You Can't Hurry Love by mardel PG Saber all the way Bailey knew it wasn't a good idea, but he couldn't help himself. He talked himself into looking up Sam after all this time. Not at the last minute he was getting cold feet. A man who'd never lost his head under fire. Who'd served two tours in Nam. Was losing his cool over seeing an old friend. He turned off his truck and switched off the head lights. He should have called first. But some how he thought it would be better if he just showed up on her door step. He rubbed a hand over his face, it had been two years since he'd last seen her. He wondered if she had changed at all. He knew he had, all the worry over the VCTF's budget had added some gray to his temples. Losing Rachel after defending her to the Powers that be hadn't been a walk in the park either. But he'd saved his little group from the accounts ax. He was the primary profiler now but at least there still was a VCTF. Bailey took a deep breath and let it out slowly, he checked his reflection in his review mirror. He was running out ways to stall himself. So he pocketed the keys and opened the door. He took another deep breath on his way to the door. It was just dusk, so he was fairly sure Sam would be home. She was a stickler about spending as much time with Chloe as possible now. Bailey rang the bell, and waited. He knew he could be catching in the middle of fixing dinner. The door swung open, and he saw her standing in front of him a look of surprise on her lovely face. Her hair was pulled back, into a tail, she looked younger than ever. "Bailey! Oh my God!" Sam lifted a hand to her mouth, to keep from crying out. "Hi, Sam how have you been?" Great opening line Malone, Bailey chastised himself as he took in how beautiful Sam looked. "What are you doing here?" She asked then welcomed him with a hug. Bailey wrapped his arms around her, squeezing tight, she had always felt perfect in his arms. " I was in the area, and I thought I'd stop by and see how you are doing?" Bailey said, his voice deep and soft in her ear. Sam melted into his embrace she hadn't known how much she missed his hugs until she was in his arms. She stayed there, longer than for just a welcome hug. But she knew he wouldn't mind. Bailey was a master hugger. Always had been. "I'm so glad you did, wait until Chloe sees you she'll flip. She should be home from her club meeting in a few minutes." Sam told him while staying in his embrace. One hand at the base of his strong neck, the other spread wide over the breadth of his back. Bailey held her unit she moved away from him. He'd missed having her in his arms. He was still in love with her, it was one of the reasons he'd come. "Bailey come in, let me look at you." Sam stepped back, into her front hall and looked him over. "You've been taking care of yourself?" "I've been trying to." Bailey patted his middle, he was ten pounds lighter than the year before. "You look handsome as ever." Sam said before realizing she didn't usually say things like that to him. Bailey's eyes blinked in surprise. Sam telling him he was handsome? What was up with that? "You look good, rested. The country life must agree with you." He smiled at her and waited to see what came next. "Can I take your jacket? It's not fall just yet but I don't have the air on. I'll get you a cold drink." Sam offered to take his suit jacket. Bailey shrugged out of his jacket and she hung it in the hall closet. Sam noticed he was wearing a short sleeved shirt under his jacket, she couldn't recall ever having seen him do so before. His biceps were huge. She swallowed, when had he gotten so buff? "The kitchen is this way." Sam stammered, suddenly she was aware of Bailey like she had never been before. His solid presence behind her effecting her like a school girl on her first date. He followed her into the roomy kitchen. Sam opened the fridge and took out a pitcher of ice tea. She poured two glasses and handed one to Bailey. Her finger tip touched his hand during the transfer, and she was jolted by the feel of his warm skin. "Please sit down, tell me what brings you out this way?" Bailey waited for her to sit down then, pulled out the chair across from her. "Just wrapping up a case from a few months ago." He didn't want to talk shop with Sam, that wasn't why he'd come. 