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Counter Attack

The misfortunes, the mistrust, the disciples that have been mislead. An early, cold morning was seemingly just another day. Just another day for kids to hate going to school, just another day for parents to hate going to work, just another day for people to hate their miserable lives. It didn't have to come to this. It didn't have to be so unjustly poetic. The prophecy is slowly being fulfilled. Pain and anguish have begun to stick to men like Jelly on a refrigerator. War has corrupted the world, taken man out of their homes and put them into hostile territory. Yet I must stay away from the pain, for one key element is missing. Judgment day is not coming. The World is not ending. Hell on Earth is here forever, it's on an eternal stay. While the world mourns the sins that have been committed, and the people that have been lost, only one thing can remain consistent. Only one thing can absorb people out of their own lives and throw them into our lives. Fun is obsolete, recreation is an unheard echo, a shadow of what it used to be. And while we know for sure that the war will eventually end, the eternal echo sounds shivers down my spine with the words "ICW is Forever".

The most passionate man can sometimes be deluded by the fact that he is not the greatest. Boxers around the world decline out of their prime as the time goes on and the age goes up. They always stay past their prime, always outstay their welcome. The feeling, or need to prove something is always there. Look at George Foreman, he wants to come back to boxing even though it is apparent that he needs to stay in the low fat grilling business. What purpose does it serve for him to come back and embarrass himself? The purpose of life perhaps. The purpose of possibly adjusting to life without having completed the dream. The greats never stop thinking they're great and never realize when they've dipped down to good. The same rules apply to ICW. The surroundings of the world do nothing more than piss the Shanghai Kid off. The anger, the frustration, it downright gets on my nerves. It's like getting up in the morning and watching Saved by the Bell, or having fun with those damn Sienfield commercials. "I'm out there Jerry and I'm loving every minute of it"! How about a little "more Ovaltine please"?

Shanghai Kid pulls up to the arena in the Lowrider. His bodyguard and buddies jump out the car as Shanghai gets out and walks into the arena. He walks through the hallways until he comes to a schedule for Riots match listing. It starts out with a not so thrilling deul between Ripper and X-Convict. From there, the fans will get even less excited when Douglas Arlington takes on some no name named Mark Blackwood. Two familiar foes go at it with Rex Butler and Jbot. In a grudge match, it's Mark Adkins and Stryder. Than right in the smackdab of the midcard is Schizo challenging Shanghai Kid for the X Title. In a standard match, it's "Big Unit" Randy Johnson taking on Tripple Blade. It looks like Mark Adkins will take on Stryder again for the second time that night! In a bloody good tag match, it's Max Powers and Canadain Crippler against Big Al Stud and Ace. That will lead to Ice taking Gerard in a match for the #1 contendership for the World Title. And in the main event, the man who beat me at Beach Brawl, Chris Madison, takes on Reaper.

He comes into a locker room. There stands Rebecca Thompson with a camera crew and a microphone..

What the hell do you want?

Well I was actually wondering if I could get an interview about your match with Schizo?

Haven't you been watching ICW TV? I've had promos about that match all week. Frankly I'm a little burnt out on talking about it.

Don't worry, we'll make it quick, I still need to interview Crazzy Gerard and Big Al Stud.

Why don't you interview Schizo?

Are you kidding me? Have you seen what the ratings are like during his promos? Besides, he cusses too much to be on television.

Alright, let's get this thing started and finished.

Shanghai, in one of Schizos recent promos, he said that you aren't the wrestler you once were, how do you respond to that?

I respond to that by saying it doesn't matter what I am now, it's still good enough to beat Schizo. When I'm a 50 year old stumbling around with my walker, It'll still be enough to beat Schizo. That's the point, I could be half of a former shell of myself, or even 1 quarter of my former self, and it wouldn't matter, because that's still good enough to beat Schizo.

He also has said that the previous encounter between you two was a classic match, but not because of you, but because of him. What do you think about that?

Rebecca, look at my track record. I have a history of putting on classic matches. I carried Max Powers to a few classics. I held my own with Joe Max in a classic. I even got a classic match out of HHH when he was way past his prime. History is proof alone that I put on classic matches. Now let's look at what Schizo has done in his career. Hmm, he had a few under card matches that made Ming Chee vs Big Daddy Jason Berodt look pretty God like. He's had two good matches in his whole short career. One of them was Chris Madison, and we know who carried that match. Let's just say one of them is fighting for the World Title, and the other is fighting to stay in the midcard. His other good match was with the Shanghai Kid. Now one more time looking back at history, we know who was responsible for that being a classic. Bottom line, I could carry a sandwich into a classic. Schizo is also pretty delusional about a match vs Stryder he thinks is a classic. Boom all his credibility goes out the window right there. I mean people must be throwing the word classic around way too lightly if Schizo or anyone else believes his match with Stryder was even half a classic. Tonight, my track record is going to continue. I'm going to put on another classic match. A very Hercules type feat considering that I'm coming off 3, very unclassic matches. Me and Schizo know how to work good together, and I know how to make him look good, so I'm going to have to do that, again.

