*Author's Note*: This is purely fictional. This has not happened and probably never will.

My name is Kaity and I go to Mary Baldwin College, aka MBC, in Staunton Virginia.

Well one Friday I was chillin in my room after my 9 am Spanish class and playing on my computer like I always do when my phone rang. I thought it was either my boyfriend or someone calling to help my roommate move out, she was getting ready to leave to go back to Texas.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi," an unfamiliar male voice came across the line. "My friends and I need some help. Our car's stranded out here in your parking lot."

"I'll be out in a minute to help you out," I said.

"Thank you so much," The male voice said and hung up.

I put my phone back into it's cradle and grabbed my keys and put on my boots and proceeded out the back door.

When I got out the door I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Randy Orton, John Cena, Batista and Edge.

"Ok," I said. "My name's Kaity. I'm the girl yall called. What seems to be the problem with yall's car?"

"It seems like it's something with one of the fan belts," Randy said. "It kind of makes a whirring sound when we go above 60 and when we go around corners."

"It sounds like it might be the power steering belt," I said. "At least with the whirring when you're going around corners. I'm not so sure about the sound when you go over 60."

"Do you know where we can go to get it checked out?" Batista asked.

"Hmmm," I said. "There's a Federated Auto Parts place out by the Staples and Kroger. But it depends do you trust the car to be able to make it out there?"

"I don't know," Randy said. "Do you have anyone on campus who knows about cars?"

"Yeah," I said. "I don't know how much she actually knows about motors and stuff though. Let me call her room extension and see if she's there."

I walked over to the call box and dialed my friend, Tomesha.

"Hello?" Tomesha said.

"Hey Shay," I said. "It's Kaity. How much do you know about car motors?"

"A fair amount why?" she asked.

"You're gonna have to get over here to believe who's here," I said.

"Why? Who is it?" Shay asked.

"Just trust me and get over here," I said and hung up.

About 3 or 4 minutes later Shay pulled up in here green Echo and when she parked and walked over to me her eyes went wide when she saw Randy, John, Batista and Edge.

She was wearing a new pair of jeans, her Linkin Park hoodie and a her pair of boots that she had gotten from Wal-Mart for $15.

"I told you that you wouldn't believe your eyes," I said. "I'll be right back. I have to grab my bag from my room and a few extra things."


I went into my room, grabbed my L.L. Bean bag and threw in my 2 Killian's Irish Reds, my 2 Mike's Hard Lemonades and my Jack Daniels Black Label and I grabbed my black camisol.


"What seems to be the problem guys?" Shay asked.

"It makes a whirring sound when we take corners and when we go over 60," Randy said.

"Sounds like the power steering belt and you just might need some oil if you're having problems with going over 60," Shay said.

"Do you think you could follow us to where we can get it checked out?" Edge asked.

"Sure," Shay said. "Better yet you guys can follow me to the Auto Zone."

"Ok," Randy said.

"Why don't we split up?" I suggested. "Edge you and John can go with Shay and I'll go with Batista and Randy. How does that sound?"

"Sounds like a plan to me," Shay said.

The guys agreed and I got into the front seat of the car. I felt like a total hooch. I was wearing a very low cut blue shirt with a bra that gave me clevage for miles and a pair of black strechy pants with 3.5 inch black heels.

"So," Randy said. "Tell us about you Kaity."

"Well," I said. "My name's Kaity, I'm 22 and I'm a psychology major with an emphasis in abnormal psychology, forensic psychology and mental health. I'm a junior, I'm originally from Arlington, Virginia. I'm the youngest of 2 girls. My sister is married and is expecting her first child in July. I love to sing, dance, dive and swim. Is there anything else you wanna know?"

"Any pets?" Batista asked.

"Yes," I said. "I have a 12 year old golden retriever named Sunny and up until this past August I was taking care of my sister's rabbit, Hubert."

"Why only up to this past August?" Randy asked.

"He died of old age," I said. "I was up with him when he died. It was very nerve racking. I tried to go to sleep and I couldn't cause I kept expecting him to jump around his cage like he always did. But it was for the best. He was 11 years old."

"It must have been hard," Randy said.

"It wasn't so bad for me," I said. "But it was hell on my sister. She had Hubert since she was 19 years old and he was her pet."

"How old is she now?" Batista asked.

"She's 30," I said. "She's a school teacher and she used to take Hubert to school with her and leave him there and during the summer I'd take care of him for her because her husband, my brother-in-law, is allergic to rabbits. SO tell me a little about yourselves gentlemen. How about we start with you Batista."

