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Banks Family Web Page

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Banks Family Web Page

The Heart of our Page
Home | Family Reunion 2001 | Vacation Pix | Reunion Pics | Kid Pics | Family Pics

Christmas Pictures

Merry Christmas! Ok I know this is February and I am just putting these pics on the web site, but I have finally added them. This is a picture of Leon and Marsha's house covered in snow. Yes we do get some snow in Virginia, once in a while. Click here to see more pictures I received in Christmas cards.

Banks Family Reunion 2003

We are already planning the next family reunion. It is going to be in Richmond, Va. The Va Stockwell cousins will be hosting the semi-annual event. Heather, Cheri, Ann Marie, John Paul and myself are already working on the plans. Mark your calendar, take the time off of work, pack the kids up and head to the Old Dominion. It will fall on the same weekend as usual, the last weekend in July. The date is July 26th, 2003. More information will follow.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here is a picture from Thanksgiving 2001 at Jack and Teena's. Front Row: Carl, Jenny, Guage, Jacob, Sean, and Critter. Back Row : Jack, Teena, Aaron, Jennifer, Joe, Carolyn, Tommy, and Tracy. Aren't the kids getting big. Its Great to see everyone. Click here to see pictures from Indiana.

Inside a coal mine

Here is Ray Banks, Pa Banks, Poppy Stockwell and Charlie Kilgore in the coal mine. The machine Uncle Ray is sitting on is what Pa used to haul coal out of the mine. Click here to see pictures from Uncle Ray.

Granny and Pa Banks

Here is a picture of Robbie Raymond and Minerva Ann Banks on their wedding day, November 20th, 1926 . Look how young they are!
Click here to see pictures from Uncle Ray.

This page is just in the begining stages. I am learning as I go, so you will have to bare with me. What can you do to help? I need your pictures, birthdays, and anything that you want to share with the whole Family. You can send the information to my E-mail address below. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know. Coming Soon... E-mail lists, AOL instant messenger names and much, much more.
