Fooled You


"Follow me this way," Stephanie McMahon said. "This is the way to the dressing room we've got you staying in. You're sharing with Amy and Trish."

"Amy and Trish?" I asked nervously. Just thinking about sharing a dressing room with 2 other women scared me to no end.

"Yeah," Stephanie said. "You don't have a problem with that do you?"

"No," I said with a half-hearted smile. "I'm just really big fans of theirs and I don't wanna scare anyone you know Stephanie."

"It'll be ok," Stephanie said. "And please call me Steph."

"Ok Steph," I said. Some how Stephanie's words were reassuring to me and I could feel my nervousness going away.

We finally arrived at the dressing room that I would be sharing with Trish and Amy.

Stephanie knocked on the door.

"Come in," Amy called.

"Hey girls," Stephanie said. "I'd like to introduce you to our newest Diva, Kaity McEwen. Her stage name is Miss Blue."

"Hi," I said nervously.

Amy detected my nervousness. "Don't be nervous Kaity. I'm Amy Dumas, also known as Lita. Trish actually just stepped into the shower. She'll be out in a few minutes. She's been wanting to meet you."

"I've gotta go," Stephanie said. "My dad wanted me back in the office after I dropped Kaity off. I'll see you later." Then Stephanie gave one of her great smiles and left and closed the door behind her.

"So who talked you into going to Diva tryouts?" Lita asked.

"My best friend Shay," I said.

"And where is she?" Amy asked.

"She's training at Shawn Michael's Wrestling School," I said. There was something about Amy that put me at ease. I just felt comfortable around her.

"She likes HBK?"

"Nope. Randy Orton."


"Where to start? Randy Orton, Batista, Edge and John Cena."

"Are you anyone's manager?"

I looked at my schedule. "I'm supposed to scare the crap out of Flair, Batista, Randy Orton and Triple H. Now that sounds like fun," I said getting a devilish grin on my face.

"What's your theme music?"

"'Miss Independent' by Kelly Clarkson," I said. "Well the music at least. You'll have to see it tonight. It's going to be off the hook."

"Is that what you're wearing tonight?" Amy asked, looking at me questioningly.

I looked down at my outfit and realizing I hadn't changed before walking down to the room like I had planned.

"No my outfit's in my bag," I said, shaking the bag in my hand.

Then Trish walked out of the bathroom and smiled when she saw me.

"Hi," Trish said. "I'm Trish Stratus, you must be the new girl."

"Yeah," I said. "My name's Kaity McEwen. My stage name's Miss Blue."

"Miss Blue?" Trish asked eyeing me.

"It's a long story," I said. "I gotta get ready. I'm supposed to be scaring the crap out of Ric Flair, Randy Orton, Triple H, and Batista."

"That sounds like fun," Trish said. "Nothing like scaring guys."

"Exactly," I said. "Now if you'll excuse me. I gotta get changed."

I walked into the bathroom and closed and locked the door.

"She seems like a really nice girl," Trish said to Lita.

"Yeah," Lita said. "A little on the naive side but nice none the less."


I was so scared when I walked into the bathroom I'm surprised that Lita and Trish didn't notice that I was literally shaking all over. I started taking off my shoes and pants and opened my bag and pulled out my black pants and my boots. I pulled my pants on and buttoned and fastened them and then zipped up the fly and then slipped into my boots and zipped them up. I then slipped off my top and took off my bra and pulled my light blue camisol and adjusted myself.

I looked in the mirror and added my make up and gave myself a pep talk. When I walked back into the room that I shared with Trish and Lita and was surprised when I saw Edge in the room.


Lita and Trish turned their attention to the bathroom door when I came out and their jaws dropped to the floor when they saw my outfit.

"Adam," Lita said when she regained her composure. "I'd like to introduce you to the newest WWE Diva, Kaity McEwen, aka Miss Blue."

"Pleased to meet you Adam," I said shyly.

"The pleasure's all mine," Adam said.

