My Mistake

"How could you Shawn?" I asked. "How could you do that to Hulk?"
He just looked at me. He knew that no explanation would satiate me. Plus the cameras were rolling on this conversation.
"If that's how it's going to be Shawn then I don't know if I can stay with you," I said. "Good-bye Shawn."
I started walking for the door and I turned and looked at Shawn and shook my head.
"Wait," Shawn said. "Please don't leave me."
"Give me one good reason to stay," I said.
"Umm," Shawn said.
"Just as I thought," I said. "Don't bother."
Then I opened the door and walked out.
I rounded the corner out of Shawn's dressing room and ran into John Cena. I had tears in my eyes.
"Kaity," John said. "What's wrong?"
"I finally did it John," I said shakily. "I left HBK."
Then I started crying harder.
"Kaity, Kaity, Kaity," John said. "It's ok."
"That's easy for you to say," I said. "I've been with Shawn since I was 18. That's 4 years down the shit hole. After what he did to Hulk I don't think I'll ever look at him the same. Hulk was a really good friend of Shawn's. I don't understand how Shawn could give him Sweet Chin Music like that."
"People do strange things for the people they love," Shawn said from behind me.
"Shawn," I said with rage growing in my voice. "You know full well that Hulk is a father figure to me. He gave me a place to stay when my parents died. Hell he was my family. He treated me like I was his own daughter. I practically was his own daughter. You know he didn't want me dating you."
"He didn't?" Shawn asked.
"No," I said. "He didn't. He thought you were too old for me."
"Too old?" Shawn asked. "How so?"
"A 35 year old and an 18 year old," I said. "Come on now. How stupid do you think he is? I should've listened to him in the first place."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I shouldn't have started dating you in the first place and then I wouldn't be going through this shit. I wouldn't be worried every time you got into the ring with him that you'd do something like this."
Then I turned away from Shawn and was surprised to see Hulk standing next to John.
"Hi Hulk," I said sadly. "You were right. I should've known that I was in for nothing but heartache with Shawn."
"Shawn and I need to have a talk," Hulk said. "John will you take Kaity to your dressing room and I'll be there to pick her up in a few minutes."
"Yes Mr. Hogan," John said.
Then John and I started walking toward his dressing room. I stole a glance over my shoulder but Hulk and Shawn had already disappeared into Shawn's dressing room.
"I can't believe I dated him for over 4 years," I said to John once we had gotten into his dressing room.
"You couldn't have known Shawn would do something like that," John said.
"I should've seen it coming," I said. Then I sat down on the couch.
"Shoulda, coulda, woulda," John sad. "You can't change the past."
I smiled at that.
"What?" John asked with a confused look on his face.
"My dad used to say that all the time," I said. "Well my real dad I should say."
"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" John asked. "To your real parents, I mean."
"When I was 16," I said. "My parents went on a trip to Kyoto and Tokyo, Japan for business. My dad's, well he was, in this big computer programming firm and they needed some one to go over there to help with some problems that the Japanese office was having so they did. They wanted to take me with them, but I insisted I stay here and finish up school here. So I was staying with Hulk and his family. Well they got over to the Tokyo International Airport and went and got their luggage and this guy walks up to them. He takes them hostage and tells them to go with him. My dad tried to resist the guy and the dude said if they didn't go with him they would regret it. So they did. He drove them to a train station and hooked them up to a couple of bombs and the told them what to do or else. He told them to not let go of each others hands or the bombs would go off. Well unfortunately their palms got sweaty and they let go and the bombs went off. Killing 50 other people and injuring 1000 others. The only reason I know so much is because they caught the bastard who did this. He's out on parole and living his life as he pleases."
Then I started to cry. John held me close.
There came a knock on the door.
"Come in," John called.
"What happened Kaity?" Hulk asked as soon as he saw me crying.
"I told him about my parents," I said between sobs.
"It'll be ok," Hulk said.
"I know," I said as I wiped my tears away. "It still hurts Hulk."
"I know Kaity," Hulk said.
"Can I get my stuff now Hulk?" I asked.
"I'll get your stuff for you Kaity," Hulk said. "I don't want Shawn to see you like this."
"Ok," I said to Hulk.
After Hulk left I leaned my head on John's shoulder. He wrapped a protective arm around me.
I felt so safe in John's arms I closed my eyes and dozed off. I started awake and found Hulk standing above me.
"What?" I asked irritably. "I was having a good dream."
"You don't mind if Kaity stays with you John do you?" Hulk asked.
"Not at all sir," John said.
"Thank you John," Hulk said. "Give me a call if anything comes up Kaity."
"Yes Da," I said.