"I'm 36," Batista begane. "I'm about 318 pounds, orginally from the DC area."

"Cool," I said. "I'm from the DC area too. Well technically Arlington but you know same difference. What about you Randy?"

"Well I'm 24," Randy began. "I'm 245 pounds, and originally from St. Louis, Missouri."


So we made it to the Auto Zone that was down the road from MBC and we all met up right outside the building.

"So," I said. "Who alls goin inside?"

"I'll go," Randy said. "But does everyone wanna stay out here or do we all wanna go inside?"

"I'll go inside if you want me to," I said. "Or do you want to Shay?"

"I'll go," Shay said.

"Ok," I said. "I'll wait out here with the guys."

"Ok," Shay said.

Shay and Randy went inside and I stayed and chilled with Batista, John and Edge.

"So you said you sing," Batista said. "How about you sing something for us?"

"Ok," I said. "Any specific song or can I just sing something I wanna sing?"

"How about something by Christina Aguilera," John said.

Edge and Batista nodded their heads in agreement.

"After all you put me through you'd think I'd dispise you, but in the end I wanna thank you, 'cause you made that much stronger," I sang. "Well I thought I knew you, thinking that you were true. Guess I, I couldn't trust called your bluff, time is up, 'cause I've had enough. You were there by my side, always down for the ride. But your joy ride just came down in flames. 'Cause your greed sold me out in shame, mmhmm. After all of the stealing and cheating. You probably think that I hold resentment for you. But uh uh, oh no, you're wrong. 'Cause if it wasn't for all that you tried to do, I wouldn't know just how capable I am to pull through. So I wanna say thank you 'cause it makes me that much stronger. Makes me work a little bit harder. Makes me that much wiser so thanks for making me a fighter. Made me learn a little bit faster. Made my skin a little bit thicker. Makes me that much smarter. So thanks for making me a fighter. Oh oh oh, ooh yeah yeah yeah, uh uh. Never saw it coming, all of your backstabbing. Just so, you could cash in on a good thing before I'd realized your game. I heard you're going round playin' the victim now. But don't even begin, feeling I'm the one to blame 'cause you dug your own grave. After all of the fights and the lies yes your wanting to HURT me. But that won't work anymore, no more, uh uh, it's over. 'Cause if it wasn't for all of your torture. I wouldn't know how to be this way now and never back own. So I wanna say thank you 'cause it makes me that much stronger. Makes me work a little bit harder. Makes me that much wiser so thanks for making me a fighter. Made me learn a little bit faster. Made my skin a little bit thicker. Makes me that much smarter so thanks for making me a fighter. How could this man I thought I knew, turn out to be unjust so cruel. Could only see the good in you. Pretended not to see the truth. You tried to hide your lies, disguise yourself. Through living in denial. But in the end you'll see. YOU WON'T STOP ME! I am a fighter and I, I ain't gon stop, there is no turning back. I'VE HAD ENOUGH! Makes me that much stronger. Makes me work a little bit harder. Makes me that much wiser so thanks for making me a fighter. Made me learn a little bit faster. Made my skin a little bit thicker. Makes me that much smarter so thanks for making me a fighter. Thought I would forget but I, I remember. Yes, I remember. I'll remember. Makes me that much stronger. Makes me work a little bit harder. Makes me that much wiser so thanks for making me a fighter. Made me learn a little bit faster. Made my skin a little bit thicker. Makes me that much smarter so thanks for making me a fighter."

"That was awesome," said Edge.

"Yeah it really was," Batista said.

Then out walked Randy, Shay and one of the people that worked at Auto Zone.

Randy lifted up the hood so that the Auto Zone guy could get a look under the hood.

"Yeah it looks like all you need is a new power steering belt and an oil change," the guy said.

"Is there any where I can get the belt changed?" Randy asked.

"There's a garage down the road that you can go and get it fixed," the guy said.

"Do you mean Allmond's?" I asked.

"Yeah," the guy said.

"Where is that?" Shay asked.

"It's over by the old prison," I said. "Like where that all natural food place is, it's right behind that little shopping center."

"Oh I know where you're talking about," Shay said. "It's that thing that's by the railroad tracks out on your way back to school."

"Exactly," I said.

"I know where you're talking about," Shay said.

So we got the guy to change the oil on Randy's car and then we all headed over to Allmond's Garage.

"Can I help yall?" said one of the men that worked at Allmonds.