"I'd love to stay and chat guys," I said. "But I gotta get going I have to get in place for my part in the story line soon."


I was standing behind the announcer's booth where Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler were seated.

The lights went down and the blue lights came up and I hopped over the barrier as my Titantron started playing. The music to "Miss Independent" started playing.

I hopped over the partion between the ring and the fans and slid under the bottom ropes and got a mic once inside the ring and snuck up behind the guys.

"Boo," I said once the lights had come back up.

All the guys turned around and jumped.

"Who are you?" Ric Flair asked.

"I'm your worst nightmare," I said. "A chick the size of Stacey Kiebler with 10 times the attitude of Dawn Marie."

I smirked and all the guys backed off a little.

"Now here's the deal boys," I said. "I need your help and I'm sure you'll need my help in the future, so we can do this my way or the hard way. My way is you let me into Evolution and everyone's happy."

"What's the hard way?" Triple H asked.

"You don't want to see me mad," I said getting up in Triple H's face. "The last time I got mad it wasn't a very pretty site. I'll give you till next week to make your decision. If you don't see things my way, well let's just say this much yall will wish you weren't born." I smiled and I dropped my mic and I left the ring, Stacey Kiebler style, turned around and did a finger wave and said "Toodles" while my Titantron was playing.


Once I was back into the dressing room the Trish, Amy and I were sharing Trish and Amy were surprised at my performance.

"Girl you got some real spunk," Trish said. "I'm proud."

"Thanks Trish," I said. "I only try."

"Hey we're goin to a club tonight," Amy said. "You wanna come?"

"Sure," I said. "Why not?"

I went into the bathroom and changed into my jeans and left on my cami, my make up and my heels. When I came back out Adam was back in the room.

"Hey Adam," I said shyly.

"Hey Kaity," Adam said. "I saw you out in the ring tonight. I don't think I've ever seen those 3 so scared in my life."

I smiled. "They did look kinda scared didn't they?"

Adam nodded.

"You done for the night?" I asked.

"Yeah," Adam said.

"You comin with us to the club?" I asked quietly.

"I'll meet you guys there," Adam said. "I have to go talk to a couple people before I leave."

"Ok," I said. "I'll see you there."

"Ok," Adam said.

Adam left on his way to talk to whomever he was going to talk to.

"Someone's got a crush on Adam," Trish teased when the door had closed behind him.

"Nah," I said. "I don't have a crush on Adam."

"Are we ready to go?" Amy asked.

"Yeah," I said. I grabbed my bag and we headed out to the parking deck and got into our rental cars and headed out to the club.

I got to my car and threw my bag into the back seat of my rental car and then got into the driver seat.

"Something's wrong," I said out loud to myself. "Something is very wrong."

I got out of my car and looked around the car and then when I got back to the driver's side door I noticed that there was something scratched near the key hole. It was my initials in a heart.

"Who could have done this?" I asked myself. "Who?"

I got back in my car and mulled over the question on the way to the club. I decided to just let it go and not to worry about it. I decided to just go to the club and enjoy myself.

When I got in there I immediately spotted Trish, Amy and Adam and a guy that looked like Chris Jericho.

"Kaity this is Chris," Trish said. "Chris this is Kaity."

"Nice to meet you," I said and smiled shyly.

"Nice to meet you too," Chris said.

"This feels a little akward," I said to Amy.

"Why?" she asked.

"Cause you've got Adam and Trish has Chris and well I'm here all alone," I said.

Then I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I looked in that direction and noticed Randy Orton walking towards our table.

"Oh my God," I said. "It's Randy Orton. Do I look ok Amy?"

"You look great," Amy said. "But why is Randy Orton such a big deal?"

"He's so hot, he's delicious," I said and licked my lips.

I gnawed on the inside of my cheek.

"Hey," Randy said.

"Hey yourself," I said trying to seem cool.

"Wanna dance?" he asked.

"Sure," I said.