Then Hulk smiled and it looked like there was a tear in his eye.
"I'll talk to you later then sweetie," Hulk said and planted a peck on the top of my head.
"What's 'da'?" John asked once Hulk was out of the room. "More importantly why is it so important to Hulk?"
"I used to call my real dad 'da'," I said. "Hulk's kind of become my da and I guess it's just an issue with him and I. I've finally accepted him as my dad I guess."
"I hate to do this to you Kaity," John said. "But I've got to go."
"OK," I said. "I'll see you when you come back."
Once John left I went over to the mirror in his dressing room and re-did my makeup so I looked half way presentable when he came back.
Half an hour later John came back. I had decided to change my clothes. I changed into an "It's Happy Bunny" t-shirt, a pair of black pants and a pair of black sneakers.
"Wow," John said.
"Oh hey John," I said and turned around.
"You look absolutely gorgeous," John said. "HBK doesn't know what he's missing."
"Thank you John," I said. Then I started blushing.
"Why are you blushing?" John asked.
"Because you're so sweet to me and you don't need to be," I said.
"You deserve it," John said.
"Sometimes I wonder," I said and turned away from John to put some more things into one of my bags.
"Kaity," John said, standing me up and turning me to face him. "You ARE gorgeous. You are beautiful. Not only are you these things on the outside, you are on the inside as well. You are everything a guy could want. You have a great personality and you are absolutely sexy to boot."
"Yeah right," I said sarcastically. "Do you think guys care about what's on the inside? No. All guys ever see is my body. They don't care about my heart or my mind or any of that other bullshit."
"Those guys aren't worth it," John said. "They don't want to get to know the real you and they don't deserve to know the real you."
"You have a point there John," I said. "Any girl would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend."
"Yeah," John said unemphatically. "Any girl and every girl."
"Don't sound so enthusiastic about it John," I said. "Come on now you are handsome and a great guy. A girl would have to be a lesbian or dead not to think you're hot."
"You're a sweet heart Kaity," John said.
"Thanks John."
"You're welcome."
An awkward silence fell between the two of us.
"So," I said.
"So," John said.
Then a knock came at the door.
"Come in," John said.
Randy Orton walked in.
"Hey man," Randy said. Then he noticed me. "I'm not interrupting, am I?"
"No," John said and threw a look at me as if he wished Randy was.
"You ready to go?"
"Yeah," John said. "Do we have room for one more?"
"I think so," Randy said. "Why?"
"If I'm going to be an inconvenience I can call my da and he'll come pick me up," I said, speaking for the first time since Randy had come into the room.
"No," Randy said. "I'm pretty sure we've got room. Adam said that he was going to ride with Amy and Trish."
"Are yall sure it's ok?" I asked.
"Yeah," John said.
"It's cool," Randy said.
"Cool," I said. "Oh I'm Kaity by the way."
"I'm Randy," Randy said.
"I know," I said and smiled shyly.
Randy gave me a smile that melted my heart and I giggled uncontollably.
"What?" Randy asked.
"Nothing," I said.
I picked up my bags and put them over my shoulders and almost fell over in the process.
"Fuckstick," I said. "I put more stuff in these bags than I remember."
"Let me get one of them for you," Randy said.
"Ok," I said and put the heavier of the two bags down.
Randy picked it up and threw it over his shoulder as if it was full of nothing but feathers.
"I need to work out more," I said and laughed.
"You don't need to work out more," Randy said, giving me the once over.
"He's right," John said. "You're sexy just the way you are."
"Thank you guys," I said. "Yall are so sweet."
"You're welcome," John said.
"Let's go," I said. "I don't want you two to be late to the next venue."
"Ok," Randy said. "Let's go."
We all started walking down the hall.
"Hey John, hey Randy," Batista said.
"Hey Batista," Randy said.
"And who is this beautiful young woman walking with you two?" Batista asked.
"Kaity," I said. "Kaity Hogan."
"Any relation to Hulk?" Batista asked.
"Yeah," I said. "Linda and Hulk adopted me."
"That was nice of them."
"Very much so."
I smiled seductively and giggled like a school girl.
"See you around," I said sexily.
I walked past the guys and they all swallowed hard.
I turned around. "Randy, John. Let's go."
"Ok," Randy said.
"Coming," John said.
"God she is beautiful," Randy whispered to John.
"Damn straight," John whispered back.
Once we had gotten to the parking garage I stopped.
"Where are we parked?" I asked.
"Over this way," Randy said and started walking to the right.
"Ok," I said, as John and I followed him.
We walked about 10 yards to the right and then turned up one of the ailes and walked a few more yards.
