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Donna's Point Tally

25,000 Joined before April 30th 4/9
10,000 Last sweeps bonus 4/9
703 freebie pts. found 4/9
702 Freebie pts. found 4/9
701 freebie pts found 4/9
7,500 Read Rules 4/9
700 freebie pts found 4/9
1,000 Sent NAZ 4/9
1,000 Emailed for my NAZ 4/9
567 Im going to do a bonus or two freebie 4/9
5,000 Unscrambled game 4/9
5,000 found errors pts 4/9
500 pts pkg on way 4/12
195,643,800 Box #1 total & Bonuses 4/12
5000 unscramble 4/22
340 freebie pts 4/22
3430 frebie pts 4/22
3450 scavnegerhunt bonus 4/22
4500 pts 4/22
34343 freeebie pts 4/22
52000 abc game 4/22
2,000,000 email egg pick 4/22
5000 fav. color 4/22
5,000 easter plans 4/22
1,000,000 hidden egg 4/22
10,000,000 hidden egg 4/22
1,000,000 hidden egg 4/22
5,000,000 hidden egg 4/22
3,000,000 hidden egg 4/22
7,000,000 bonus for 3rd place 4/22
4343 email read 4/23
1000 error pts 4/23
678 email read 4/23
6000 game ideas 4/23
500 pkg. sent 4/24
1001 freebie 4/24
1003 freebie 4/24
1001 freebie 4/24
600 freebie 4/24
7615 bonus do a 4/24
3001 freebie 4/24
607 freebie 4/24
2000 fav. fish 4/24500 email 4/24
10000 2 bonuses 4/24
4000 unscramble 4/28
50000 abc game 4/28
400 bonus 4/28
100 email read 4/28
6001 email read4/28
2000 silly sentences 4/28
75000 best decorated box 5/3
900 email 5/3
9000 look for people to join sweep 5/3
3450 hunt or two 5/3
10,000,000 bunny picked 5/3
1500 email read 5/3
678 email read 5/3
100 read email 5/5
506 email 5/6
279,238,400 ebay hold n slice(tripler applied)REC. ON 5/29
1,000,000 raffle ticket 5/9
103,256,000 Envie #1 total & bonuses 3/15
5,000,000 mothers day bonus 5/13
456 email 5/13
9,000,000 email 5/13
2500 email 5/13
3000 found 5/13
504 found 5/13
507 found 5/13
508 found 5/13
10,000,000 found 5/13
1500 do a bonus or two 5/13
40000 abc game 5/13
200 silly sentence 5/13
fav. candy 5055 5/13
2,000 Funniest SIlly sentence 5/17
3,000,000 free for all 5/17
25,000,000 freebie find 5/17
6000 freebie find 5/17
12,000,000 freebie find 5/17
5,000,000 freebie find 5/17
722 email read 5/17
567 email read 5/17
4000 email read 5/17
765 email read 5/17
78456 email 5/17
123 email read 5/23
1230 help raise money 5/23
250,000,000 paypal bonus 5/23
500 pkg sent 5/23
89 email read 5/23
6000 email read 5/23
5,000,000 email read 5/23
21,187,492,500 2 color ink cartridges EBAY REC. 5/30(tripler applied)
450 email read 5/28
4500 help raised prizes 5/28
450 read email 5/28
600 email read 5/28
25000 freebie5/31
509 found 5/31
7,000,000 tigger fight 5/31
500 email 5/31
203 found 5/31
79900 found 5/31
6000 found 5/31
4,000,000 hidden pts 5/31
2051 fav. actor 5/1
3500 found 5/31
3500 found 5/31
56768 freebie 5/31
500 email 5/31
5,000,000 pooh hunny 5/31
10,000,000 tigger jump 5/31
500 emial 5/31
500 email 5/31
460 email 5/31
100 email 5/31
12,036,000,000 sixpence Ebay for wedding (tripler applied) 6/3 REC.
300 email read 6/3
1650000 kitchen hints 6/7
890 email read 6/7
345 email read 6/7
5000 email read 6/7
200 email 6/11
500 email 6/11
5000 email 6/11
4568 email 6/11
10,000,000 web site down 6/18
2334 email 6/18
50909 email 6/18
800 email 6/22
8000 email 6/22
25,000,000 EMAIL BONUS 6/28
5000 EMAIL 6/28
500 read email 7/7
5,000,000,000,000 read email 7/7
10,000,000,000,000 hidden 7/14
624000 crayon colors 7/14
343,260,000 diabetic recipes 7/14
15000 3 diabetic sites 7/14
75,000,000,000,000 found 7/14
4007 found 7/14
90000 freebie pts 7/14
1,000,000,000,000 found 7/14
10,000,000,000,000 $2 in raffle tickets 7/14
578469 found 7/14
850000 fav. time year 7/14
509 found 7/14
34567 found 7/14
5346 found 7/14
50000 freebie pts 7/14
876 found 7/14
400 read email 7/14
4000 wants to win 7/14
400000 doing paypal 7/14
10,000,000,000,000 found 7/20
10,000,000,000,000 checked tally 7/20
25,000,000,000,000 email to check tally 7/20
600 email 7/20
1000 email
8900700 found 7/20
85000 found 7/20
45009 found 7/20
509 found 7/20
500 email 7/20
34567 found 7/20
5346 found 7/20
90000 prize idea 7/20
83,000,000,000,000 found 7/20
50,000,000,000,000 found 7/20
95000 found 7/20
60,000,000 email me forpts 7/20
55,000,000,000 found 7/20
19000 join next sweeps 7/20
45000 hurricanes 7/20
25,000,000,000,000,000 pick your bonus animal email 7/20
45000005 freebie 7/20
70,000,000 found 7/20
5,000,000,000,000,000 joined creation rewards 7/20
325,886,800,000 wedding sites 7/20
407 freebie 7/20
7869054 found 7/20
6579 found 7/20
75345 freebie 7/20
85,000,000,000,000 freebie find 7/20
50000 found 7/20
50909909 found 7/20
95000 found 7/20
50,000,000,000,000 found 7/20
35000050 found 7/20
25000 found 7/20
10000 found 7/20
5000 found 7/20
70,000,000 online practical joke 7/24
50,000,000,000,000,000 paypal bonus7/24
10,000,000,000,000,000 paypal bonus 7/24
52000 abc game spring clean 7/24
50000 organized abc 7/24
5000 ideas for raffles 7/24
52000 abc back to school 7/24
48000 abc summertime 7/24
10,000,000,000,000 email 7/24
50000 found 7/24
10,000,000,000 found 7/24
578,469 fav disney char. 7/24
75,000,000 freebie 7/24
40,000,000,000 fav. summertime 7/24
35,000,000 found 7/24
1000 email 7/24
465,098 email 7/24
40,000,000,000,000,000 paypal bonus 7/24
250,000,000,000,000 paypal $1.00 7/28
10,000,000,000,000,000 paypal bonus 7/28
66,000,000,000,000 cat card sent 7/28