I got up and took his arm and walked out on to the dance floor with him.

"Dip It Low" by Christina Milian was being played by the DJ.

I couldn't believe what was happening to me. I was the luckiest girl in the world and about to have an orgasm on the spot. I was dancing in a club really close with Randy Orton, the hottest, if not one of the hottest, wrestlers on the earth.

"God you are so beautiful," Randy growled in my ear. "You've got me so hard I don't know what to do with myself."

"I can help you with that," I whispered sexily in his ear.

I nibbled lightly on his ear lobe. He sucked in some air and groaned in pleasure.

"Don't make me have to take you back to my hotel room and make you scream my name," Randy said.

"Oh but that's what I want," I said sexily.

"Oh really?" Randy asked.

I ran a hand over his crotch. His eyes rolled into the back of his head. "You've gone and done it woman," Randy said. "You're coming with me to my room and you're gonna beg for mercy."

"Just let me get my purse," I said.

Randy and I walked over to the table where I had left my purse.

"Where are YOU going?" Amy asked.

"I'll tell you in the morning," I said.

Everybody got an astonished look on their face and I did a little finger wave and said "toodles" and left with Randy.

Randy placed his hand on the small of my back and smiled his award winning smile.

"I love your smile Randy," I said. "I love how it just lights up a room."

"Thank you Kaity," Randy said. "Your eyes are so eerily beautiful."

"Eerily beautiful?" I asked skeptically.

"Yeah," Randy said. "They've got a certain something that just pulls a man in. It's kind of eerie how beautiful they are."

"Ok," I said. "If you say so."

"Yeah," Randy said. "I do say so."

I walked over to my car to get my bag out of the back seat and I couldn't believe all that was written over it.

I don't remember what happened after next but the next thing I knew I was on the ground with a lot of people around me.

"Get that light out of my eyes," I said irritably.

I tried moving my arm and it wouldn't work.

"Why is my arm not moving?" I asked.

No one answered my question.


Then I realized I wasn't actually saying anything. My lips were moving slightly but no sound was coming out.

"Hold on Kaity," Randy said.

I opened my mouth to try to speak but Randy just puts a finger on my lips.

"Shhh," Randy said. "Don't try to talk. The ambulance is on its way."


I woke up from what seemed to be a bad dream and looked around. I was in an odd looking room and I had all these wires hooked up to me.

I looked around to see if there was anyone in the room and I saw Randy in the chair next to the bed with his head resting on the edge of the bed. I ran my hand lightly through his hair. He woke up and looked up at me with blood shot eyes.

"Hey beautiful," Randy said.

"Hey," I said weakly. "What happened?"

"I don't know," Randy said. "I watched you walk over to the car and then I turned my back for a second and you were on the ground when I looked back over at you. I called 911 as soon as I saw you and told them to hurry."

"Thank you Randy," I said.

"You're welcome Kaity," Randy said.

"Where's the doctor?" I asked. "Where is everyone else?"

"The doctor hasn't been through since we got you here and everyone else doesn't know yet," Randy said.

"You need to call Trish and Amy," I said. "They're probably worried about me."

"Ok," Randy said and got out of his chair.

"And Randy," I said.

"Yes," Randy said, pausing at the door.

"Tell the doctor or nurse or whoever is supposed to be watching me I want to go have a cigarette and that I want out of the bed," I said.

I started giggling and Randy just smiled at me.

Randy walked out the door and found the doctor.

"Doctor," Randy said. "My girlfriend is in this room and she's saying she needs to get out of bed and have a cigarette. Is there anyway you can have a nurse wheel her in a wheelchair somewhere where she can have a cigarette?"

"I'll see what I can do," the doctor said.

"Thank you doctor," Randy said.

Then Randy walked outside and called Trish.

"Hey Trish, it's Randy," Randy said.

"What's up Randy?" Trish said.

"It's Kaity," Randy said. "She's in the hospital."

"What happened?" Trish asked worriedly.

