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Rebecca's Point Tally

25,000 Joined before April 30th 4/2
10,000 Last sweeps bonus 4/2
703 freebie pts. found 4/2
702 Freebie pts. found 4/2
701 freebie pts found 4/2
7,500 Read Rules 4/2
700 freebie pts found 4/2
1,000 Sent NAZ 4/2
1,000 Emailed for my NAZ 4/2
567 Im going to do a bonus or two freebie 4/2
5,000 Unscrambled game 4/2
10,000 Pooh Trivia 4/2
5,000 found errors pts 4/2
25,200 anagram #1
2,000 read email 4/9
2,001 read email 4/11
2003 read email 4/14
5000 unscramble 4/14
10000 trivia 4/14
1,000,000 referral (christina c)4/14
2004 email 4/23
4343 freebie find 4/23
2,000,000 egg c picked 4/23
5000 easter plans 4/23
340 freebie pt 4/23
3430 freebie pt 4/23
3434 freebie pt 4/23
4500 themed entry idea 4/23
34340 pet4/23
5000 unscramble 4/23
7000 trivia 4/23
1234 email read 4/23
12,000,000 5 eggs found in hunt 4/23
10,000,000 first to find all 5 eggs 4/23
10,000,000 bonus 4/23
5000 fav color 4/23
2,000,000 card 4/23
100 emaiil read 4/28
100 email read 4/28
6001 email red 4/28
101 email read 5/3
1001 found 5/3
1003 found 5/3
1001 found 5/3
3001 found 5/3
607 found 5/3
500 email read 5/3
900 email 5/3
9000 look for people to join sweep 5/3
40,000,000 bunny pick 5/3
1500 email read 5/3
5,000,000 first day of sweeps bonus 5/5
3001 freebie pts 5/5
607 freebie pts 5/5
2000 fav. fish 5/5
5000 unscramble 5/5
10000 trivia 5/5
52000 abc game 5/5
100 email read 5/5
10,000,000 borrowed idea for sweeps 5/6
5055 fav. animal 5/6
4511 freebie find 5/6
500 email 5/6
506 points found 5/6
251,562,500 (6 pampered chef knives ebay)(tripled w/$5)5/6~REC 5/10
93,412,800 ebay hold n slice pampered chef (tripled)5/6~REC. 5/10
3000 fav. side dish 5/6
10,000,000 points found 5/6
7000 pts found 5/6
7001 pts found 5/6
7002 pts found 5/6
7004 pts found 5/6
5050 fav. candy
49,012,500 corn butter n nobs(TRIPLED APPLIED)5/9 REC. ON 5/22
790 read email 5/9
72,636,000 cake tester(TRIPLER APPLIED)5/13 REC ON 5/22
90,750,000 pan scrapers (TRIPLER APPLIED)5/13 REC. ON 5/22
78,600,000 citrus peeler (TRIPLER APPLIED)5/13 REC ON 5/22
25,000,000 hunny pot find 5/13
507 found 5/13
10,000,000 found 5/13
5000 found 5/13
1500 bonus or two 5/13
4511 found 5/13
5000 unscramble 5/13
5,000,000 give pooh more honey 5/13
2500 email 5/13
5,000,000 joined Rhondas sweep 5/13
3,000,000 free for all 5/17
567 email 5/17
722 email 5/17
5000 email 5/17
1,128,749,250 ebay dallas coasters 5/17 REC. ITEM
656,445,000 ebay crappie jigs (tripler applied 7/24)5/17 REC.ITEM
656,445,000 ebay crappie jigs 5/17 REC.ITEM
1,000,750 Envie #1 total & word search + bonuses 5/17
123 email 5/23
1230 help raise prizes 5/23
6000 email 5/23
82,230,000 Ebay p.c cookbooks 5/23 REC.ITEM
401,200,000 Ebay wallies dragonfly 5/23 REC.ITEM
2051 fav. singer 5/28
4511 freebie find 5/28
5000 unscramble 5/28
5000 trivia 5/28
5009 found 5/28
5000 freebie 5/28
3000 freebie 5/28
6000 freebie 5/28
799 freebie 5/28
50,000,000 american idol vote 5/28
500 email 5/28
6090 freebie find 5/28
3000 fav. flower5/28
508 freebie 5/28
2 million freebie find 5/28
25000 freebie 5/28
3000 eye color 5/28
203 freebie 5/28
7,000,000 tigger boxing 5/28
5000 freebie 5/28
4,000,000 eeyore bonus 5/28
2051 movie star 5.28
56768 freebie 5/28
10,000,000 tigger jumping 5/28
4500 unscramble 5/28
10000 trivia 5/28
48000 abc game 5/28
600 silly sent. 5/28
500 email 5/31
500 found 6/7
509 found 6/7
5000 email 6/7
345 email 6/7
56110 email 6/20
67000 vacation 6/20
1235 found 6/18