He says that he doesn't want to have a feud with you because beating you more than twice is just going to hold him back. How do you respond to that?

That's real hilarious considering the little problem in that he has never defeated me. Whether Schizo likes it or not, this is a feud we're having right now. And I'm winning the bitch 1-0. Tonight will make it dose to cero. He can pout, cry, whatever he wants, because Shanghai Kid is town. If anything, he should be thanking me since I'm helping his career out so much. The guy is floating around the midcard, and he thinks he can just mow through everybody to the top. It doesn't work that way, theirs a system. Feuds, classic matches, that's what gets you to the top in ICW. Even though I don't like Schizo, I'm actually helping his career out by punking him out in these matches. Every time he puts up a good effort against me, his stock rises. I have that affect, I'm a measuring stick on how good wrestlers can be. It's a privilege, an honor for Schizo to even be in the same damn ring as me. After I lay the crackdown on Schizo tonight, I'm moving on, higher, he's going to be in the same spot. And he's going to have to find another road to the top, because this road he's on right now, goes through the Shanghai Kid, and that's one speed bump his ass can't handle.

Lately it seems as if Schizo has been talking like he's already the X Champion. He says he's only going to give you one shot at it and than move on.

It's pure ignorance, that's all. He has been talking like he's already the champ. Issuing out challenges, making hotel reservations, just generally walking around like he's all big and bad. Theirs a difference between confidence and taking it too far, and Schizo is taking it too far. His ego is way out of control, and I gotta set him straight tonight. He has to beat me to get this title, one little small detail that he fails to recognize.

He thinks after he beats your going to fall into a feud with Canadian Crippler while he feuds with Strider, what do you think of that?

Schizo doesn't realize that I've already paid my dues. Even if I lost, I'd still be higher on that card. I'm better than him and the rest of ICW knows it, and if any doubters don't, they'll find out tonight. The X Title is where I want to be at right now. It's not just title I'm holding by default, I wanted this title, and I want to keep this title. Schizo can try to come and get it, but he's damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't. You don't have to worry about the Shanghai Kid falling down the card. I've proved my worth, it's Schizo that has to worry about a never-ending feud with Jbot.

Alright, well I think you for your time Shanghai.

Your welcome, now get out so I can get ready for my match.

Rebecca and her crew leave the room as Shanghai's assistant walks into the room. Shanghai looks at him for a second.

You know...I think I might go to the ring.

Shanghai walks the curtain guy and tells him to cue up his music. He walks down to the ring and grabs a microphone.

Did you guys see that promo that just aired? I'm talking about the Schizo promo that he did like 10 minutes go and whooped up in a hurry. Wow, what a piece of garbage this guy is. He sits there and harps on everything I say. Look here Schizo, everything you have ever done in your career up to this point has been nothing but amateruish little league bullshit. You haven't stepped in the ring with anybody as good as the Shanghai Kid. This war of words we're going through is all good and great, but let's not get confused, the actual match is what I'm here tonight for. I'm not here tonight to call you an unintelligent dumbass, or to tell that you aren't walking out of here with the X Title. I'm here tonight just to come in the ring, do my job, and collect my paycheck. All these things your rambling about are going to be useless when you step in the ring and look me in the eyes. You know it right now, because everything you've done, I've responded too. All the hard work you've put in, I've put in even more. I'm winning this match Schizo, theirs no doubt it. After everything we've gone through this week, I stand here before just as confident as I was at the start of it. On Monday I knew I was going to beat you, on Tuesday I knew I was going to beat you, on Wedensday I knew I was going to beat you, on Thursday I knew I was going to beat you, and tonight, I know I'm going to beat you. It's a match that will live in infamy, for the rest of both our days to come. Going into the match, the one thing I knew was that you were going to put the effort in. No matter the outcome, I respect you for your effort. Your work ethic is almost as good as mine. It's just too bad that that kind of thing doesn't decide this, or the olympics. When it comes right down to it, the only deciding factors in this match are talent and expierence and I got you beat on both of those umbre. I guess your going to have to switch your logic too "third time is a charm" because if you want this X Title, than your going to have to beg the staff for yet another shot at it. I'm cruising Schizo, I'm on top of the world. I want the respect, you want the respect, but only man can come out with it tonight. These fans know their hero is coming out of this match with the X Title, the respect, and all your dignity. Good luck, because I know I won't need it.