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September 11, 2001


My response to the attack on September 11, 2001.  A year later.

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On September 11, 2001, members of Al-Qaeda cowardly attacked our country, lead by Osama bin Laden. All I have to say is this. These people are nothing more than trash to me, to be burnt and disposed of.

I have this to say to anyone who considers attacking this country. Go ahead, do it, but be prepared to die. We will hunt you to the end of the earth, put a bullet in your head, remove it, place it on a pike, and parade it through the streets of Washington DC. There is no where to hide. You can craw in your cave if you like. We will send a squad of these southwest Virginia coal miners. And if you think the bombs are bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet. These guys will come in your house, and jerk a knot in your ass. And that’s just a beginning. They have never heard of the Geneva Convention, and don’t know the meaning of a white flag. I wont go into details, but lets just put it this way. You WILL meet your 7 virgins, but you wont have the equipment to do anything about it.

If you still want to try and attack us, go for it. If you think you can defeat the most powerful military in the world, that’s up to you. But you have to be one dumbass punk to try. Hope you like the smell of burnt flesh and spilt blood, because it will be the last smell you ever smell on this earth.