'Why did you come Malone?' he thought to himself, 'did you think if she saw you again she'd just throw herself into your arms?' "What have you been doing to keep busy?" He supposed she had gone back to her photography. "I've taken up my old hobby, taken photos of everything in sight, but I've managed to sell a few here and there." "That's good to hear Sam, I'm glad you're happy here." He sipped his ice tea, and exhaled. "Chloe should be home soon, her meetings are usually only two hours after school. "I'll bet she has grown since I saw her last." He was making small talk, because he was afraid to tell her why he'd really come. Sam was studying him with the eye of a photographer, he was a handsome man, he had strength in his face, and she was noticing in his build too. She couldn't believe she'd never known his arms were so huge. They flexed with every move he made, she couldn't keep herself from watching. Bailey had always been one to talk with his hands, but she'd never had the treat of admiring his strength while he talked before. "How is everyone? John, George?" she asked, she talked with Grace every so often but she never said much about the men she worked with. "George is working on a new program for weeding out just the right information. John is the same as always, dating ten different women a year, or more." Bailey laughed at his own joke. "I'll bet, he should settle down one of these days. He just hasn't met the right person." Sam said and as she looked up at Bailey her gaze locked with his. She was looking into his expressive dark eyes, there was something there, something she'd never noticed before. But it couldn't be, not Bailey. Sam blinked and the moment was gone. "Mom! Mom! is that… it is, Bailey you came to see us." She jumped into the kitchen and rushed forward to hug her favorite 'uncle'. "Hey, slow down," Bailey welcomed her into his embrace, hugging her close. He kissed the top of her head. "When did you get here? Did mom know you were coming?" She rushed through her questions. "A few minutes ago, and no it was a surprise." He laughed. Sam smiled, he had the most wonderful laugh. She hadn't heard it often enough during all those years they had worked together. "Bailey you are planning on staying for dinner I hope?" Sam asked, she hoped he would stay. "Yeah, you have to stay, I have so much to tell you." Chloe grabbed hold of his hand like she use to do when she was little. Bailey smiled, "I can't turn my two favorite girls down." "Come on I want to show you my room." "You two go ahead, I'll check on dinner." Sam waved them off. :::::::::::::::::::: "I'm so glad you came, I've got stuff I need to tell you. I thought about calling you and telling you, but it didn't seem like the kind of stuff I should talk about on the phone." Chloe lead him to her bedroom. Bailey was instantly on guard, had Chloe had problem she wouldn't talk with her mother about? "See we really like it here, I mean I didn't at first but I do now. But mom has been kind of unhappy. I mean it's been almost two years since we got here and she never does anything but take photos. Angel comes to visit all the time and we go to the movies and shopping and stuff like that. But she hasn't had even one date." Bailey nodded, know he understood why Chloe hadn't wanted to tell him on the phone. "You think you are a good judge of when your mother is ready to start seeing men again?" Bailey tried not to chuckled as he asked her this question. "I don't know if I am or not, but I know she's sad still. I haven't seen her smile hardly at all in months." Bailey had seen her do nothing but smile at him since he had arrived. "Can you stay a few days? You aren't in the middle of a big case or anything?" Chloe asked, her hands held together in front of her like she was praying for him to say he could stay. "I can stay a day or two. But that isn't going to solve you mom's dating problem." "You can take her out, with you it's not a date. It's just friends doing stuff together." Chloe had a plan up her sleeve and she wasn't above lying to him if it meant getting Bailey and her mom together. Bailey agreed to stay for the weekend. He wondered if what Chloe had been telling him was true. That Sam was unhappy. "Mom, I asked Bailey to stay over that's Ok right?" Chloe knew her mom wouldn't mind, she liked Bailey more than she did almost anyone. "Of course it is honey," Then looking up at Bailey, "But only if he has the time. You know he has an important job and he can't always get away." "I'd like to stay, if it's no trouble?" Bailey qualified. "If you had plans..." "No, we'd love to have you spend the weekend if you can." Sam smiled, she was kind of looking forward to having Bailey around for a day or two. They all shared the evening meal together, Chloe told Bailey about her newest fascination, clothes, and learning to make them in design class. "It's really Home Ec, they just gave it a new name so the kids would think it was something better." Sam whispered to Bailey during Chloe's long winded explanation. "Bailey why don't you bring in your stuff while Chloe and I clean up in here." "Sure if you don't want any help?" He offered. "No, we are fine." Sam shooed him out of the kitchen. Bailey stood on the porch for a few minutes and inhaled the clean air, he was thinking about lighting up one of his favorite cigars but he knew Sam preferred he smoke outside. He didn't really want to spend that long alone outside. But he must have spent longer thinking than he planned. Sam joined him on the porch. "I didn't see you inside, it's nice here. Quiet." Sam stood beside him near the porch railing. "It's very nice here. Take a walk