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liz's page!

Hey everyone. Boredom causes strange reactions, like building webpages! I'm actually planning on putting a little bit of effort into this page, unlike some of my other boredom experiements...we'll see how it works out.

I just finished my first year at The University of Virginia's College at Wise. Unfortunately, I'm taking some time off from there due to certain circumstances, but I'm possibly returning in the fall of 2003! I miss you all and I can't wait to visit! Now I go to Northern Virginia Community College and I'm working as a lifeguard at South Run RECenter. Anyway, this page is just going to be full of random stuff and pictures...very me-esque...just for fun. :) Keep checking back for updates, I'll be working on it as much as possible!


pictures! ||| stuff! ||| pitcures!! ||| links! ||| pictures!!!