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This page is dedicated to the one I love. It is a culmination of poems he has sent me throughout the year and poems I have written with him in mind. The Heart speaks wonders when in love.....may these poems put love in your hearts and encourage you to express your love for the ones you hold dear.

Take your time, sit back and unwind for I will show you the world through my eyes. As a matter of fact, lay down and relax.... for I'm about to let you know that you are my girl. If you only knew the kinds of things I'd do to let you know how much I care. If you only knew the kinds of things I'd do to let you know I can't stop thinking of you. If you only knew the kinds of things I'd do to let you know how special I think you are. Since the first time I laid eyes on you, I knew you were someone I can share my feelings with. Since the first time we exchanged words, I knew you were the one I've waited for. Since the first time we spent time together, I knew you were the owner of my heart. If you only knew the kinds of things I'd do to let you know I now belong to you. by Larry Manuel Largaespada © Copyright, 1998

Always Near

I consume many nights In persistent prayer. For our love to be strong That it will always be there. I pray that our love my endure All our troubles and our pains. As it may stand sturdy Every time that it rains. For I have told you I love you And I've told you I care. In this you may remember That I will always be there. No matter the distance That keeps us apart. I have made my own special place, An everlasting place in your heart. A strong, sturdy, stable place, That will never crumble. A place that will uplift you, If you ever shall stumble. A place that was produced Out of an undying love. A tremendous love so sincere, It was undoubtedly sent from above. So if you long for a glimpse of my love, In our short times apart. You shall seek that special place In which I abide in your heart. And when you find that place It may draw a tear. For that warm feeling shall arise As you see, always, I'm near.

Since Meeting You

I Know that Love Is the Most Important Feeling One Can Have I used to think that love was only real in the movies and that I enjoyed being alone I used to think that I was too independent that I didn't need anyone because I was so strong But after meeting you I realize that my attitude towards love was merely a cover-up of my disappointment with relationships I put on a strong, noncaring front so no one would know how I felt But after meeting you I could no longer pretend My feelings became transparent and now I want to tell the world something I always knew but was afraid to admit that love is the most important feeling one can have and I want to thank you for causing me to be honest with myself and others I love you

When I'm Lonely...written by me for my love.

I think of you and wish you were near, you can hear this heart of mine, beating life into me, so that I may love you for as long as I can. The nights are long, and I sit and think of when we will be together and what we will do to ease this lonliness we both feel. Your warm smile, plays havoc on this heart of mine, I just want to keep it there ease this lonely heart of mine.

My All To You

Our hands were made to hold each other . Only ours and not hands of another. My hands are only soft because of your touch Every time we are apart my hands miss you so much. My shin, for you to slide you fingers down. Hope I'm the one, you in you life, have found. My chin so smooth and kind They were only made for you to feel fine. My eyes are for you to look into What you see in them I have not a clue But what I see in your eyes, is, When you say I love you, you never lie. My ears you whisper sweet talks While we're in the street, going for walks, You to nibble on them so sweet Tickles through my body to my feet My lips are for you to kiss Then I know what I miss From your lips I can feel small pecks I can feel them here on my neck My soul for you to keep While you hold me till I fall asleep For you I will give my soul To no one else I've told To you my all I'll give Together forever we shall love and live

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