"I need a new belt for my power steering column," Randy said. "And we were told that you could do it for us."

"Sure I can," said the guy.

"How much would that cost?" Randy asked.

"About $200," the guy said. "But that's assuming we have the part here."

"How much would it be if you don't have the part?" Randy asked.

"About $500," the guy said.

"How long would it take you get the part and install it?" Randy said.

"About 4 or 5 days."

"Can you go and check to see if you have the part?" I asked very nicely, making sure the guy saw me.

"Yeah," he said.

Then the guy walked back into the shop and looked around for the part.

"How do you do that?" Randy asked.

"Flirting is an art form," I said. "I've been perfecting it for years. I also think it helps that I decided to wear this outfit today."

"I'd say so," Batista said. "You really can catch a man's eye."

Then Batista walked over to me. He walked around me assessing me from every angle that he could.

"It looks like someone would like to see me dance," Edge said.

"Do I need to put on the song?" Shay said.

"Yeah, looks like it," I said.

So Shay got into her car and turned on the radio and put in her mix CD and put it on track 2, which was "Dip It Low" by Christina Milian.

I started dancing to the beat and I could tell that the guys were just staring at me, watching me move.

Then the guy came out from the garage and I stopped dancing and Shay turned the music down.

"Yall are in luck," the guy said. "We've got the parts you need. I'll go ahead and take the car into the garage and get one of the guys to start on the paper work for you."

"Thank you sir," Randy said. "How long is it going to take?"

"About a half an hour to an hour," he said.

When the guy took the keys from Randy and he took the car into the garage and Randy went into the office, I turned to Shay, "How long was he standing there?"

"About 2 or 3 minutes," Shay said.

"So basically the whole song?" I asked.

"Yeah, pretty much," Shay said.

"Well fuck me up a tree, gently with a mother fucking chainsaw," I said.

"Gladly," Batista said.

I gave him my death look and he backed off. "That wasn't meant to be serious."

I took my pack of cigarettes out and lit one up and uttered "men" under my breath as I lit up.

"Hey when is Rachel's party starting?" Shay asked.

"She said around like 10 was when the party was actually supposed to start," I said. "But she told us we could come over whenever. Who else is coming besides you and me?"

"She said Kayleigh was coming and she said that she had invited Erin, Amanda, Jessica, Ali and Georgia," Shay said. "But I doubt that Erin, Amanda, Jessica, Ali and Georgia are gonna be coming."

"Probably only Jessica and Kayleigh are my guess," Shay said. "But Jessica might not come."

"Hey guys you wanna come since it seems there will be no men around?" I asked.

"Sure," John said.

Randy nodded his head.

"Why not?" Batista said.

"Couldn't hurt," Edge said.

"Call Rachel and let her know we're bringing 4 guys," I said.

"Why do I have to do it?" Shay asked.

"Cause you've got the cell phone not me," I said.

"OK," Shay said.

She called Rachel and I stood around and smoked my cigarette. When I was finished with it I sat down in the back of Shay's car and just chilled.

Edge walked over to me, his 6'5" frame was very intimidating to my 5'6" frame.

"So who's this Rachel chick?" Edge asked.

"She's the party planner of the group," I said. "I'm the booze supplier, Shay's the music supplier usually and Kayleigh's just there. So what's the deal with Batista?"

"What do you mean?" Edge asked.

"Is he always this out there about wanting to screw girls?" I asked.

"Yeah," Edge said. "But usually he's more subtle about it."

"So what's his deal now?" I asked.

"He must really like you or something," Edge said.

"Go talk to him for me," I said. "He's kinda spooks me a little and I don't get spooked easily."

"Anything to make you more comfortable," Edge said and walked over to Batista and the two of them started talking.

Then John walked over to me.

"So you getting guys to do your dirty work?" John asked.

"Nope," I said. "I'm getting one big, scarey guy to talk to an even bigger, scarier guy for me." I took another cigarette out of my pack and lit up.

"Edge and Batista aren't scary," John said.

"That's what you think," I said. "But you aren't a 5'6", 135 pound girl who has a 6'5", 318 pound guy hitting on her like there's no tomorrow."

"Good point," John said.

Then "(Oh No) What You Got" by Justin Timberlake came on the radio and I turned up the music. Randy walked out of the office and came over to Shay's car.

"This is my song," I said.

I got out of the car and started dancing. I was joined by John and Randy. We started dancing together. Batista was a little annoyed by this display of sexuality and that he wasn't involved. So he came over and John and Randy moved over so that he had me all to himself. His hands caressed my body gently.

