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tHe mOrE oNe kNoWs aBoUt oNeSeLf iN reLaTiOn tO eVeRy KiNd oF eXpiReNcE, tHe gReAtEr oNe'S cHaNcE oF sUddEnLy rEaLiZiNg... Who in Fact one Is.

to escape the prison
of an empty life
one must be aware
of life's fullness
the beauties and the sorrows
and the utter absurdities
that creates the here and the now.
put aside your plans
and start living
stop trying to be
someone you are not
because you can only be
remember that most pain
is self-inflicted
therefor can be self-healed.
limitations are only substantial
if they are acknowledged.
don't exclude any possiblities
or impossiblities.
don't let your morals,
ideals or opinions
cause you to be narrow of mind.
the prison of life
doesn't exist unless
you put yourself there
and even if you have
there is only one warden,

**wE ArE tHe MusIc MaKeRz aNd wE ArE tHe DrEaMeRz oF tHe DrEaMz**

"Truth is a pathless land" Krishnamurti, 1929

"phunkee pix page"

"psychedelik poetry"

"da jOjO journal"

"random debris and miscellany"

click on tha marinatin munkee to email me mOjO jOjO!!!