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She waits for him in silence
Going through the day as always
Hopeful for a just a moment with him
Efficient, outwardly content...and she waits.

Her brown eyes reflect the uncertainty
Whether she should let him go or continue to hope
For the call her soul tells her will come
Efficient, outwardly content...and she waits.

She works, she shops, she cooks, she cleans
Spends time in her favorite places
Calls her friends, never sharing her true dreams
Efficient, outwardly content...and she waits.

Writing helps to ease the lonliness
Plans for an upcoming event take time
A new assignment fills up the lonely hours
Efficient, outwardly content...and she waits.

She wonders at what point do you let go
When is enough - way too much
When will this doubt disappear
Efficient, outwardly content...and she waits.

Crying, she contemplates, what's next
Not wanting to let go of their dreams and plans
She trusts her heart
She denies the thoughts in her mind
Efficient, outwardly content...and she waits.

Her mind tells her - it's time to move on
But her heart says, if you care, how do you give up
Her soul whispers you should
Efficient, outwardly content...and she waits.

She waits for him in silence
Not sharing her concerns
Going through the day as always
Efficient, outwardly content...and she waits.

He reaches for her from his keyboard
He feels he can almost see the doubt in her eyes
His blue eyes fill with worry
Efficient, outwardly content...and he waits.

He never dreamt he would find her
The love - the dreams - the plans
He dares not ask what she is thinking
Efficient, outwardly content...and he waits.

She types at the keyboard hiding her fears
He types at the keyboard trying to reassure her
They love - they dream - they plan
Efficient, outwardly content....and they wait.