Randomness from Baldwin

Jennifer: "Chase the duckies Kaity!!!!"
Me: *runs after ducks* "Must get the duckies!" *falls over on back pack panting*
*Jennifer laughs hysterically*

Jennifer: "Jello is Therapeutic."

Me: "Damn it with the apples already Bronwyn."
Bronwyn: "Do you want a Beaver?"
Me: "No why?"
Bronwyn: "You keep sayin Damn it and I wanted to know if you wanted a Beaver."
Me: "Damn it Damn it Son of a Bitch."

Certain Person: "I'm frollicking in the grass."

Jennifer: "Would you like some bread with your sandwich?"
Danny: "Why yes I would."

Jennifer: ole man came back for more porn kaity

Me: porn man has officially left the room

Rachel: It's pornorific.

Rachel: Doors Up Windows Locked.

Scott: Da Babies.

Me: Ow.
G: Ow what?
Me: Ow that hurts my ass.

Words of the day: Philosiphical and Snoda.

Me: I wanna shove a dildo up his ass with no KY.

Me: Bitches and Hoes . . . There's just something about Baldwin Chicks.

Alicia: If you drink, don't drive, do the WATERMELON CRAWL!

Me: Amanda something's poking your shirt.
Amanda: *fixes shirt* The wire in my bra is screwed up.
Me: Amanda's bra has a hard on.

Dani: Fiberglass . . . breakfast of champions.

Jay: *sniffs my hair* You smell good.
Me: I do? What do I smell like?
Jay: *sniffs again* Shampoo and hair gel.

Shay: "Sometimes I see things..."
Me:"What do you see?"
(Shay in response to the UNBELIEVEABLE number of emo kids at the CO&CA concert... geez man... emo kids suck!!!)

Olivia: "If you can't trust your partner Elliot, it's time to get a new one."
(one of my favorite quotes from Law & Order: SVU)

Nicki: What does French taste like?

Nicki: We have a door now.

"Woah. That's . . . books." ~Jasmine

"Microsoft is the crackbaby of something . . . bad." ~Walker

Armadillos are mythological creatures. ~Walker's art teacher from elementary and middle school

"Ow fuckidy Monkey." ~Walker

"Your arm is a giant hunk of steak." ~Toni

This page is copyrighted by Kaity McEwen.

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