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LeSLiE & AmAndA's HoMePaGe

Thank you for coming to Leslie & Amanda's Homepage. We pride ourselves in being the biggest dorks we can be and this page is proof! Because of the extreme nerdy nature of this website, some names have been changed to protect the cool. This website is under construction right just seems llike we can't get the time to work on it!! This mostly gives you a brief insight into our KrAzY lives!! Have Fun lookin around & Ya'll come back now, ye' hear!!!

NeRd FaCtS
GooD TiMeS aT tHe CoVe
In MeMoRy oF ShEEnA bEaN
SeNiOr WeeK 2002 - DeSTiNaTiOn: MyRtLe BeAcH
NeRdY PiCs
OtHeR PiCs