"Here we are," Randy said and stopped in front of a Hummer.
"Oho shit," I said. "How'd you manage to get one of these?"
"The same way everyone gets one," Randy said. "I had a reservation for it."
"I can't get one of these if my life depended on it," I said and walked around the Hummer.
"You don't know how to 'look' to get what you want," Randy said.
"Oh I don't, do I?" I said. Then I looked at John and smiled. "John can I have your jacket?" I said and gave him my big puppy dog eyes and smiled. "Please. I'm cold."
"Ok," John said. He then took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders.
I looked at Randy. "And I don't know how to look to get what I want."
"You got me there," Randy said.
"Maybe you aren't saying the right things," John said.
"With me you never know," I said. "It's totally possible. I've been known to do worse."
"Like what?" Randy asked.
"Dating HBK," John and I said in unison.
We all laughed at that.
"Well no one's perfect," Randy said.
"You're right," I said. "Could be worse I guess."
"Let's get going," John said.
"Yeah," I agreed.
Randy unlocked the trunk and we started loading our stuff in the Hummer.
Once we had all gotten into the Hummer, I got my CD player out of my bag and took out the CD that was in it.
"Put this in the CD player please," I said.
"What is it?" John asked.
"A CD," I said.
"No shit Sherlock," John said.
"Keep digging Watson," I said.
"Smart ass," John said. "I meant what CD is it."
"You'll find out," I said. "Just put it in and put it on shuffle."
"Ok," John said.
The first song that came on was "Siberia". It is a song off of the new Backstreet Boys CD "Never Gone. I started singing along.
"'When you come back I won't be here'," I sang. "He said and gently pulled me near. 'If you want to talk you can call. And know it's not your fault.' I just smiled and said 'Let go of me. Now there's something I just got to know. Did someone else seal my part?' He said 'It's not my fault.'
"Then My heart did time in Siberia was waiting for the lie to come true. Cause it's all so dark and mysterious. When the one you want doesn't want you too.
"I was drifting in between, like I was on the outside looking in. In my dreams you are still here, like you've always been.
"Yeah my heart did time in Siberia, was waiting for the lie to come true. Cause it's all so dark and mysterious. When the one you want doesn't want you.
"I gave myself away completely but you just couldn't see me, though I was sleeping your bed. Cause someone else was on your mind, in you head.
"When I came back he wasn't there. Just a note left on the stairs. 'If you want to talk give me a call.'
"Heart did time in Siberia, was waiting for the lie to come true. Cause it's all so dark and mysterious. When the one you want doesn't want you. Heart did time in Siberia, was waiting for the lie to come true. Cause it's all so dark and mysterious. When the one you want doesn't want you too. Siberia. Siberia. When the one you want doesn't want you too."
"You're a great singer Kaity," John said.
"Thanks," I said.
"Welcome," John said.
"Where did you learn to sing like that?" Randy asked.
"I don't know," I said. "That's just how I sing."
"Cool," Randy said.
"So anyways," I said.
While we were talking "Word from You" had come on and pretty much run its course.
"I still feel you like I'm right beside you," I sang. "But still no word from you."
Then "My Beautiful Woman" came on.
"How can I begin to tell you what you do to me everytime I hear you, more willing that want to see you?" I sang. "I know that there's no use in trying to explain my confusion but still I'm not complaining about my situation. Let's not talk about a possible ending.
"The very first time that I was thinking of being you fellow I found my inspiration hiding in your expression. And I put myself forward for your consideration.
"Let's not talk about a possible ending. Let's not think about it everyday. And I know I'm so in love with you. I'm finding it harder and harder to breath every time I hear my beautiful woman.
"And so I put my top down to take you driving downtown. I guess we'll know just what to do if you're looking to fool around. It's too late to stop me. I know we're going to get down. Get down oh no, no, no.
"Let's not talk about a possible ending. Let's not think about it every day. And I know I'm so in love with you. I'm finding it harder and harder to breathe every time I hear my beautiful woman, my beautiful woman, my beautiful woman, my beautiful woman, my beautiful woman.
"B is for beautiful as the sunshine. E tells me everything's all right. A goes to you and me swinging in time. T is to I want you. You've got me acting like a fool.
"Let's not talk about a possible ending. Let's not think about it everyday. And I know I'm so in love with you. I'm finding it harder and harder to breathe everytime we're here.
"Let's not talk about a possible ending. Let's not think about it everyday. And I know I'm so in love with you. I'm finding it harder and harder to breathe every time we're here. My beautiful woman, my beautiful woman, my beautiful woman, my beautiful woman, my beautiful woman, my beautiful woman, my beautiful woman."
Then I laughed.
