You Know You're from Baldwin When . . .

  • You walk to the Staunton Junction to get cheap cigarettes.
  • Wal-Mart is the place to be on Friday and Saturday nights.
  • There's nothing good on TV so you watch the Disney Channel.
  • There's a guy on campus whom you normally wouldn't give the time of day to and you see him on campus and you're like "ooo a man".
  • You introduce yourself as the "Crazy Tullidge Bitch".
  • You can walk up the curvy stairs in front of Hunt while smoking a cigarette and not get winded.
  • You don't want to go to class in Deming because you live on the other side of campus.
  • You get a plate of french fries because there isn't anything else that is edible for that meal.
  • You roll out of bed and the only real preparation you do for class is to comb your hair and grab your books.
  • You walk around with a hangover hat and a pair of hangover sunglasses.
  • You're so tight on cash you go to the Staunton School of Cosmotology to get a hair cut and an eye brow waxing.
  • A Pepto chaser after every meal eaten at Hunt sounds really good.
  • Your usual response to "Where are you going this weekend?" is "Hopefully someone will give me a ride to JMU/VMI/Hampden-Sydney" or any other school in the area.
  • You hate the VWIL program cause they wake you up early in the morning.
  • You refer to the "Freshman Mixer" as the "Fresh Meat Mixer"
  • You cover your mouth and nose with your hoodie cause you don't want to get sick.
  • You rate your roommate's burps, farts or other bodily functions.
  • Your roommate rates your burps, farts or other bodily functions.
  • You live in Pearce cause you don't wanna walk to Wenger to use a computer (or vice versa).
  • You have to listen to LaunchCast because the CD drives in the Pearce computer lab don't work and your CD player's out of batteries.
  • You start singing Backstreet Boys to annoy the crap out of someone.
  • In the first week of classes you go drinking 5 of the 7 days.
  • You get so drunk you yell "I Want Dick" at the top of your lungs outside of Luigi's.
  • You get so drunk you have to take off your slut shoes because you can't walk otherwise.
  • You try to hide your boobs because you don't want everyone to know that you're girl (or some variation there of).
  • You bitch about people (or a certain person) because they have your shirt.
  • You have to watch a music video multiple times because it's just that good.
  • You don't have anything better to do so you go to 7-11 in the middle of the night to get cigarettes with your friend(s).
  • If you have ever been to a mixer drunk or gone to see who went drunk or know what apple eve is about...
  • If your motto has ever been work hard, play hard
  • If you have ever had to explain to someone that your school mascot is a squirrel
  • If you think it is normal to hear "Good morning, ma'am" on your way to class
  • If you call the Gini Ridge hot-line to hear what a gorgeous day it is...
  • ...and then gone to your dining hall only to come away with cereal
  • You think pearls and a popped collar is the new pink.
  • If you have ever dated or known someone who has dated a VMI guy
  • If you have been to the pub more than 3 times this week
  • If you know that a Baldwin girl doesn't need a man, she can find one at any of the surrounding colleges
    This page is copyrighted by Kaity McEwen.

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