with me, show me the lay of the land." Bailey stepped off the porch and lifted his hand to Sam. " Alright we can walk off dinner." Sam joined him on the front path. They walked towards the woods. Bailey beside her, matching his stride to hers, keeping his head turned slightly sideways so he could hear her and glance her way ever so often. "I've taken a hundred photos of this valley, it is always changing." Sam took him to one of her favorite spots in the neighborhood. "It's beautiful Sam." Bailey said, but he was looking at her as much as he was at the scenery. Sam was aware of him, like she had never been when they worked together. But she'd always been so worried about Jack, back then that she didn't notice much besides details about the case or cases they were working. She studied Bailey's biceps again as he was looking out over the valley. How had she ever missed those, they looked like they belonged to a professional wrestler. Not that is made any difference, Bailey was still her friend the person she cared about more than anyone but Chloe and Angel. "Sam can I talk to you a minute?" Bailey sounded serious, his voice had dropped to an even lower base. "Yes, of course is there a problem?" "I don't know, you tell me, Chloe said that you are sad all of the time. Now I have two girls and I know they can exaggerate things. But, there's usually some truth behind it." He cocked his head to the side a little and studied her face as he asked her if she was alright. "I'm not laughing and smiling all the time. But I'm a peace finally, I don't know if I can be the person I used to be. Not after everything that happened." Sam told him truthfully. "That's a fare answer, have you talked with your old professor about all of this?" Bailey knew she was the only shrink Sam would talk to about her life. "Yes, and she agrees, I may never be carefree like I once was." Sam explained. "If there is anything I can do? If you just want to get something off your chest you know I'm ready to listen." Bailey touched her arm and nodded. "I know Bail, there is one thing. When did this all happen?" she motioned towards his bulging upper arm. "I'm sorry what are you talking about?" Bailey was clueless she meant his muscles. "This," Sam motioned again at his arm. Bailey looked down at himself, "Sorry I still don't know what you mean??" "This Bailey," She ran her hand over the swell of his arm, 'My God that feels so powerful.' Sam noticed at once, as her hand caressed his arm. Bailey grinned at her, " Most of my life, all the time I've known you." "Oh, God Bailey really? I never knew you were build like... I mean, that you looked like this, ... Boy do I feel stupid." Sam shook her head, then slapped her palm on her forehead. "Hey, none of that, not on my behalf." Bailey grabbed her wrist and stopped her from any further attacks on herself. "I must really have been self absorbed, I sort of knew you were strong. I just never considered the details that went with the strength." " Don't concern yourself it's not important." Bailey shrugged it off. "I am sorry, Bail. You're my best friend in the world, you would think I knew this about you." She was suddenly choked up, a tear slipped down her cheek. "It's not important Sam, don't ...." Bailey felt her sorrow, he didn't understand why this was troubling her. "Come here." He drew her into a embrace, her face pressed into the hollow of his neck and shoulder. Sam sobbed against him for several minutes. He just murmured nonsense to her and stroked a large hand over her back until she calmed down. "Feel better?" He lifted her chin and looked into her big blue eyes. Sam nodded, "Yes, thank you. But you know something?" "What?" "I really missed you, and this." She sighed and rested her cheek against his shoulder again, her arms wrapped around his chest. No one hugged like Bailey. Bailey was feeling very protective of Sam, but he was also feeling sad that they had been apart all this time. She needed someone in her life to lean on, he'd always been that person before. She'd been alone all this time. He was going to have to bury his desire and offer her the support she needed. Sam sighed and relaxed in his embrace. He had missed having him in her life. But she hadn't realized she missed the hugs. Not until she was back in his arms. Bailey now knew Chloe had been right about her mom. She was sad, she did need to get back into life. He was going to do his best to liven up her life while he was visiting. " Let's go back to the house. It's getting dark." Bailey suggested. "Thank you." Sam moved out of his arms. She still couldn't get over the look of his build. And the fact that she'd never noticed. She was shaking her head at her own blindness, as they walked back to the house. Bailey stopped and grabbed his bag from the truck. "You're sure you don't mind me staying a day or two?" Bailey asked, placing his hand on the base of her neck. "Of course not, don't be silly." Sam opened the door and he followed her