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Welcome to the Home Page of the

This is the Home Page of the Civil War Virtual Archive Webring. From here you should be able to obtain all the information you need about the Ring - what it is and how to join it. If, after reading all the info here, you still have a question or a query, feel free to email the Ringmaster of the Virtual Archive Ring, Leah Berkowitz.

What is a Web Ring?
Who Can Join the Civil War Virtual Archive Ring?
Joining the Civil War Virtual Archive Ring
HTML Code for your Web Site or Page
Adding Your Site to the Virtual Archive Ring
Member Maintenance
Interesting Information Links
View a list of all the sites in the Virtual Archives Webring


A Webring is a totally free service, providing the Internet community with a different way to organize itself on the World Wide Web. It is a way of grouping together Websites (or even individual pages) of similar themes or topics by linking them together in a "Webring" around Cyberspace.


The Civil War Virtual Archive Web Ring links web sites containing primary reference material for those engaged in researching the American Civil War. The purpose is to make a "virtual library" of resources available to researchers, without having to go through long indexes of Civil War pages that may or may not contain primary information.

In order to be included in this "virtual archive", an applicant must meet the following guidelines:

  1. The applicant must maintain a website with a valid URL. If you do not have a website, there is no way for you to join the ring. This is a navigation tool for linking web pages, not a mailing list. Please do not send applications to the queue if you have no URL.

  2. The website must contain primary reference material. This can include letters, diaries, memoirs, photographs, newspaper articles or other original 19th-Century material that would be of interest to anyone engaged in Civil War research. This is a researcher's webring. Reenactment websites may be included in the Virtual Archives only if they contain documents (letters, diaries, roster lists, etc.) pertaining to the original regiment that is being portrayed. If your site is Civil War related but does not contain research information, you should check out the other Civil War Webrings:

  3. Reenactors Webring (Reenactment units)
    Civil War Circuit (General reference Civil War sites)
    Civil War Heritage Ring (General reference Civil War sites)
    Civil War On-Line (Virtual reenactment wargaming)
    Civil War Art Ring (Art galleries specializing in CW art)

    Maryland Civil War Webring (Maryland, My Maryland)
    The Confederate Ring (Southern heritage)
    Dixieland Ring (Southern heritage)
    Southron Ring (Southern heritage)

    Regiments of the Confederate Army Webring (for sites about CSA units)
    Billy Yank Webring (one for the Union)
    Union Army Webring (for sites about USA units)

  4. The website must not be commercial. Civil War Art Ring accepts commercial sites.

  5. The website may not contain any material that is unsuited for viewing by schoolchildren, and it must not contain contemporary messages of hatred or intolerance directed against any ethnic, racial or religious group.


If your Web site or page qualifies for the Civil War Virtual Archive ring, joining is a simple 4 step process:

  1. Fill out the form below, add yourself to the Queue and receive your Site ID via email.
  2. Insert into your page the appropriate links, code fragment and graphics. You'll find them on this page. You may choose from three different graphics.

    Speaking of graphics, if your page is hosted on Geocities (as this one is) you may want to check out the new Civil War theme Geocities icons in the Civil War Clipart Gallery. Other Civil War graphics are available at that site as well.
  3. Once you've completed steps 1 and 2, email me telling me that you've done so. Please add the navigation graphics to your page as soon as possible. Your site can not be added to the webring if the navigation table is not in place, and I don't like to leave sites hanging in the queue for ages!
  4. I'll check out your Web page. If all looks OK, I'll then add you into the Ring and email you!


In order to be added to the "Queue" and be given a Site ID, you must fill out this form and submit it.

Your Site URL:
Your Site Title:
Your E-mail Address:
Pick a Password:


Once you receive your Site ID, you need to add the necessary code to your Web Site Home Page. Remember, when you put this code into your page, you need to check it VERY carefully, add your Site ID# and your email address in the blank spaces where required, or it won't work properly. You must save the graphics and store them on your own web server. To save a graphic, place your cursor over the graphic, click on the right mouse button and "save picture as" to your hard drive. Do not change the names of the graphics. Make sure you upload the images to your web server.

Don't worry if all this seems a bit confusing. Just take it step by step and slowly. If you still need help with the code, email me and I'll try to help you out.

Here is what it looks like:

CW Virtual Archives graphic CW Virtual Archives Civil War Virtual Archives Graphic

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This Civil War Virtual Archives Ring site is owned by Your Name

Code Fragment:

<!-- BEGIN THE CIVIL WAR VIRTUAL ARCHIVE RING FRAGMENT --> <div align="center"><center> <table border="7" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr> <td><a href=";id=__&amp;prev"><img src="cwprev.gif" alt="CW Virtual Archives graphic" border="0" WIDTH="103" HEIGHT="148"></a> </td> <td><a href=""><img src="archlogo.gif" alt="CW Virtual Archives" border="0" WIDTH="126" HEIGHT="153"></a> </td> <td><a href=";id=__&amp;next"><img src="cwnext.gif" alt="CW Virtual Archives graphic" border="0" WIDTH="102" HEIGHT="149"></a> </td> </tr> </table> </center></div> <p align="center"><font size="2" face="Arial">[ <a href=";id=__&amp;sprev">Previous Two</a> | <a href=";list">List</a> | <a href="">Join</a> | <a href=";id=__&amp;random">Random</a> | <a href=";id=__&amp;next5">Next Five</a> ] <br> This <a href="">Civil War Virtual Archives Ring</a> site is owned by <a href="mailto:_____@_____">Your Name</a></font></p> <!--END CIVIL WAR VIRTUAL ARCHIVE RING FRAGMENT -->