"God you are so gorgeous," Batista growled in my ear as the song ended.

"Oh really now?" I asked.

"Yeah," Batista said. "I've been trying not to rip your clothes off the whole afternoon. You've gotten me so turned on I don't know how much longer I can wait." Then he lightly nibbled on my earlobe. I sucked in some air. I pushed him back.

"Hold on," I whispered in his ear. "The guys should be done with the car soon. But I need to get to know you better." Then I stood up on my tip toes and gave him a quick, playful kiss on his cheek and I walked over to Shay to see what was up with the party.

"So what did Rachel have to say?" I asked.

"Lisa found out about the party," Shay said.

"Damnit," I said. "She's gonna ruin the pary, assuming she comes that is."

"As long as there isn't a man that is left alone she'll be fine," I said. "I especially want her away from Batista. That's jailbait right there for him."


"He's 36, she's 18," I said. "The law in VA is 16 or 3 years. Needless I don't want her and him left alone together."

"Good point," Shay said.

Right then Randy's car came out and Randy emerged from the store. "Everyone ready to go?"

So everyone split into the groups we were in on the way down here. I got into the front seat of Randy's car and shot a sly smile in the rearview mirror to Batista. I was having lots of fun toying with him.

We drove down to the ADP parking lot and parked in there. I led the guys down the stair way to the front of Tullidge and we met up eith John, Edge and Shay.

"Rachel's on her way down," Shay said. "I just called her to let her know we're here."

Rachel came down and opened the door and Shay and I signed in the guys and we went upstairs to Rachel's room.

"So who all's here?" I asked Rachel.

"So far just the 7 of us," Rachel said. "Kayleigh said she was going to come down around 8:30 or 9 and heaven only knows when and if Jessica's coming and if Lisa's even coming."

"I vote you call Lisa and tell her the party's off," I said.

"Why?" Rachel asked.

"Cause then there would be an equal ratio of men to women," I said. "And we wouldn't have to deal with that dumb bitch or expose our gentlemen to a lying skank like that."

"Good point," Rachel said. Then she went into her room and got her cell phone and called Lisa.

"Hey Lisa, it's Rachel," Rachel said. "The party's been cancelled."

Rachel paused and then said, "Everyone's too busy to make it."

"Ok," Rachel said after a pause. "I'll call you for the next party. Bye."

"So now that's over and done with," I said. "Anyone up for a round of never have I ever 10 fingers?"

"How do you play?" Batista asked.

"What you do is you put out both of your hands and someone says something like 'never have I ever had sex in a bathroom' and if you have done that you have to pull one finger back," Rachel said.

"What about strip version?" I asked.

"We can do that later," Rachel says.

"OK," I said. "How about you start Shay?"

"OK," Shay said. "Never have I ever done a presentation for Dr. Kibler."

I pulled a finger in.

"Who's Dr. Kibler?" Edge asked.

"He's the head of the psychology department and I was in his History and Systems of Psychology class last semester and I had to do an 8 minute presentation on the imitation of aggression," I said. "Ok so it's my turn. Never have I ever avoided going out of my room because my boyfriend or ex-boyfriend was in town."

"Shit," Rachel said and pulled a finger in. "It was my ex-boyfriend."

"Still you holed yourselves up in the room and didn't come out," I said. "Anyways, it's your turn."

"Never have I ever gotten something pierced more than one time," Rachel said.

"Fuck you," I said and pulled in a finger. "I have my ears pierced 2 times and I got my belly button pierced 2 times but it got infected both times. Never have I ever gotten a tattoo on my back."

Batista and Randy pulled a finger in.

"Have you seen their back pieces Rachel?" I asked.

"No I don't think so," Rachel said.

"Batista and Randy will you please remove your shirts to show Rachel what your back pieces look like," I asked nicely.

"Ok," Batista said and took off his shirt and showed his back to Rachel and Randy followed suit.

"That's cool," Rachel said.

"I think Kayleigh would like both of them," I said.

"Yeah," Rachel agreed. "I think you two need to leave your shirts off so that Kayleigh can see."

"It's a little chilly in here," Batista said.

"I could take care of that if you wanted," I said slyly.

"Please do," Batista said.

I kneeled behind Batista and wrapped my arms around his arms and rested my chin on his shoulder. I rubbed my hands up and down his muscled arms trying to warm him up that way.

"It's your turn," I told Batista.