inside. "Your room is the one at the end of the hall. I'm going to fix some coffee." Sam headed for the kitchen. "Sounds good, I'll be back in a minute." Bailey took his bag to the guest room. Chloe's door was closed so she must still be doing her homework. Sam was standing at her kitchen sink daydreaming. Bailey had hugged her only moments ago and she was still filling comforted. But she was also feeling more. It had been so long since she'd found herself attracted to a man, since Coop's death, there had been only two. But both were only short infatuations, nothing lasting, the time she and Paul had kissed there had been no chemistry at all. It was so none romantic it was laughable. But, today in His arms there was reaction. It was soothing, but it was also arousing. A feeling Sam hadn't experienced in a long time. Her mind took the idea and ran with it. Bailey and her back on the hill, him holding her, her hands wrapped around his powerful shoulders. Sam looks up into his dark eyes, and kisses him. He welcomes her kiss, his hold changes one hand bracing her head as he shifted the pressure of the kiss. Her mouth opens to him, their tongues touch, tease. Sam moans, in reaction to his skillful kissing. "I never knew you cared this way." She murmurs to him between kisses. "I've always loved you Sam." He confesses. "Sam Chloe is still doing her homework." Bailey entered the kitchen and shocked her out of her very pleasant day dream "Oh, yes once she gets started it's best to let her keep going." Sam blushed, at the thoughts that she'd been thinking about him. Bailey noticed her flush, "Is the coffee ready?" "A few more minutes." Sam placed a plate of cookies on the table, with out meeting his eyes. She was embarrassed he caught her. "Sam I'd like to do something tomorrow, is there anything going on around here this time of year?" "There's a festival for crafts, and artists along with a music program down at the fairgrounds. It's kind of a fall festival." "Sounds like fun, will you join me?" Bailey picked up a cookie and took a bite. "Sure, Chloe's troop is working at a booth to raise money. But I can give you at least half a day." ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Bailey looked like he'd just stepped out of one of her romance novels. Sam's guilty little pleasure that she hide from everyone. She'd come to appreciate those silly romance novels you found in discount stores. He was wearing faded blues jeans, a medium blue polo shirt, with a very small FBI logo embroidered on the chest and hiking boots. His hair was brushed back as always but in the morning sunlight he looked younger than his years and very handsome. "Chloe said you double teamed me this morning, she snuck in and turned off my alarm clock and you fixed her breakfast." Sam smiled at him, lifting her hand to shield her eyes from the bright sun. "I thought you could use a little extra sleep, I would have made you breakfast but Chloe insisted you only have one piece of toast and coffee." "Yeah, my stomach doesn't like food early in the morning." Sam reminded him. "You look already for our trip to the festival." "The weather report said mid sixties, I've got a jacket in the car but I don't think I'll need it. Are you ready?" Bailey had been cleaning up his truck from the drive Chloe had helped until only a few minutes before when she'd bolted for her room to change into her scout uniform. Bailey smiled at her, she was wearing tan slacks with a yellow twin set. She had on walking shoes and was carrying her purse and another bag. She'd left her hair down, except for the sides which were clipped back so when she was working they would stay out of the way. "Mon come on we're going to he late." Chloe blotted out of the front door slamming it behind her and ran for Bailey's truck. " I'm ready slow down." Sam went to the passenger side and climbed in, Bailey held the door for her. When they pulled up to the parking area for the festival Sam was feeling almost joyful. She was going to be spending the day with her best friend, and her daughter. "Chloe had to report to the booth for the morning shift, and I have to check in and see what need to be done." Sam warned him. "I'll tag along." Bailey was feeling great, he didn't care if he had to help man the booth as long as Sam was there with him. The Scouting booth was filled with girls and mothers. Bailey didn't feel out of place, he'd done scouting with his girls on more than on occasion. "Sam, Chloe glad you made it. We're a little behind with setting up, I had to make a run to Jen's house and pick up half the supplies. She had an emergency at the hospital and wouldn't be able to make it." They were greeted by a short dark haired woman, wearing a vest and a change maker. "Oh, then you'll want me to help out here this morning?" Sam nodded. "Yes, if you can. I have people lined up for the afternoon shift." "Pam Dare I'd like to introduce you to my friend Bailey Malone. Bailey this is Pam she's the Scout Master