- where it says .../cgi-bin/webring?ring=cwarchring&id=____ add your site ID in place of the blank
- where it says
a href="mailto:____@_____" add your Email address in place of the blank
- where it says
YOUR NAME replace with your own name

Here is a more colorful table:

CW Virtual Archives graphic CW Virtual Archives CW Virtual Archives graphic

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This Civil War Virtual Archives Ring site is owned by Your Name

Here is the code segment for the colorful table:

<!-- BEGIN THE CIVIL WAR VIRTUAL ARCHIVE RING FRAGMENT --> <div align="center"><center> <table border="7" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr> <td><a href=";id=__&amp;prev"><img src="cwprev3.gif" alt="CW Virtual Archives graphic" border="0" WIDTH="87" HEIGHT="125"></a> </td> <td><a href=""><img src="archlogo3.gif" alt="CW Virtual Archives" border="0" WIDTH="103" HEIGHT="125"></a> </td> <td><a href=";id=__&amp;next"><img src="cwnext3.gif" alt="CW Virtual Archives graphic" border="0" WIDTH="86" HEIGHT="125"></a> </td> </tr> </table> </center></div> <p align="center"><font size="2" face="Arial">[ <a href=";id=__&amp;sprev">Previous Two</a> | <a href=";list">List</a> | <a href="">Join</a> | <a href=";id=__&amp;random">Random</a> | <a href=";id=__&amp;next5">Next Five</a> ] <br> This <a href="">Civil War Virtual Archives Ring</a> site is owned by <a href="mailto:_____@_____">Your Name</a></font></p> <!-- END CIVIL WAR VIRTUAL ARCHIVE RING FRAGMENT -->

Here is another table:

CW Virtual Archives graphic CW Virtual Archives CW Virtual Archives graphic

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This Civil War Virtual Archives Ring site is owned by Your Name

Here is the code segment for this table:

<!-- BEGIN THE CIVIL WAR VIRTUAL ARCHIVE RING FRAGMENT --> <div align="center"><center> <table border="7" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr> <td><a href=";id=__&amp;prev"><img src="cwvaprev.gif" alt="CW Virtual Archives graphic" border="0" WIDTH="87" HEIGHT="125"></a> </td> <td><a href=""><img src="cwvalogo.gif" alt="CW Virtual Archives" border="0" WIDTH="103" HEIGHT="125"></a> </td> <td><a href=";id=__&amp;next"><img src="cwvanext.gif" alt="CW Virtual Archives graphic" border="0" WIDTH="87" HEIGHT="125"></a> </td> </tr> </table> </center></div> <p align="center"><font size="2" face="Arial">[ <a href=";id=__&amp;sprev">Previous Two</a> | <a href=";list">List</a> | <a href="">Join</a> | <a href=";id=__&amp;random">Random</a> | <a href=";id=__&amp;next5">Next Five</a> ] <br> This <a href="">Civil War Virtual Archives Ring</a> site is owned by <a href="mailto:_____@_____">Your Name</a></font></p> <!-- END CIVIL WAR VIRTUAL ARCHIVE RING FRAGMENT -->
To obtain the necessary graphics, simply copy them from the examples above.
Using Netscape or MS Internet Explorer, just right-click over the top of each image, and save them. Do NOT change the names of these graphics when saving them!

Step 3 - EMAIL ME!

Okay - so far so good. You've added yourself to the Civil War Virtual Archive Ring queue. You've added the HTML code fragment and graphics to your Web page - and it all looks great! NOW is the time to email me telling me just that! Be sure to include your email address and the URL of the page with the link.

Use this form to let me know that you are ready to be added.

Your ID:
Your Name:
Your E-mail Address:
Your Site URL:

When I get your email, I'll visit your Web site or page and if everything checks out,
I'll email you within a couple of days confirming your addition to the Civil War Virtual Archive. That's it!


From time to time you may need to edit your membership information. That's why you chose a password when you added yourself to the queue. Enter your information on the form below and submit it. You will then be taken to a form at "Webring Headquarters" which will permit you to make the changes to your site information.

Your Site ID:
Your Password:


  • List of Sites in the Civil War Archive Ring
  • Check this out to see a list of which sites are in the Civil War Virtual Archive Ring.
  • Top Sites on the CW Archive Ring
  • Shows statistics on the Ring, including top sites and hits, and rankings.

    Visit the Participating Page of the Ringmaster of the Civil War Archive Ring

    CW Virtual Arcvhives graphic CW Virtual Archives CW Virtual Archives graphic

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    This Civil War Virtual Archives Ring site is owned by Leah Berkowitz

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