

"Whoa…wait a minute," said Kevin as AJ started to help Howie get out of the bed. "You probably should do the hair first so you can wash it off."

"You’ve got a good point," said Howie. "So, who’s doing that honor?"

"All of us," said Nick. "That way, Sarah can’t get mad at just one of us."

Howie laughed, "Don’t be so sure."

With that, the guys helped Howie to a chair, covered him with towels, and AJ began the process. Slowly, lock by lock, Howie’s curls fell to the floor as each man took a turn. When he was completely shaven, Nick handed him a mirror to look at himself.

Running his hand over his bare head, he said, "I swear, I’ll NEVER complain about my hair again. This SUCKS!"

"It’s too late now, D," laughed Kevin.

"Don’t remind me. God, if Sarah isn’t mad, it’ll be a miracle."

"We tried to warn you," reminded Brian.

"She’ll get over it," said AJ seriously. "The fact that you’re alive and getting better is what matters most to her."

Howie looked at him and knew he was right. AJ had been the one to be there for Sarah over the last few days and he knew what she’d gone through. "You’re right, ‘J’. Thanks for reminding me. Let’s go get a shower."

AJ helped Howie while the guys cleaned up the mess from cutting his hair. They also began getting the room ready for Sarah’s return. They set out candles and flowers around the room while Nick pulled out his boom box. Howie had given them a list of CDs he wanted from the bus and they’d gotten them for him.

When Howie came out of the shower, the room was ready and Kevin said, "Raoul just knocked on the door to let us know Sarah was back."

"Let me get back into bed and you guys can clear out."

"No problem. Dinner will be delivered around six," said Kevin. "It’s all paid for, including the tip."

"You didn’t have to do that."

"No, but we did anyway," said Brian. "Are you sure you two will be okay with us all leaving tonight?"

"We’ll be fine," said Howie as he settled into the bed. "Tommy and Raoul will still be here and the DLF jet will be back tomorrow."

"You ready for Sarah?" asked AJ.

"More than ready," grinned Howie. Looking around the room, Howie smiled, "She’s gonna love this."

The four men said their good-byes and exited the room drawing the curtain so Sarah wouldn’t see when she entered the room. They also turned the lights out.

Seeing all four men leaving Howie’s room, Sarah jumped up. "What’s going on, Kevin?" she asked as they joined her and Becca.

"Just a surprise Howie has for you," said Kevin as he embraced Sarah. "It’s almost over, baby. We’ll see you back in Orlando."

"Be sure to call us and let us know when you’re headed home," said Brian. "One of us can meet you at the airport."

Nick took Sarah in his arms. "When you go in, you need to go into the bathroom first. You’ll understand."

"Thanks, Nick."

AJ was the last one to say good-bye to Sarah and he held her close as her tears fell on his shoulder. She whispered, "Thank you, Alex…for EVERYTHING."

"Hey, there’s no need for tears. You’re almost through it and you knew I’d never let you go through it alone," said AJ tenderly. Turning Sarah in his arms, he rubbed her stomach and whispered, "Go on…’D’ is waiting for you."

AJ let go of her and they all watched her head to Howie’s room. An overwhelming urge to prepare Sarah hit AJ as she was about to go in and he called out, "Sarah, STOP! I need to tell you something."

Kevin whispered, "What are you doing, ‘Bone’?"

"I can’t let her walk in there completely unprepared," he answered over his shoulder.

"What’s up?" asked Sarah curiously.

"Look, Howie wanted this to be a surprise but I know how you feel about his hair and…."

Sarah smiled, "Did he shave it completely?"

The others were now behind AJ and Nick asked, "How did you know he’d do it?"

"Howie’s THAT obsessive about his hair and having that part shaved is just enough to irritate him. So, did he shave it completely?"

"Yeah, he did," smiled Kevin. "We’re going now, baby. Go on in and enjoy the evening Howie has planned."

Sarah gave AJ a kiss, "Thanks, Alex. Y’all have a safe trip home."



Pushing the door open, Sarah could see there was a soft glow of candles through the curtain and she could smell the aroma of wild flowers. Remembering what Nick had said, she went into the bathroom to find a beautiful black satin gown hanging on the back of the door. She quickly changed into it and made herself presentable for Howie.

Howie had heard the door open and then the bathroom door. Reaching over to the nightstand, he flipped on the music, soft ballads, and leaned back to wait for his wife.

He didn’t have a long wait. Looking up, he saw her stepping through the curtains and he caught his breath. She was absolutely stunning. Her hair fell softly on her shoulders and the gown hugged all the right curves accentuating the roundness of her belly.

Sarah smiled softly as she looked at him. He was so much stronger but the stay in the hospital had taken its toll. His abs weren’t quite as defined as usual but she knew it would only be a matter of time before that was rectified. And his hair…well, the lack of it. It too would grow back.

Howie extended his hand to her. "Come here, Angel," he whispered.

