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Welcome to The Party House! We live by the motto- "ALL OUT OR NOTHING!" This site is dedicated to The Party House on Old Windmill Circle. It contains quotes, pictures, and other random selections from the family as well as visitors. Therefore, if you have ever been to the party house you may find something here that belongs to you! Some things may offend some viewers, but that's what happens when you enter our zone. One never knows what will happen when the family is together, so WATCH OUT! If we offend you we are sorry, but don't ask us to say it out loud. "Dad" (Jason Lee) would get mad if the word 'sorry' came out of any of our mouths. So suck it up and deal! hehe Enjoy your stay, leave us a tip, clean up after yourself, and remember to let us know what you think!

Links into our world

The First Page of Quotes
Quotes Continued
Pictures from All Events
Find out what kind of drink you are!
What proof are you?
