Credits: Tenchi Muyo!/No Need For Tenchi is a product of Pioneer/AIC. As such, I'm getting no compensation for writing this fiction other than my own enjoyment, because the thought of getting sued is rather unpleasant. Mr. Long T. Tran for his "Tenchi Muyo: Ryoko's Love Prologue" story line, specifically use of his character Shoji. His fiction can be found at GenSao's excellent Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction Page: Disclaimer: All characters *I* have created are purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is pure coincidence. Anyone who thinks otherwise is probably just itching for a fight. Also, please do not try and distribute this story in some lame attempt to make a buck; it would be bad karma to say the least. Tenchi Muyo! "No Need For Sasami" Throw physic to the dogs, I'll none of it! Come, put mine armor on! Give me my staff! Seyton, send out! Doctor, the thanes fly from me! Come, sir, dispatch! If thou couldst, doctor, cast The water of my land, find her disease And purge it to a sound and pristine health, I would applaud thee to the very echo, That should applaud again! [King Macbeth, distressed by an imminent battle and his wife's illness] -- William Shakespeare Tenchi... don't even think that I am giving in. This is only the beginning. -- Emperor Azusa [TM! OAV13] -* Folly and Ascension *- [The End of Emperor Azusa's Reign of Jurai] A NNFS Side Story by Michael McAvoy During the first two years since his world turned upside down, a competition raged between two women. Locked in a battle for Tenchi Masaki's affections, the space pirate Ryoko and the Juraian princess Ayeka struggled for the upper hand in their contest. However, during that same period, they both failed to realize one crucial fact: Tenchi, very simply, was not looking to fall in love with anyone just yet. Regardless, the snide remarks, the haughty looks, and the screeching fights continued unceasingly. Ryoko and Ayeka, without realizing it, had formed a relationship based on antagonism that went far beyond Tenchi's involvement. While their ultimate goal was always Tenchi's heart, in many ways that goal was sidelined as the two women enjoyed the simple thrill of getting under each other's skin. In the meantime, unbeknownst to the pair, what they had so enthusiastically battled each other for had undergone a subtle change of his own. Tenchi, not even realizing it himself, had grown into a frame of mind and state of maturity where he was open to the possibility of love and a relationship. And the self-realization of that fact would stun Tenchi as surely as had he been hit with a decent sized brick. It is now the summer of his eighteenth year on Earth, and Tenchi has chosen Ryoko. The competition is over. For Tenchi, however, it has not been a question of Ryoko or Ayeka. For nearly two years, he has accepted and treated both women, indeed all the women at the Masaki residence, as beloved house guests. Until now, Tenchi has not felt the need to involve himself romantically with anyone. Since his vacation with Ryoko to Naroda Beach, however, Tenchi feels as if he has been filled with electricity. As if having his eyes open for the first time, he sees in his heart that there has only been Ryoko waiting there for him. The reaction from Ayeka has not been what folks at the Masaki residence would have expected. In fact, it has not been what the princess herself would have imagined. The sadness, loneliness, and hurt feelings have presented themselves just as she had dreamed they would if she were ever to lose Tenchi; those feelings, though, are not as raw as they might have been. Ayeka has been distracted by the arrival of her new guardian and has been wrestling with a notion about what her true feelings for Tenchi really are. Ayeka, in her heart, seems to have realized for at least some time now that Tenchi will never become the kind of man she has desired in her fantasies. Ayeka has been raised a princess, and she has grown up seeking a prince as the image of a mate. Tenchi, for all his noble qualities, would never want to become the kind of man, the kind of royalty, that Ayeka has spent her life desiring in a love. It is this slow realization that has perhaps softened the stinging blow of Tenchi's choice of Ryoko. the staggering realization for Ayeka that perhaps Tenchi is not what is best for her life. That powerful self-discovery, however, will take a while for Ayeka to work through. After all, it is not easy to give up in the blink of an eye that which one has fixated on for two years. In the meantime, she will have to contend with her uncertain future, as well as the assignment by her father, the emperor of Jurai, Azusa, of Shoji as her new guardian. For now, Ayeka has invited Tenchi and Ryoko to join her on Jurai for Startica, the summer solstice. Journeying to Ayeka's home planet, Tenchi and Ryoko are nigh unprepared for what awaits them there. Amidst the festive atmosphere among the commoners of Jurai lies a thinly veiled undercurrent of resentment, maliciousness, and bigotry held by many of the noble houses towards the people of Earth. In particular, the revelation that Yosho's survival has led to a prodigy of royalty, whose ability to wield the power of Jurai far exceeds the current emperor's, places a piercing scrutiny upon a still na