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Check this out.. It's a friend of my dad's brother or something.. A Major in the U.S. Army.. Just a first hand account I thought you might want to take a look at..


We will be leaving this desert paradise in a few days. Of course dramatic things can happen in a heart beat over here, so we are collectively keeping our fingers crossed till the very end. The Army has other plans for us for the next few months, but none of the exotic places being considered for our unit involves people shooting at us and most are significantly cooler than 120 degrees.

I wanted to thank everybody who has been so supportive over the last 10 months. It has been quite an extraordinary experience with both good and bad, but the support that I have received has been astounding. In many cases a friendly email, a letter or even a package has brought a ray of sunshine into what could otherwise be a very difficult day.

Based on what I have observed in the last year, regardless of your position on the Iraqi conflict, I can honestly say that those soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines that went to

Iraq represented the finest that America has to offer and they have made a tremendous impact on the lives of the Iraqis. It may not be news worth in todayıs media, but there have been schools built and civic improvements on a scale that these people have never fathomed. Inversely, we have witnessed first hand the nearly unfathomable cruelty that Hussein and his ilk were capable of. There are still thugs capable of murder and oppression, but these horrors have been a part of this society for the last 30 years. What is new is that for the first time, these people have hope. I assure you (again contrary to what the media may report) for every rocket or bullet that has been directed at us in anger, we have received a hundred more thank-youıs. It has been my highest privilege to be a part of this epic struggle and to have done so in the company of American heroes who have sacrificed so much to make this world a better place.

I can tell you from first hand experience, the seemingly most simple of freedoms and opportunities that we experience in our day to day existence are hardly universal and not to be taken for granted. Please dont allow yourself or anybody around you to become casual or complacent about those freedoms.

Thank you again and I hope to see many of you to thank you personally over the next few months!

With utmost gratitude,

Brian Dieffenbacher MAJ, SC U.S. Army

"We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." George Orwell

Thanks to Mike Cockrell, the website has been moved. He will be handling all the web-design and hosting from now on, which is kickass.

This is it-

So, if you need anything involving this kinda stuff, you should definately talk to him. His website is
