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PeaBody's Personal Page

Hey there, and welcome to my personal web page designed, created, manufactured, whatever by me personally.
Well whatever you wanted to find here you will find it from me or my point of view. So have fun and do something.
If you do not know me I am attending Virginia Wesleyan College in Virginia Beach. I like to play on my drumz all day, hang out with my friends, and go skating, and just all around chill with people. I am really a people person. :oP
Actually, now that I thinx about it. I am a really really boring person, but I have the most fun out of anyone that I do know. I enjoy long intellectual conversationz and shit like that. I sit in Casablanca Cafe for hours on end just yap-yap-yapping. Oh, well.
Hey, sign my guestbook, cuz I dont know how many people have accessed my website and not stated who they were. And also if you have an interesting anecdote you may add it to my wordz of wizdom. Have fun and check out my shitty pix.

ICQ here!--Come here to download ICQ where you can contact me whenever I am on just find me by locating my number which is 43243660
Free Email here!Come here to get a free email at and if you go to the bottom of the page you can contact me at my email account.
Pics of me--Here are some pictures of me and my friends that have made their way onto the net.
My BLOGTake a look at the current eventz of my college life and regular everyday life.

My ICQ# is 43243660 my name is PeaBody
My AIM name is PeaBody0690
My Yahoo Messenger name is oo_peabody_oo
My MSN Email is
VWC Email would be
Yet another email

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Holdin' Holden