15,000,000,000,000 found 7/28
999,999,999,999,999 found 7/28
750,000,000,000,000 found 7/28
501,000,000,000,000,000 found 7/28
2,000,000,000,000,000,000 found 7/28
5,000,000,000,000 PENDING special 5 bonus items sent in 7/28
15,000,000,000,000,000,000 pick # bonus 7/31
500,000,000 email read 7/31
25,000,000,000,000,000 raffle tickets 7/31
459,000,000,000 found 7/31
5,000,000,000,000,000,000 joined Terris raffle 7/31
5,000,000,000,000,000,000 joined sues raffle 7/31
2,500,000,000,000,000,000 $5 paypalback to school moms raffle mine 7/31
900,050,000,000,220,500,000Ebay Jumbo storage bags (tripler applied)REC. ITEMS 8/2
2,500,000,000,000,000,000 $5 to triple box on the way 7/31
500 box mailed 7/31
2,514,000,000,044,500,000Ebay Roses wedding Paypal included(tripler applied)REC. 8/8
900,000,000,000,594,000,000 Ebay 3 underbed storage bags REC. 8/2(tripler applied)7/31
2,500,000,000,000,000,000 $5 tripler paypal for underbed bags 7/31
10,000,000,022,000,000 ebay wedding sign 7/31
780,157,996,645,113,829,500 BOX #2 TOIAL & BONUSES 8/15
2,617,809,083,105,530,296,000 Total Pts!

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