"Never have I ever listened to the same song over and over again," Batista said.

I pulled a finger in. "'You and I Both' by Jason Mraz, 'Get Another Boyfrind' by the Backstreet Boys and 'Shining Star' by the Backstreet Boys," I said. "Never have I ever gotten a tattoo of my zodiac sign."

Shay pulled in a finger. "I have the Cancer crab on my right arm," she said.

"Your turn Shay," I said.

"Never have I ever been kissed by a blonde," Shay said.

Randy and I both pulled in a finger.

"Stacey Kiebler," Randy said.

"My ex-boyfriend Kyle," I said.

"It's Randy's turn since he hasn't done one yet," I said.

"Never have I ever come out on Raw in street clothes," Randy said.

Edge pulled in a finger.

"Never have I ever had someone talk to a person of the opposite gender talk to someone of the same gender for me," Edge said.

I pulled my finger in.

"I had Edge talk to Batista for me," I said. Batista gave me a weird look. "What???? To tell you that truth you kinda scare me."

"I scare you?" Batista said. "How so?"

"You're 6'5" and 318 pounds of pure muscle," I said. "And I'm 5'6" and 135 pounds. Hmmm . . . I wonder why you scare me?"

"You're so cute though," Batista said, kissing my cheek.

"Cute my left ass cheek," I said. "You guys all kinda spook me, well except for John. You remind me of a shorter, hotter, brunette version of my ex-boyfriend, Kyle. Your go John."

"Never have I ever done cocaine," John said.

Nobody pulled in a finger.

"Never have I ever felt warm by a woman's touch," Batista said.

He pulled in a finger.

"Define a woman's touch," John said.

"A woman touching or caressing your body above the waist," Batista said. Then he kissed my cheek and nuzzled my neck.

"You really know how to flatter a girl Batista," I said and blushed.

"You deserve it," Batista said. "You're an extremely beautiful young woman."

"Never have I ever hit a guy," I said.

Batista, John, Randy, Edge and I pulled in a finger.

"You've hit a guy, Kaity?" Batista asked.

"Yeah when I was like 13 I got into a fight with an asshole and need less I'm a little worse for the wear," I said. "My jaw still hurts a little from it."

"Do you know where this chump lives?" Batista asked.

"Nope," I said. "Nor could I give a fuck less. I know that if he and I were to ever fight again I'd whop his ass. Besides if I ever had you with me Batista he'd be so scared that he'd run and hide."

"I'm kinda cold," Randy commented.

"Sorry," I said. "My hands are kinda full with Batista. Shay why don't you warm him up?"

"OK," Shay said.

"Thanks Shay," Randy said and flashed his heart melting smile.

"You're welcome," Shay said.

Rachel's room phone rang.

Rachel got up and went and answered the phone.

"Hey Kayleigh," Rachel said. "I'll have someone come get you in a second."

"Is that my cue to go let Kayleigh in?" I asked.

"Yep," Rachel said.

"Damnit," I said. "Why am I always playing door bitch?"

"I'll come and keep you company," Batista said.

"Ok," I said.

Batista and I walked out of Rachel's room and headed for the stairs. Before we started down the stairs I leaned up against the cinder block wall and beckoned Batista to come to me and I stood up on my tip toes and lightly kissed his lips.

"We should get going," I said quietly.

"You are such a tease," Batista whispered.

"I'm glad you think so," I said. "Now you get to keep up while we go and let Kayleigh in."

I started running down the stairs and got down to the bottom of the stairs ran to the other end of the hall way and let Kayleigh in with Batista at my heels.

"Who's this?" Kayleigh asked.

"Batista," I said. "Batista this is Kayleigh, Kayleigh this is Batista."

Kayleigh, Batista and I walked up the stairs and walked back to Rachel's room.

"Ok now that the ratio's even what do we want to play?" I asked. "Truth or dare anyone?"

Everyone agreed.

"Who wants to go first?" I asked.

"I will," Batista volunteered. "Kaity, truth or dare?"

"Dare," I said without flinching.

"I dare you to make out with me," Batista said.

"That's not the rules," I said. "You can't dare someone to do something with yourself."

"Then I dare you to make out with John," Batista said.

"Gladly," I said.

I got up and walked over to John and started to kiss him. He ran his hands over my body and I ran my hands through his hair. I ended the kiss and we were both a little breathless.

"My turn I assume," I said.

"Yeah," everyone said.

"Kayleigh truth or dare," I said.

"Truth," Kayleigh said.

