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Help Give Respect To Veterans And Soldiers

January 24, 2005 My name is Sara Chambers and I’m a past student of Spotsylvania County. I’m writing in regards to a rule just passed by the Spotsylvania County School Board, allowing students to sit during the Pledge of Allegiance. I believe this to be an insult to people who have fought and people that are still fighting for our freedom. What has America come to when people can not stand for thirty seconds during the Pledge of Allegiance? Standing during this time gives respect to soldiers and veterans who have served our country. How lazy and down right rude can mankind become? When I heard the news of the new ruling I could not believe Spotsylvania County had agreed to such a disrespectful idea! The feelings that rushed over me were so intense I stood in silence with tears running down my face. I was so angry and sad, I did not know what to do. You may wonder why a twenty year old young woman would feel so strongly about this matter, well I would like to share a little about my Grandfather so you might be able to understand: My Grandfather is the sweetest person in the world! I know a lot of people think that of their grandfather but if you knew mine you would completely agree. He is the man walking around in a store smiling, whistling, saying “Hi” to everyone, and making daffy duck noises at every child. He loves life and he loves seeing people smile. You would never know by looking at him the life he has endured. He has lived through three wars, three cancers, and he now has emphysema. My Grandfather was a Master Sergeant in the United States Marine Corp, something he is very proud and honored to have been. He was sent away from his family to Korea (Trojan Reservoir), Vietnam, and Mariana Island (Guam) to fight three different wars. He fought these wars for our freedom. He fought with pride for his home country and now his home country is turning their backs on him. I do not want much, I just want people to understand and respect all the things that soldiers and veterans have done for every one of us! How can you say that no one needs to stand and respect those who have fought and those who are still fighting for us? What are we teaching our children about respect? I do not have children yet and I don’t think I want to because I do not want to raise them in a world like the one I live in today. I know this letter will not have much effect on the situation that is why I plan on taking this much further. This letter is just the first step in a plan to make this country a good place to live. It is up to Spotsylvania County to take the next step and change the new rule. It is up to me to make sure this small step towards a better America takes place. I will not give up just like my Grandfather never gave up. There is one last thing I would like to add, my sympathy goes out to those who have lost someone to war and to those who have someone fighting in a war right now. I will help veterans and soldiers receive the respect they deserve. Sincerely Your, Sara Chambers Granddaughter of Retired Master Sergeant John W. Brascher