Sarah moved quickly to him taking her place on the bed beside him and suddenly felt the tears as they began to fall once more.

"Hey, hey…what’s up with the tears, Angel?" asked Howie tenderly as he brushed them away.

Whispering, "You’ve been laid up in this hospital for almost seven days and you’ve gotten me this beautiful bracelet and now this. I haven’t done anything for you for our anniversary."

"That’s not true, Angel. Where have you been for the last seven days?"

"Here…with you. You know that."

"That’s right. Angel, in the last seven days, you have given me strength, courage, faith, determination, and more love than any one man deserves. I couldn’t have gotten through all this without you. You never gave up and you never lost faith. AJ and Kevin have told me how strong you were with the kids, with the fans, and in front of the press."

"Someone had to tell the press."

"It didn’t HAVE to be you though. Management or one of the guys could have done it. Now, I want you to wipe those tears away and enjoy the evening."

"What do you have planned?" she asked wiping the last of the tears.

"Just being together, listening to music, and holding each other."

"Sounds wonderful.

"Snuggle in closer…let me feel my baby. Has he been moving much?"

Laughing softly as Howie placed his hand on her belly, she said, "He’s been doing Brian’s somersaults from ‘Everybody’. The night you were in surgery, when AJ was holding me, he rolled over completely."

Trying to sound jealous, Howie questioned, "Exactly WHY was AJ holding you?"

Missing the playful gleam in Howie’s eyes, Sarah quickly said, "Nothing happened, Howie. I swear! He was …."

Unable to keep a straight face, Howie laughed, "Don’t worry, Angel. I asked AJ to look out for you and if he was holding you, that’s fine."

"AJ has been SO wonderful, D. Right before I came in here, he stopped me to warn me about what you had done."

"You mean my hair?"


"You haven’t said anything."

"It’ll grow back, Howie. I know I’ve always said I didn’t care, just don’t shave it but your hair isn’t nearly as important as your life. I’m just grateful that you’re okay."

Howie hugged her close. "That’s my angel."

"How did you manage all this?" asked Sarah as she nestled her head on Howie’s shoulder. With her fingers, she drew designs on his stomach as he held her.

"The guys did it for me and your favorite dinner will be delivered later."

Sarah ran her fingers across his arm then laced hers with his. "It’s wonderful. Nick give you a hard time?"

"I think Nick’s finally learned that when it comes to romance, I know more than he does."

Sarah laughed remembering all the times Nick had bet Howie that he couldn’t be romantic in the weirdest places…the delivery room for one when the twins were born.

The couple spent the rest of the afternoon cuddled together talking about whatever came up…their way of staying connected. It had been something they’d done ever since they started dating; they would take a day or two to just shut out the world and talk. They held each other but never made love. When they ran out of things to talk about, they would simply hold each other.

Shortly after dinner, Dr. Anderson stopped in to check on Howie. He was surprised to see all the candles and flowers. "Whoa…never imagined a hospital room as a romantic place."

Howie gave a tired smile. "Any place can be romantic with the right person."

"Obviously. So, how do you feel?"


"That’s to be expected," answered the doctor looking over Howie’s chart. "Everything looks perfect. Have you been moving around?"

"Got up and took a shower today…had my friends shave my hair."

"That’s good. Your blood pressure looks good. Tomorrow, I want you to go for a walk. Sarah, I’m sure you’ll be with him. Take a wheelchair with you in case he gets too tired."

"No problem."

"Now, how would you like to go home in a couple days?"

"I’d love it. Maybe my wife will stop worrying so much then."

Dr. Anderson smiled. "She had a reason to worry. I’ve talked to your doctor in Orlando and he’s going to do the follow-up in six weeks. Until then, you need to take it easy. Avoid as much stress as possible. I know it’s difficult with little children but do the best you can. Also, moderate exercise. I’m not sure what you’re usual routine is but ease back into it. Watch your diet…avoid the salt."

"How long before I can perform?"

"I’d like for you to hold off until the follow-up. I understand you have commitments though."

"The only commitment he has is to me and getting better. Management has decided to postpone the tour until after our baby is born," said Sarah. "That will give Howie time to recover."

That surprised Howie. "When did they decide that?"

"A couple days ago. Kevin talked to them. We were gonna take a break in a few weeks anyway for the benefit so the guys convinced them to just hold off until after the baby."

Dr. Anderson said, "That’s good. You two enjoy your evening and I’ll see you tomorrow."

"Thanks, Doc, for everything," said Howie.

As the door closed behind the doctor, Howie yawned and Sarah said, "Why don’t you close your eyes, D?"

"Are you gonna stay?"

"Until the very end, I’ll be there for you."

Howie settled into the warmth of Sarah’s embrace. Closing his eyes, he let out a soft sigh as Sarah began to sing to him. Once more, their love had seen them through another crisis and he fell asleep secure in the knowledge that they would always have each other.

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