"There was an accident last night," Randy said. "She got shot with a tranquilizer dart last night after we left the club while she was standing at her rental car."

"Is she going to be ok?" Trish asked.

"I think so," Randy said. "I've been at the hospital with her since it happened. She just woke up about a half an hour ago. We're at County General."

"Ok," Trish said. "I'll get Amy and we'll be there ASAP."

"Ok," Randy said. "Bye."

"Bye," Trish said.

Randy hung up the phone and turned around to go back inside and there I was.

"Who were you talking to?" I asked as I lit my cigarette.

"Trish," Randy said. "She's getting Amy and they're going to come over."

"Thank you for calling them," I said.

"You're welcome sweetie," Randy said.

"Why did you just call me sweetie?"

"There's something that I've been meaning to ask you," Randy said as he crouched in front of the wheelchair I was in. "And I'm not exactly sure how to ask it."

"Just ask," I said.

"Would you be my girlfriend?" Randy asked, as he put his hand on my hand that wasn't holding the cigarette.

My mouth just dropped open. "I don't know what to say," I stammered.

"Say yes," Randy said.

"Yes," I said and smiled.

Then Randy hugged me and we kissed.

"I'm the luckiest girl in the world," I said.

"Why do you say that?" Randy asked.

"Because I have the sexiest wrestler in the world as my boyfriend," I said.

Then Randy kissed my forehead.

I then finished that cigarette and took out another one and lit it.

"So does anyone know exactly what happened last night?" I asked Randy.

"You got shot by a tranquilizer dart," Randy said. "Do you know anyone who would want to do that to you?"

I took a long pensive drag on my cigarette and then it dawned on me.

"What is it sweetie?"

"It can't be him," I said. "He's dead."

"Who sweetie? Who's dead?"

"Back when I was in college," I said. "There was this guy that I had met in town. He seemed nice enough. He had his own house, he owned his own restaurant, and he drove really nice cars. SO yeah, I was diggin this guy and the loads of money thing and he asked me to marry him and I told him that I couldn't because my school work came before my personal life. Well needless to say he went a little psycho when I told him this. I finally had to break up with him because he wouldn't leave me alone. I had to transfer schools as well and pretty much move back home. Finally one day he just lost it and came over to my house and tried to take me hostage and I had been on the phone with my brother-in-law and he heard me screaming and rushed over with his gun and saved me and shot him and I thought he was dead."

Randy then came over and hugged me and kissed my hair.

I gently pushed Randy back a little.

"What's wrong?"

"I wanna finish my cigarette and I don't want to burn your clothes."

And then we both started laughing.

"Nice ass shot," Amy said.

"Hey Amy," I said, while looking into Randy's eyes.

"Hey Blue," Amy said.

"I take it Trish is parking the car," Randy said, staring into my eyes.

"Yup," Amy said.

"So what is up?" Trish said as she walked up to us.

"Not too much," I said. "I think I know who did this though. His name's Dave. But I don't know how it could be him. He's supposed to be dead."

"What do you mean he's supposed to be dead?" Amy asked.

"I saw my brother-in-law shoot him," I said. "I saw the blood pooling under his body."

I took another drag of my cigarette.

"He's dead," I said. "Dead, dead, dead, dead, DEAD! GODDAMNIT!"

"Kaity," Randy said calmly.

"What the FUCK did I say?" I screamed. "He's fucking dead!"

"Sweetheart," Randy said. "Calm down. Please. I love you calm down."

"Sweetheart?" Trish asked. "Since when did you call her sweetheart?"

"She's my girlfriend now," Randy said with some hurt in his eyes.

Trish and Amy could see the hurt in his eyes and they knew that he really loved her.

I finished my cigarette.

"I wanna go back to my room," I said quietly. "I want Randy to push me though and I want Amy and Trish on either side of me."

"Ok," the nurse said. "But I have to walk with you guys."

"Thank you guys," I said. "You don't know how much it means to have yall here."

