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(composed by me 7/12/97)
In Loving Memory of Havier Cola-Velasquez
(copyrighted 1997; published 1998)

From the top of your head to the bottom of your feet I will love every inch of your manhood. For you are the true meaning of manhood.

For over 400 years you have carried the weight of the struggle upon your bronze shoulder but yet you never bent beneath the pressure. For you are the true essence of strength.

You have watched your women being beaten and raped and your children taken and sold from you, but yet you continued to love and show love.

With you we, black women, find comfort in your strength and wipe the tears of your struggle.

So How Do I Love My Black Man?

I will love you from the depths of my eternal soul shower you with the love and respect you so richly deserve for you are my strength when I am weak and I am your anchor in the midst of the storm.

Come rest you weary head upon my busom and I will give you rest. I will wipe the tears from your eyes for only I hear your silent cries in the middle of the night. Not cries of sorrow but the cries of the tribulation that you must endure and the struggle is not easy.

Take my hand and I will ease the tears. Allow my love to engulf you and nuture the essence of your manhood. For you are MY BLACK MAN and I will love you for all eternity.


Copyright 1998, Published 1998

You have entered into the most intricate places within my being

You have touched the far corners of my soul, reached within my heart and ignited a passion that will burn for all enternity.

You have consumed my mind, my body and my soul.

You have taken me to new horizons
and shown me sunsets more beautiful
than mere words could ever express

For you have taken me to paradise
and allowed me to experience



Through the turbelance of the storm
my soul cried out for comfort yet no one
heard me.

Like the forbidden apple I ate of the fruit and
opened the world to me to absorb the knowledge from the tree called LIFE.

To explore the vast lands of all
the riches at hand. To soar amongst the ancient nubian KINGS and QUEENS of ages past.

Through the sweat and tears of my brothers and
sisters of yesteryears. Riding on the turbelant
voyages to a strange new land.

Marching through the trenches for a thing called

Marching for a word only dreams are made of.
FREEDOM who is truly free? Shackled by the chains of the mind's overview.

The mind is not free but I must continue my struggle to find that inner peace that solitude.



Trampled by the psychological battlefield
of the land mines in my brain,
I hate you.

I hate the way you make me crave you
wanting to feel your soft warm lips upon mine.
Desiring your hands to touch me in places only you can. Reaching deep inside my existance and exposing all my faults.

I hate the way you make me burn within
to be with you, to be near you, to look in your eyes. Sheltering me from harm when I am with you. Allowing me to feel safe and protected.

I hate when you leave me.
Unbeknowing when you will return.
Fulfilling me with your essence but
leaving me empty when you are not there.

I hate the feelings you stir up in me
Making me lose all control of my faculties.
Allowing you to consume me.

Loving you.

by SUNSET 381

So u say that u hate me;
when truly it's our love that you don't want to see.
Loving the way I hold you and caress your body;
not once do I hear hold up stop cause it ain't that type of party.

Oh yea u hate me alright as far as I can see;
girl dont u realize that I'm the one who can set u free?

Yea you hate me cause of the way that I make you feel; sometimes you laugh at others u cry but I always keep it real.

Girl u don't hate me cause of the flowers that I don't send; I know that you love the way I get in where I fit in.

You sit around trying to fool yourself;
Child that book has been read so you need to put it back on the shelf.

Yea right you hate me you say;
get real baby cause this is a brand new day!!!!



At night I sit alone feeling the night air upon my brow watching the moon gleaming down on earth and I wonder

Is my waiting in vain?

I wait for the essence of my spirit to take me to places I've never been or yet to experience but I wait for the right time.

When is the right time, truly? Is my waiting in vain?
I await that special someone to enter into my life so that I may share my riches and my nubian love but again I ask,

Is my waiting in vain?



Like a morning kiss of dew glistening upon my petals nourishing and quenching my thirst.

Sunlight bearing down upon me,

Warming my flower bathing me in the comfort of a
new day dawning.

My senses awakened by the sensation of the wind
upon my stem. Ever so lightly swaying me back and forth but never bending.

I arise to the challenge that lies ahead of me.


Copyright 1998; Published 1998

When I look in your eyes
I see a reflection of me
not as a child but as the
woman you have helped me
to be.

You have removed the camaflouge
to reveal my nakedness. No other man
has traveled this path. In all my glory
you have exposed the woman within.

I am vulnerable but yet you are so tender
in your consumption of me. You sip me
like hot chocolate on a wintery nite, you
savor me like fine wine to embrace my
flavor, you caress me like fine silk
careful not to upset my threads.

Woven so tightly the threads
are intwined to reveal my refine seams
of womanhood.