of Chloe's troop." "Nice to meet you Ms. Dare, my girls were in the scouts when they were that age." Bailey shook hands with the woman. "Hello Mr. Malone nice you to drop by our little booth." "Bailey it looks like I'm working this morning. So if you want to wander around and check back here in a few hours." Sam as sorry she couldn't spend more time with him. "Ms. Dare help the tarp is falling." One of the girls yelled. Bailey was quick to respond to the sound of worry in the girls voice. He moved to grab the loose stake and move it back so it was taunt. "If you have a hammer handy I could tighten up the tarp for you?" Bailey offered. "Thank you, I'm great with tents but this things always give me trouble." Pam handed him a small mallet. Sam shrugged and went to help arrange the contents of the booth. "Who's the guy with your mom?" Nina asked Chloe while they were helping to unload the supplies from the back of Pam's van. "That's Bailey, he's on old friend." "He's kind of nice looking, old but big and strong." Nina giggled. "Yeah, he is older than most of the fathers around, but he's been part of my life forever. I like him a lot." Chloe told her. "Is he dating your mom?" "No, but I'd like it if he did." ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Bailey spent the next hour helping with the booth. Carrying boxes, lifting the heavy table they had been supplied with to a better location for the display. Sam noticed again how powerful he was as his arms bulged when he lifted the table and moved it to a new location. Several of the other ladies noticed to. Sam heard them comment on Bailey several times during the time he was helping out. "I don't know how serious she is about him. But if it was me, I'd snap him up in a heart beat." "He's not as young as some of the men around but he sure looks good." and "Both coming and going, if you know what I mean." Sam smiled at their comments. Bailey was attractive, but he was a lot more than that. He was generous with his time, his talents and he cared. The festival got underway at ten, their were people everywhere. The booth did a hit and miss business for the first hour. Bailey hung around, watching the crowd and keeping an eye on his girls. Chloe was having fun but Sam seemed subdued. He took Pam aside after an hour and asked her if he could take Sam with him for a few hours. "Yes, with all your help this morning, you go ahead. Enjoy the festival. Chloe will be safe here with us." "Thank you." Bailey touched Sam's shoulder. "You're boss said I can borrow you for a little while." Bailey smiled at Sam. "Oh, let me tell Chloe." Sam smiled back. "OK, Mom have fun." She waved bye to Bailey from her place at the cash box. Bailey walked with Sam towards the main area of the fair. His hand at the small of her back. A habit he's always seemed to have. He treated ladies with respect and courtesy. Not because they were the weaker sex, but because he was raised to protect and care for the women he encountered in life. They listened to the band for a few songs then a group of Irish Dancers came on the stage. Bailey was thrilled, it was part of his heritage after all, the part he'd not had much exposure to. His grandmother Malone had once shown him how to dance 'River Dance' style but he'd not been interested that much in dancing at age eight. "Do you like bagpipes Bail?" Sam could take the music in small doses, but considering he loved opera she didn't figure he'd care for the more primitive music. "I do, I think it must be from another life. I seem to know the melody even if I've never heard the song before. It gets to me right here." He tapped his chest over his heart Sam watched Bailey as he watched the dancers. She was enjoying spending time with him. Almost to much. She would really miss him now when he went back to work. Once the Irish dancing was over the moved on. In search of some food for lunch. They choose differently, Bailey got a barbar-q sandwich and Sam got a gyro. They were just finishing up their meal when the sounds of angry voices filled the area near the refreshment tent. Bailey was instantly on alert, Sam knew he was always in protection mode. He probably even had a gun on him, his back up strapped to his ankle if she knew anything about her former boss. Three men were scuffling, and there was no sign of any security types breaking it up. Bailey moved into position. He would only break things up if it looked be escalating. "I said you're a lying cheating son of bitch." The one man was yelling. "Cool off, man this is not the place for it." The second man in a red shirt tried to back him off. "You tell him Hank, she's your woman." The third man added fuel to the fire. Bailey motioned to Sam to keep back. He didn't want anyone hurt if fists started flying. The angry guy cursed again and swung, red shirt countered him and he went down. Bailey hoped he stayed down but he wasn't that smart. "Now Hank just walk away, we don't need to be fighting." Red shirt backed