4599 found 6/20
1005 found 6/20
1,000,000,000 sack of money found 6/20
1999 found
35,000 found
5,500,000 found
5000 unscramble
7,000,000 7 wonders of world
100 email
100,000,000 $2 in raffle tickets
100,000,000 paypal bonus 6/20
8,000,000 expense pd trip 6/20
708 found
2500 found
500 email
5300 found
50000 found
322 found
17000 found
6009 found
1470 found
1,400,137,375,000 Ebay unity candle holder (x10 weeky bonus applied)6/20 REC.ITEM
10,000,000 web site down 6/20
5,012,135,000 Ebay wedding silver ballons(x10 weekly bonus applied)6/20 REC.ITEM
5000 email 6/22
500 email 6/22
2000 4 bonuses 6/22
24,000,000 freebie find 6/22
8,000,000 kids 6/22
905 freebie 6/22
5300 found 6/22
17000 found 6/22
1470 found 6/22
1,000,000 kitchen color 6/22
1999 inspired u 6/22
5500000 b-day 6/22
7000 remebered childhood 6/22
25,000,000 EMAIL BONUS 6/28
85,000,000 MOST IMPORTANT 6/28
876 FOUND 6/28
34567 FOUND 6/28
5346 EMAIL 6/28
500,000,000,000 BONUS EBAY ITEM WON & SENT TO ME 6/28
50000 FOUND 6/28
90000 FOUND 6/28
10,000,001 FOUND 6/28
503 FOUND 6/28
70000 FOUDN 6/28
5000 UNSCRAMBLE 6/28
18,008,420,400,000 EBAY 2 SETS OF TORCHES REC. ITEM
5003 FOUND 7/8
25,000,000 FOUND 7/8
435900 FOUND 7/8
876 7/8
4007 FOUDN 7/8
35,000,000 FOUND 7/8
5000 EMAIL 7/8
5000 FOUND 7/8
500 EMAIL 7/8
34567 FOUND 7/8
5346 FOUND 7/8
50000 FOUND 7/8
1,000,000,000,000 FOUND 7/8
15000 3 DIABETIC SITES 7/8
5,000,000,000,000 EMAIL 7/8
24000 RECIPES 7/10
10,000,000,000,000 EMAIL PTS 7/10
85,000 FAV TIME OF YEAR 7/10
200,000,000,000 EBAY SPECIAL BONUS 7/10
5,000,002,225,000 EBAY HAIR TRIMMER REC. ITEM 7/10
25,000,000,000,000 CHECKED TALLY 7/14
34567 FOUND 7/14
5346 FOUND 7/14
50000 FOUND 7/14
876 FOUND 7/14
75000 FOUND 7/14
1,000,000,000,000 FOUND 7/14
5,000,000,000,000,000 card email 7/20
10,000,000,000,000,000 mystery pts 7/20
8900700 found 7/20
34567 found 7/20
5346 found 7/20
50000 found 7/20
83,000,000,000,000 freebie find 7/20
50,000,000,000,000 found 7/20
45009 found
60,000,000 found
19000 next sweeps
95000 found 7/20
5000 unscramble 7/20
52000 abc #1 7/20
52000 abc #2 7/20
300000 hurricanes names 7/20
90000 found 7/20
40,000,000,000 found 7/20
70,000,000,000,000 found 7/20
7869054 found 7/20
6579 found 7/20
75345 found 7/20
85,000,000,000,000 found 7/20
50000 found 7/20
50909909 found 7/20
50,000,000,000,000 found 7/20
4000 found 7/20
4500 found 7/20
35,000,500 found 7/20
5000 found
10000 found 7/20
25000 found 7/20
45,000,005 found 7/20
50,000,002,175,000 ebay hold n slice REC.ITEM 8/8(tripler applied)
5,000,000,000,000,000 joined creative rewards 7/20
300,000,000,072,000,000 Ebay 6pk mice for cats (tripler and item recevied pending)7/28
22,500,000,000,000,000,000 Ebay camel cash 150(pending arrival of tripler & item)7/28
999,999,999,999,999 found 7/28
750,000,000,000,000 found 7/28
459,000,000,000 found 7/28
50909909 found 7/28
2,000,000,000,000,000,000 found 7/28
600,000,000,000,000 found 7/28
500 pkg mailed 7/28
500 mailed envie 7/28
66,000,000,000,000 cat card sent 7/28
15,000,000,000,000 found 7/28
19,617,152,251,337,823,000 box total & bonuses (tripler applied) 7/31
16,050,000,000,000,000 envie #2 total & tripler applied 7/31
5000 unscramble 7/31
501,000,000,000,000,000 found 7/31
1000 pkg mailed 7/31
20,000,000,000,000,000,000 pick # bonus 7/31
500,000,000 email read 7/31
5,355,000,000,005,000 envie #3 total & bonuses 8/2
105,000,000,009,350 envie #4 total & bonuses 8/2
65,010,734,355,112,468,960 Total Pts!

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