When I look in your eyes I feel the
calming waves of the sea rushing so
serene so peaceful this is what
you bring to me. You take me to
far away enchanted places that only
dreams are made of. You bring
me reality with a silver lining and
spoon feed me the rest. As I
am still a little girl but now in
a woman's dress.



Moments in time transpire never seeking an end
Shadowed fragments glimpses of moonlit embraces dance in my head
Essence of dampness elude a thirst

Tantalizing and enticing the invitation
Wash me cleanse me shower me ummmmmmmmmmm feel the warmth cascading
Relinquishing to nibbles at folds of flesh untouched
Stimulating responses commanding my body to rise
Yearning for a mere morsel of satisfaction

Embrace the flesh, transcend through
these moments
and arrive at serenity.



Come taste the sweet nectar
down in my valley low.

Let my pleasure surround you
and engulf you in it's flow.

Move rythmatically with me as
we dance to this here tune.

Dance within my passion
but don't you cum to soon.

Slide down into my valley,
it is your turn to lead.

Take my hand and I will follow
from here till eternity.



My heart is heavy laden, these tears that I shed, an expression of the pain
I must bear for loving you. Every time I turn the corner I search for
glimpses of you. I still feel your touch, smell your scent, and the warmth
of your embrace. I hear your voice, you move within my dreams. When will
it all end?

I want to purge you from my existance, pluck you from my life, rip you from
my memories, expell you from my heart. But once again, I've lied for it is
only a matter of time. I hunger for what once was. I come back to you.


Tears emerged from the belly of my soul
large flowing salty streams flow from my eyes

Memories we once shared dessacrated by the insanity
now lay nake and crumbled beneath a mask of pain

I wear a smile to hide the raging torment of
moving on without you.

Moving to escape memories of the past
yet too afraid to move forward
without the joy of you.

So again today I cried.


(composed 4/30/00)
Lying naked without you
exploring my womaness
craving your warmth inside
Passion igniting so fierce I remember.....
Our bodies cascading against red satin sheets
silohettes embraced by sweet whispers of moonlight
My senses awakened by the sweet
tantalizing smell of you
Feeling those strong mandingo hands
lightly exploring my nakedness
My body responds to your commands
releasing passions fruit

Our bodies moving simeltaneously
with every stroke your love washes my womb
Slowly penetrating the veil.

(composed 5/2/00)

I want to see the world
through your eyes.
Fresh and all brand new.

So young and carefree
not burdened by the hypocrosy.
The world is your stepping stone
to chisel out a portion as you see fit.

Your future laid out in front of you.
Unblemished pages for which to write
your own history.
For only you can fulfill your
destiny in the journey through life.


LOVE ME (by D. Stephens)
(A poem I have liked since childhood)

Love me without Fear....
Trust me without Questioning
Need me without Demanding
Want me without Restriction
Accept me without Change
Desire me without Inhibitions
For a love so free......
........will never fly away.



MEMORIES (written in 1976, age 16)

As I sit here in my little room
watching the last flicker of the flame
The memories of the moments we shared
linger in my mind.

Oh how we loved, but we shall never
share that love again
But we have our memories and
memories are forever.

Remember the quiet moments we spent together
Oh how sweet they were
I still remember my first "I love you" and how
I tried to be so very true
Remember the nights we spent together
Oh how I wish they could have gone on forever
But only memories are forever.

I THOUGHT...... (written in 1974; age 14)

I thought I would die if we broke up
but I am still living.
I thought you were my sun
but it's still shining.
I thought you were my heart
but it's still beating.
I thought you were my breathe
but I am still breathing.
I thought you would never leave me
so baby now I am grieving.

(1976, age 16 for a friend)

Here I lay on my sick bed
remembering all the words you once said.
The doctor just came in a minute ago
he told me I am pregnant, but I pleaded
this just can't be so.

You said you loved me but at the hospital you
never showed. You got what you wanted
and dumped the load.

Baby it's alright I'll try to understand that
you are just not yet even a MAN!.

MY LOVE AND I (1976, age 16)

We were there my love and I
holding hands running towards the sun
hoping morning would never come.

We laughed, we cried, we had our fun
We made love in the sand as the waves
washed peacefully by.

We were there my love and I
entwined in each others arms
as a new day had just begun---

We were there my love and I.


I know it's tough being my man
and having to take what you don't understand.

I love your thrilling kisses, your lips close to mine,
and I'll always love you, because you're so fine.

I know it's really tough being my man
but you can please me, I know you can.

When I kiss you and you don't respond
that doesn't mean anything
it's not worth a darn

But as you say, It's TOUGH BEING MY MAN.


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