"I guess in my case it would be my handsome men," I said.
"Men?" John said skeptically.
"Yeah," I said. "You two and Batista."
"Since when did Batista figure into this?" Randy asked.
"Since I said so," I said irritably. "Do you have a problem with that?"
I gave Randy and John an irritated look.
"Not a problem at all," John said.
"Nope," Randy agreed. "Not at all."
"Didn't think so," I said.
"Anyways," John said.
We all rode in silence. Just listening to the CD and not saying a word.
About 40 minutes later the CD was over and the three of us were riding in silence.
Then my cell phone rang.
"Hello," I said.
"Hey Kaity," my friend Mia said.
"Hey Mia," I said. "What's up?"
"Nothing much," Mia said. "What's up with you?"
"I'm in a car with John Cena and Randy Orton."
"No shit?" Mia said.
"No shit," I said.
"You're a lucky chick Kaity," Mia said.
"Yeah I know. They're both very hot."
"Yeah where are you?"
"I'm in California. Why?"
"Where in California?"
"San Fernando Valley somewhere. Why?"
"Because I'm in San Francisco."
"That's so cool. Hold on let me find out wher our next show is."
"Ok," Mia said.
"Hey guys do you know where our next show is?" I asked.
"San Francisco," John said.
"It's a house show," Randy added.
"Cool," I said. "Mia, we're coming up your way for a house show."
"Are there still seats on sale?"
"Probably," I said.
"Cool," Mia said.
"Yeah," I said.
"What time is the show?"
"Hold on," I said. "What time is the show guys?"
"7 pm," John said.
"It's at 7," I repeated to Mia. "See you there?"
"Yeah," Mia said.
"Talk to you later," I said.
"Bye," Mia said.
Then I hung up my phone.
"Who's Mia?" Randy asked.
"A friend of mine from when my real parentals were still alive," I said. "We still try to keep in touch."
"Cool," John said.
"Yeah," I said. "I guess."
Then there was an awkward silence between the three of us.
About 5 minutes later we pulled off the highway and up to our hotel.
"Damn this is a nice hotel," I said.
"Yeah," Randy agreed.
"What room are we staying in?" I asked.
"Probably the penthouse," John said. "That's where they usually put us when we stay here."
"Is there enough room for the three of us up there?" I asked skeptically.
"Yeah," Randy said. "John or I can sleep on the cot while the other sleeps on the couch. You can have the bed."
"What size is the bed?" I asked.
"King I think," John said.
"We can all fit in it," I said confidently.
"Are you sure?" Randy said.
"Yeah," I said. "We can fit 3 people in a king sized bed. I've done it before."
Randy and John looked at me funny.
"What?" I said. "It was me and two good friends of mine. We had to. We ended up only getting 3 rooms, 1 for my parentals, 1 for my friends' parentals and 1 for the three of us."
"Uh-huh," John said. "Right."
"It's the truth," I said.
"If you say so," Randy said.
"Just park the fucking car and let's go and check in," I said irritably.
"What crawled up your ass?" Randy asked.
"Yall did," I said. "Yall won't believe me about what I said."
"Don't get your panties in a twist," John said.
"Shut up butt monkey," I said and crossed my arms and sank into my seat.
"Did you just call me a butt monkey?" John asked.
"No I didn't," I said sarcastically.
"Well aren't we a little cranky," Randy said.
"Give me a break here Randy," I said. "This hasn't exactly been the best day of my life."
After saying this Randy pulled into a parking space and we all piled out of the car and got our stuff out of the trunk. Then we went into the hotel and checked in.
"We're checking in," Randy said wearily.
"Name," the clerk asked.
"Randy Orton," Randy said.
"I'm sorry we don't have a reservation under that name," the clerk said.
"John Cena?" John said questioningly.
"Yes," the clerk said her fingers going over the keyboard quickly. "We do have a reservation for a penthouse under that name. Take the elevator and it'll take you up there."
"Thank you," John said. We were all slightly exhausted.
After the elevator ride we arrived up at the penthouse and walked right in.
"Wow," I said. "This is totally awesome."
"Have you never been to a penthouse before?" Randy asked.
"Nope. Never," I said. "Is there are mini-bar?"
"The penthouse has it's own fridge. It's probably stocked with beer or something."
"Sweet," I said.
I then walked over to the kitchen area and looked in the fridge and there was some beer in the fridge.
"Do either of you want a beer?" I asked.
"Sure," John said.
"Ok," Randy said.
So I grabbed 3 beers and popped the tops off and took them out into the living area and gave one to John and one to Randy and then started to drink my own.

This story is copyrighted by Kaity McEwen.

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