off then turned and started to walk away. "Like hell I will." Hank got up off the grass and grabbed a chair from the eating area and was about to hit red shirt with it from behind. That was when Bailey jumped in and stopped him. "No, you don't mister." Bailey grabbed the chair in mid swing and ripped it out of his grip. Man number three didn't like that and picked up a chair of his own to get into things. Red shirt turned back with all the noise and managed to duck, but the chair hit Sam who'd moved into position to see if Bailey needed help. She went down, a blow to the head. Red shirt took out the third guy as Bailey glared at Hank. "Don't even think about it, I'm in no mood for this." Bailey growled at him. Hank knew the strength it had taken to disarm him, he backed off. "Someone call for the EMT guys, this lady is hurt." Red shirt yelled. Bailey's heart was in his throat as he heard those words. He turned and saw that it was Sam laying on the grass. He was beside her in an instant, she was awake but looked dazed. "Sam, Sam sweetheart can you see me?" Bailey looked into her blue eyes, there was a lump on her temple and a small red mark from where the chair had struck her. "Thanks for your help mister. That guy would have cold cocked me if you hadn't stepped in." Red shirt told Bailey. "You're welcome. Where are those EMT's?" Bailey looked up then back at Sam. "Are you hurt anywhere else? Your neck or back?" Bailey asked her. "No, just my head." Sam moaned. "Move aside please coming through." A lady EMT and her partner a very tall black man carrying a medical box. Pushed through the crowd. "What happened?" "There was a fight and this lady got hit with a flying folding chair." "She was in by stander." Someone added. "Let me get a look at you ma'am." The senior EMT knelt beside Sam and checked her eyes. "Can you tell me her age and name please?" The woman EMT asked Bailey. "Samantha Waters, she's 36. As far as I know she's not taking any medications." "How do you feel? Any blurred vision?" He asked Sam. "No, I'm better now. It was just that first minute after he hit me I saw stars." She blinked. "Stay laying down for a few more minutes. I'll check you over. Any medical history you need to tell me about?" "No, I don't think so." Bailey was watching with concern written all over his face. He was scared to death Sam was hurt worse than it looked. They checked her blood pressure and gave her a ice pack for her head. "I don't have any reason to take you to the hospital, if you aren't having blurred vision, you're just going to have a real good head ache. I'd suggest taking the rest of the day easy. If you have stabbing pain, I'd suggest seeing your own doctor." He had her sit up, then slowly stand up. "How's that feel, any dizziness now?" "No, just a head ache." Sam lifted the ice pack back to her head. "Thank both for your help." Bailey told the EMT as they packed up their equipment. "Yes, thank you for getting her so fast." Sam added. "Just doing our job, glad we could help." He nodded. "It's a little after two want me to take you home and come back for Chloe?" Bailey asked. He still looked worried. Sam knew that look. "That might me a good idea, do you mind?" "No, of course not. Come on," he put an arm around her shoulder and walked slowly with her to the parking area. Sam was not happy she'd been injured but she was kind of liking the way Bailey was treating her. He kept his arm around her until they reached the truck. "Bailey I'm not hurt that bad. You don't have to mother me." "He opened the door for her. I know Sam, but seeing you laying there scared me." He confessed. He was standing in the door after she climbed into the truck. If he'd been any other man, Sam would have expected him to kiss her. The vibe she was getting from him. They way he looked at her. Bailey was thinking he wanted to kiss her. He almost needed to kiss her, but he stopped the urge, it wasn't the place, or the time for a first kiss. He stepped back and said. "I'll go tell Chloe what's happened. Are you alright?" "Yes, Bail I'm fine. Don't scare her, tell her I'm fine first." Sam reminded him. "I know, I'll be back soon." He closed her door and walked off. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: "Chloe your mom is fine, but she had a little accident." "Oh, no Mom?" Chloe went towards Bailey, he stopped her and hugged her. "She' OK, she just hit her head. The EMT's said she would be fine if she took it easy for the rest of the day. I'm going to take her home and then come back for you later." "Are you sure she's OK?" Chloe searched his face, she'd know if he was lying. "Yes," "Then I was going to ask if I could sleep over with Sara. I've done it a bunch of times before." "Is Sam alright?" Sara's mom asked. "Yes, the EMT's checked her over. Is this their idea or have they cleared it with you?" Bailey knew how girls could be. "No, they asked permission we just needed to ask Sam when she came back." "Then I guess it will be fine, as long as Sam has allowed this before?" "Yes, Chloe has slept over several times." she nodded. "Alright then, I expect you to call your mom later. And if for some reason she wants you home once I tell her not back talk, got it?" Bailey told her. "I know, thanks." Chloe nodded. "What about PJ's are you going to stop by for your stuff later?" "The girls are the same size, they can share." Sara's mom grinned. "Alright, you be good." Bailey patted Chloe's shoulder. "I will." She grinned, then ran back to the booth. "Thank you." "You're welcome, you take care of Sam." ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: "What's this?" Sam asked when Bailey stopped the truck at the local food store. "It's a surprise, but I guess it's only half a surprise now, I'm going to make us dinner. Just the two of us, Chloe is spend the night with Sara, if you don't mind." He added. "No, she sleeps over all the time. You're going to cook for me a Malone?" Sam teased. She knew he was a good cook. "I am, now sit here a relax I'm be right back." Bailey left the truck running and went inside for the things he needed. He was making chicken parmesan and he also picked up Sam's favorite ice cream for dessert. He'd prefer cheese cake but the dinner was for her. "That was fast, what are we having?" "You'll see, no peeking." Bailey set the bag in the back seat. Once they were back at the house, he helped her inside. Sam protested the entire time that she felt fine now. The ice pack had helped with her head, and the aspirin she'd taken was working too. But he insisted. "You lay down for a little while and I'll call you when dinner is ready." "Ok, boss I'll try." Sam made a face at his retreating back. Bailey sighed he couldn't believe he was about to kiss Sam after all the years He'd dreamed about doing so. The dinner had been so wonderful, and romantic. He helped her to clear the dishes off the table. He turned her to Face him when they returned to the dinning room. Kissing her gently at First then deepening the kiss. Sam responded, umming under her breath. Wrapping her hands and arms Around his strong body. " Bailey," she breathed and reached up for more When he parted their mouths. She had been hoping he'd kiss her, ever since He'd arrived unannounced the day before. She'd been wondering what it Would be like if he kissed her. It was heaven. It was what she'd been missing All this time. She'd loved her husband but the hole leaving Bailey behind had Left in her life was much bigger than his death had been. Sam sighed and eagerly kissed Bailey, he was a great kisser himself. He was Holding back, she could tell. She knew him to well to believe there wasn't more passion waiting to be released. "Bail, let me have it all. I know you're holding back." "Sam, are you sure? Do you think we can be a couple like this? Are you ready for a man in your life?" Bailey was so scared she wouldn't return his love, that she was just seeking him out in her depression, to feel better. "I love you Bail. The shift from friend to this was gradual, but it's there." "I love you Samantha, but I want there to be a future for us." He looked deeply into her eyes. His own dark eyes dark with emotion. "I want my future to include you. I've missed you so much this past year." Sam smoothed her hands over his wide shoulders. " I don't know why it took so long for me to realize, you where what was missing from my life." "I think, we should continue this upstairs. There is to much of a chance of being discovered here." Bailey smiled at her. "I agree, I'm don't want to be interrupted." Sam smiled back. Even though Chloe had arranged to spend the night with her friend. Bailey wasn't taking any chances. He swept her off her feet into his strong arms and Carried her to the bedroom. Laying her on the bed, he kissed her deeply again. Sam was in heaven, she'd never thought she'd find such happiness again. She was content to raise her Daughter and live her life alone. But Bailey was making her feel things she'd Thought were gone from her life forever. Bailey kissed her mouth her neck, down her throat. She moaned her delight at his attentions. She was eager to see more of him, the small glimpses she'd had The past two days made her curious for more. Bailey assisted her to remove his shirt, "Bail, you are so powerful. You've been hiding this from me for all this time?" "Not hiding, just not flaunting it." Bailey kissed her hand, lifting it from his chest. Sam was eager to touch him, but he was to inpatient for even more contact. They made love quickly the first time then more slowly the second. Laying together afterwards, Sam felt like she was dreaming. The man she'd been looking for all this time had always been right there, under her nose. "I love you Bail, you do know that don't you?" " Yes, and I love you Samantha, I want to wake up with you in my arms every day from now on." Bailey kissed her temple. "I think we can arrange that." Sam smiled and snuggled in even closer. end