"Have you ever been to a wrestling match?" I asked. "Professional or otherwise."

"No," Kayleigh answered.

"Ok," I said.

"Batista truth or dare?" Kayleigh said.

"Dare," Batista said.

"I dare you to make out with Kaity," Kayleigh said. "Since you seem to be so eager to do it."

I gave Kayleigh a look and said "You just had to do that didn't you?"

I got up from sitting by John and went over to Batista. I began to kiss him hesitantly and then it got a little more intense. When I looked into his eyes I could see that there was a passion there that couldn't be denied.

I stepped back and went and sat back by John.

"John truth or dare?" Batista asked.

"Truth," John said.

"Who do you think is the prettiest girl in here?" Batista asked.

"All the women in here are beautiful," John said.

"But who do you think is the most beautiful?" Batista insisted.

"I don't think one woman is more beautiful than the others," John said. "Randy truth or dare?"

"Truth," Randy said.

"Who do you think is the most beautiful woman in this room?" John asked.

"Shay," Randy said. "Kaity truth or dare?"

"What is it with everyone asking me????" I asked. "Is it pick on Kaity day or something???? God damn."

"Just pick," Rachel said.

"Truth," I said.

"If you were stuck on a desert island and you could only have one of us guys on the island with you which one would you choose?" Randy asked.

"And of course I get the psycho question," I said. "I'd have to say John. He's the only one that doesn't creep me out that much."

"Why do you say that?" Edge asked.

"Cause," I said. "Randy no offense but you're too good looking for your own good, Batista you just scare the shit out of me and I'm not gonna be stuck on a deserted island with a man who scares me and Edge you're too quiet for your own good. And for all I know if we were on that island together you'd be plotting to kill me off or something. But John, he's the perfect combination of you three. He's quiet, but not too quiet, scarey but not too scarey that I'd be scared for my life and handsome but not so exceedingly handsome that he's full of himself. Edge truth or dare?"

"Truth," Edge said.

"If you had to be stuck on a deserted island with one of us girls who would you like to be stuck with?" I asked.

"You," Edge said. "Cause I'd love to play mind games with you."

"Please tell me you were just messing with me," I said.

"Yes," Edge said. "I'd want to be stuck with Kayleigh. She seems like a very interesting person."

"Shay," Edge said. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Shay said.

"I dare you to make out with Batista," Edge said.

"What are my consequences?" Shay said.

"Make out with Randy," Edge said.

"I'll take my consequences," Shay said.

Randy turned around to face Shay and the two of them started to kiss passionately.

When the kiss broke they were both a little breathless. "John," Shay said. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," John said.

"I dare you to do 10 bench presses using Kaity as your weight," Shay said.

"OK," John said.

"Does this mean I have to get up?" I asked. "I just got comfortable."

"Yeah," Shay said.

"Damn it," I said as I got up off the bed and walked over to John.

John laid down on the floor and I had Edge and Batista help me lay across John's hands.

John lifted me like I didn't weigh more than a feather.

"OK I'm a little warm now," I said. "I'll be right back." I grabbed the black camisol I had in my bag.

I ran down to the bathroom and changed out of my blue long sleeved shirt and into my black camisol.

"So what did I miss?" I asked.

"John got dared to give Randy a lap dance," Shay said.

"And I missed it?" I asked, teasingly. "Well damn."

"Don't worry," Rachel said. "I got pictures."

"Sweet," I said. "I'll have to check those out later."

"Kaity truth or dare?" Shay asked.

"Dare," I said.

"I dare you to give John a lap dance," Shay said.

"Am I allowed to use music?" I asked.

"Yeah," Shay said.

I got up and pulled my CD player out of my bag and opened it. I put the CD that Rachel had mixed and given to me into the DVD player. I put it on track 5.

I sauntered over to John. I started dancing.

"Am I allowed to touch?" John asked.

"No," Randy said.

"It's going to be hard but ok," John said.

I started teasing him. I shimmied in front of him and shook my ass.

"I'm good on top," I sang. "That's what they say."

"I think that's long enough," Randy said.

"Ahh but I was just starting to have fun," I said, giggling.

"You can give me one anytime," John said.

"You ever thought of going into an exotic dancing career?" Batista asked adjusting his obvious hard on.

"Why? Would you buy lap dances from me and give me $1,000 or something?"

"Maybe," Batista said.

"That means yes," Edge said.

We all started laughing and Batista started blushing.

This story is copyrighted by Kaity McEwen.

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