"Anything to cheer you up," Amy said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 9 am," Randy said. "Why?"

"It's time for the Nanny," I said. "Sweet."

Randy, Amy, Trish and I all started laughing.

"So are yall gonna be able to stay for a while?"

"We can stay as long as you want us to," Trish said.

"Thanks you guys," I said.

Randy kissed the top of my head.

I leaned my head back and smiled up at Randy.

"Nurse," I said. "Do you know when I'm going to get out of the hospital?"

"You'll have to ask the doctor that," the nurse said.

"Which one is my doctor?" I asked.

"Dr. MacKinnon," the nurse said.

"Darrell MacKinnon?" I asked quietly.

"Yes," the nurse said. "How did you know?"

"He's my ex-boyfriend's father," I said barely above a whisper.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Randy asked.

"I want to go to my room," I said.

We went into my room and there was my ex-boyfriend's father and doctor.

"Hi Doc," I said.

"Hello Kaity," he said reading my chart.

"Doc," I said. "Look at me."

He looked at me, and frowned slightly.

"How's your family doing?"

"They're doing well."

Then Vince McMahon came walking into the room.

"Hey Vince," I said. "You look worried. What's wrong?"

"Are you ok?" Vince asked.

"Just fine," I said. "I've got my doctor watching over me I'll be in tip top shape in no time."

My doctor finally looked up from his charts. "Who are you?" he asked.

"Doc this is Vince McMahon," I said by way of introduction. "Vince this is my doctor, Dr. MacKinnon."

"Nice to meet you," Vince said.

"Nice to meet you too," Dr. MacKinnon said.

"How's she gonna be Doc?" Vince asked.

"She's going to be fine, Dr. MacKinnon said. "I'd like to keep for a few more hours. She'll be out by 6 pm at the latest."

"Good," Vince said.

"But we don't want her to overexert herself," Dr. MacKinnon said. "I don't want to hear she's back in the hospital because she over did it soon after we released her."

"Yes Dr. MacKinnon," Vince said. "We'll take good care of her."

"Is it 6 yet?" I asked.

Everyone laughed.

"Not yet sweetie," Randy said than kissed me on the forehead. "You still have a couple of more hours."

"Ok," I said. "If I must stay."

Then I cuddled with Randy, who was half laying, half sitting on my hospital bed.

"Can I at least get into a wheelchair and go around the hospital?" I asked Dr. MacKinnon.

I don't see why not," Dr. MacKinnon said. "As long as you have someone with you."

"I'll go with you," Randy said.

"Ok," Dr. MacKinnon said. "I guess I can allow it."

"Woohoo," I said. "I'm going around the hospital."

"Let me help you into the wheelchair," Randy said.

"Ok baby," I said. Then I swung my legs over the side of the bed and slid down so my feet were on the floor.

Randy offered me his arm and I took it.

I made my way slowly over to the chair with Randy's help. Before I sat down I gave Randy a kiss.

Once I was in the wheel chair Randy got behind it and asked me where I wanted to go first.

"The cafeteria," I said. "I'm hungry."

"Mind if we join you?" Amy asked.

"Let's make a party of it," I said. "Lets all go to the cafeteria."

So Randy, Trish, Amy, Vince and I all walked to the cafeteria.

When the 5 of us got to the cafeteria we all got trays and started to look around at the food.

I got 2 slices of pepperoni pizza, a cheesburger and 2 cups of Coke, Randy got a turkey club with a fruit punch, Trish and Amy both got a salad and a Sprite and Vince got a hamburger and a Coke.

We all sat down at a big table and started eating.

"Think you have enough food there Kaity?" Randy asked.

"I don't know," I said. "We'll find out when I'm done."

I started eating my 1st slice of pizza.

When we were all finished eating about 20 minutes later we decided to go around the hospital and see what could be found.

A few minutes later we see the gift shop.

"Let's go to the gift shop," I suggest.

This story is copyrighted by Kaity McEwen.

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