chapter seven Angela found her mind wandering to her Captain, again and again during the day. He was busy on deck the seas had grown rough. She'd attempted to sew but after jabbing her finger for the tenth time had put her work aside. She was reading his bible now. She'd learned from her parents, before the misfortunes that had taken the small family fortune and caused the early death of her mother and father. There was a knock at the door, then Cero entered. "Signora, my master bids me to tell you he will not be back until the storm weakens." "Si, Cero thank you. Is this usual?" "Si we often encounter storms. He is safe." "Bene, grazie." She smiled, hearing him say it helped her to believe it was true. The storm lasted for the entire day and into the night, then began to ease after midnight. Martin returned exhausted but pleased by the manner his crew handled the storm. Angela was unsure if she should sleep in his bed or the hammock. She decided the hammock he would probably be very tired when he came. Martin kissed her, " Cara, come join me." He began to undress, and Angela moved out of the hammock. She slipped off her skirt and blouse expecting him to want to make love. "Ah, cara as beautiful as you are and as much as I want to I'm to tired to love you." He kissed her, then lay down. "Come let me hold you while I sleep." Angela moved to lay beside him, he adjusted her against his side. One arm around her body, her cheek resting on his chest. "Um, go back to sleep, we will make love in the morning." he sighed, content and exhausted. Angela dreamed while sleeping in his embrace. Her dream was pleasant, at first. She was herself and Martin was a younger man she met while her family was still together. He began to court her, they shared kisses, but nothing more. Then there was a storm, he was on his ship, he was hurt. She wanted to go to him, her father wouldn't allow it. They weren't engaged she couldn't go. She snuck out, and got lost, by the time she reached his bed side he'd died. She woke up with a start, her eyes full of tears from her bad dream. Martin, hugged her, " It was a dream cara. No one will harm you now. I will keep you safe.' " I know you will, but the dream was about you." she sobbed. Martin moved to sit up against the bulkhead, "Tell me cara, then it will no longer frighten you." he soothed her, pushing the hair off her face, kissing her temple. "Tell me." "I dreamed of when my parents were alive, you began to court me then you her hurt. I couldn't go to you, then when I snuck out you were dead." "I'm alive, cara feel my heart beat." He moved her trembling hand to his chest. "It was only a dream, I will live a long life and die in bed with all my family around me." He kissed her again. " I'm sorry, you need your rest, and to have to console a silly woman..." she apologized. "You are not silly, dreams can be very real. But it was only a dream, I am well." "Will you continue to visit me once we reach land again?" She asked, afraid he would be gone from her life as soon as the voyage was over. "Cara, we are to be partners, I will see you as often as I am in port." He kissed her mouth now to reassure her he cared about her. "Cero said you have many ladies in you life and I shouldn't let myself fall in love." Angela looked into his eyes in the dim moonlight. Martin, smiled his man was warning her to be cautious. " I do have woman in most ports cara, but only two mean anything to me. My mistress has asked to marry, I was thinking of offering you her place, in my bed and in my heart." He kissed her again. Angela responded wanted to seal the bargain by making love. "I know some would consider being a man's mistress a poor bargain. But it can be rewarding for her if she is willing to share the man." "Do you care for me Captain?" "Si, Cara I've only known you a short time but matters of the heart seldom take note of time. Do you accept then?' "Si, Captain I will be your mistress and your partner." She hugged him, and then kissed his mouth. Martin responded, pulling her into his lap, and fondling her into a aroused state. He'd grown hard himself as she moved in his embrace. "Ride me again cara, to seal the bargain.' he moved her over his throbbing cock. "Si, caro you are so stupendo." she moved up to take his hugely swollen shaft inside. "Ah, cara you are so tight, ease down slowly." he groaned, holding her waist to assist her to mount him. Angela moaned, taking him deeper and deeper, " Molto grande, so hard, so much." Martin allowed her to take control then, she rode him to a powerful set of climaxes. Panting for more, " God above, you are so magnificent." Martin reached a release of his own thrusting up hard to make his seed spurt. "Madon, cara hold still." he thrust twice more and his cock exploded. Angela cried out yet again, and passed out, he had to roll her off him to revive her. "Cara, wake up," he kissed her forehead. "You scared me little one. If I'd been over you just now I'd have died of fright. Thinking I'd killed you with pleasure." "If anyone could it would be you caro." she smiled sweetly at him then closed her eyes. They both slept deeply, Cero didn't waken him at the usual time. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: chapter eight Martin was on deck, taking a reading for course corrections. He was feeling like a new man, just being with Angela was giving him new energy a fresh outlook on life. He was planning for her shop, he was considering which city would be best for such a venture. He would consult his friend Alber' Gracon when they reached port. "Your new heading is east north east, helmsman, come to that heading, the sails luffed as the ship changed losing some of the wind. Martin called out orders to trim the sails and to pull out the extra jibes for more canvas. He waited several minutes to see if they regained their speed. "Bene, maintain course. I will be in my cabin." Martin stood down the short stairway to blow deck, he entered his cabin and smiled at Angela. " Ciao, cara what are you working on today?" "Something for you. I'll let you see once it's finished." she hide the garment behind her. "Ah, you should make something for yourself. I have plenty of clothes." he took a seat at the chart table and made a few notes in his log. "How many days do we have until we reach port?" "Another week, but you will have to return to Italia for your shop. I will arrange for a friend of mine to take care of the details." "How long will your voyage take?" she was worried it would be a long time before she would see him again. " Months, at least four perhaps longer." "You are part of the Columbus expedition? No, Captain no, you must not make such a voyage." she fell at his feet, frightened she would lose him when she had just found him. "No, cara, it is not so dangerous. I promise you I would not risk my life just for the sake of a new way of reaching India. It is no more dangerous then this crossing we make now." Martin lifted her to her feet and hugged her closely. " I promise you." he kissed her temple. Angela wrapped her arms around him, determined to hold tight to him as long as he would allow her to. " Per favore, don't risk yourself on this voyage. I've heard Columbus is a crazy man. He will do anything to find the passage to India." "No, he is just misunderstood, there is a way to reach India, we just haven't found it yet." Martin smooth her hair from her face, and kissed her forehead. He didn't want her to worry about him. He did care for her. It surprised him how much he cared for her already. "Have you eaten, is Cero taking good care of you?" he asked, stroking a hand over her ribs. "You are to thin Cara, I like a little more to my woman." he was teasing her. "I have eaten, but you must there is bread still." she turned towards the table. "You want there to be more of me? I though you liked my curves." She turned back accusing him. "I love your curves cara, for a small woman you are molto bella." he smiled. "You would prefer if my breasts were larger? Great huge ones like Michelangelo gave his painting of Venus?" She lifted her bosom up with her hands to make her breasts stick out. Martin laughed, thinking she was teasing, then realized she was not. "No, cara, no, you are perfect, you feel perfect to me. I only wish your ribs did not show, you are so thin." Martin took her wrist, and pulled her back against him. He rocked his groin against her, showing her he was growing aroused. " You make me aroused whenever we are together. Do you think this would happen if I thought you anything but beautiful?" He cupped her ass in his hands and pulled her over him, thrusting his now fully swollen organ up into her crotch. 'Oh, Captain you are so hard." she moaned, "But I think you would preform for a hag if you could get under her skirt." Angela moved against his throbbing hardness. "No, Cara perhaps when I was a young man, but now I am more selective. I only preform for beautiful women. Voluptuous women, with violet eyes and long dark hair." He moved against her, kissing her, molding her body to his. Angela moaned, then sighed then lifted a leg to get even closer to his huge arousal. "Um, stupendo, Captain you have runioned me for other men. You're cosi grosso, take me Captain." Martin lifted Angela off her feet and placed he on his bunk, removing his clothes quickly his boots taking to long. He lifted her skirt, and eased over her, pushing his pulsing organ between her legs. Angela watched, admiring his body, his huge cock and his gentle touch. He thrust in, the largest part of his shaft, stretching her, pushing past her opening. She moaned, "Molto bene, cosi lungo, cosi grande, cosi queria." Martin thrust deeper, using his entire hard length to give her pleasure, his cock squeezed tightly as he pumped over her. "Tell me cara, talk to me." " Si, Captain molto bene, I love your grande demensioni, you make me cry out with pleasure." she panted as he thrust harder. Martin quickened his pace, needing to reach his finish. " Are you ready cara, are you there?" he was in a hurry to complete now, his testicolo aching for him to come. " Si, caro you are so magnifico." Angela moaned as she reached her climax. Martin thrust one last time, his back arched tightly as his cock exploded. He jerked repeatedly, his body pumping, his hips forced foreward as he emptied his seed, in a half dozen jets of hot fluid. "Ah dio mio, cara, hold still." He groaned, as he balanced over her, his body still responding to the climax he'd just had. Martin was panting, he'd not experienced such a painful but pleasureable orgasm in years. His cock was still pulsing, not yet subsided. He eased back slightly, his back tight from the hard contraction at the last. "You're so magnificio," she reach a hand to caress his hot chest. Wanting to kiss him but having to wait until he caught his breath. Martin finally eased off her, " That was amazing, I couldn't hold back. I had to reach a finish." he was confused by his reaction. He been able to control his body for years and years. A man was considered a poor lover, if he didn't see to the lady's needs first." "If that does not prove my feelings for you. The fact that I lose control." "Si, caro I believe you." ::::::::::::::::::::::: chapter nine The winds were favorable and they had smooth sailing for the rest of the day. Martin returned above deck after a short nap. He was puzzled by his reaction to Angela. He's been with many women in his life, only one other ever made him lose control. She was the woman he'd married. She knew he had a mistress, and allowed it so long as he always visited her and his children first upon his return from a voyage. They had been married only seven years and they had three children. His trips to bring back cargo had gone well the last several years. His family was prospering, he had money saved, invested. He'd not expected to find a woman that so fascinated him again. He'd been content with the two he visited regularly when in port. His other liaisons were only sex nothing more. But they had been fewer and fewer in the last year. He found himself longing for the connection with his partner, it was better when he cared for them, loved them. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he would to himself. He wrote a letter to Evette, his current mistress telling her she was free to marry. He gave her is blessing. He wrote Celia his wife, telling her of his love for her and the children. Promising to spend several weeks at home once the voyage was finished. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Martin paced the wheel deck, his last readings put them closer to Spain than he'd realized. He'd have only a few days left with Angela. He wished he could take her on the voyage but it would be impossible to hide her in his cabin for so long a period of time. Angela was back to her sewing now that the winds were good. She was almost finished with a new jacket for her captain. The one Cero had wanted her to make. It was cut perfectly to accent his build. His wide shoulders, narrow waist, and powerful arms. The stitching and the design combined to look masculine and attractive. She was very pleased with the results. She was humming softly as she worked looking forward to being alone with him again that evening. Martin knew he would have only a few more nights with Angela. He was going to make the most of that time. He pulled off his boots before opening the door to his cabin. She was laying on her side, in bed waiting for him, she was wearing only her blouse, her long legs curved bare for him to admire. "Cara, you waited up for me." He leaned down to kiss her, one hand caressing her leg. Her mouth opened to him at once, a hand lifting to touch his shoulder. Martin kissed her deeply, then moved to start to undress. "Captain allow me to assist you." Angela moved off the bunk and reached up to take his jacket. Martin shrugged out if, and waited for her next move. "You're so tall, caro. so formidabile," she opened his shirt and stroked her hands over this chest. Martin sighed, and inhaled in enjoyment. Angela pulled his shirt over his head, he had to lean down for her to remove it. "I should make you a better covering, she patted his codpiece. So you can be comfortable." Martin groaned, and began to swell at once. " If you make on that fits it will only cause difficulties when I go bargain with the merchants." he reminded her. Angela stroked both hands over his chest, "Um, I love your strength caro." Martin closed his eyes and tried to maintain his posture as her hands caressed him. Angela wanted to give him pleasure this time, as much as he did her. Well almost. She stroked, all of his upper body, until she reached his breeches now bulging with his erection. The codpiece protruding so far from his groin it looked obscene. She unfastened it, and his shaft rose up freed from it's confinement. Martin groaned in relief, as his cock arched towards his waist stretching to it usual distended length. Angela pushed his breeches down and off, placing them with his other clothes. Then she stroked her hands up his legs, all of him was powerful, his thighs more so than other regions. She caressed each leg with one hand, drifting closer and closer to his throbbing arousal. Until finally she grasped him, in one hand, a finger teasing the bulb shaped tip, moving his foreskin back so she could make him quiver in need. Martin groaned, his hips lifting as she fondled his cock, his eyes still closed. "Lay down caro, let me pleasure you." She lay over him, once he was on his back. she rubbed her groin over his hard arched cock, 'cosi grande, caro. you're madornale" "Per favore cara, mount me." " No, caro you will take me when it is time." But first she rocked against him, he was so aroused she could have reached her own pleasure. Martin couldn't wait any longer, he rolled her under him and mounted her in one quick motion. Groaning deeply as he was surrounded by her heat and tightness. He thrust deeply, already knowing exactly what she needed to reach climax. He used long deep stokes to take her there, then continued thrusting faster, harder to achieve his own orgasm. "Cara, let me hear your pleasure." Angela had gone quite, lost to the wonderful feelings he provided her. "Oh, caro, forte forte, you make me crazy with need." she panted, wanting to have a second climax. "Say my name cara, tell me what you like, what you want." he thrust longer, deeper. "Martin, I want all of you, every lungo, forte porzione. Ahh, ..." She moaned. he thrust still harder, faster. She panted, under him, " Forte, forte caro, tutto, tutto." Martin withdrew the entire hard distended length of his pene and rammed it back. He repeated the motion a half dozen times then erupted, his body a tight knot of pain and pleasure as he jerked repeatedly his orgasm reached at last. "Mi dio, " He exclaimed as he reached explosion. His hips still pumping, his cock still jerking deeply inside her. Martin dragged in lungs full of air, attempting to recover. "Cara, did I hurt you? I was so overcome with need." he asked, looking into her face,. her eyes closed in bliss. Angela shook her head, no. Martin kissed her between the eyes then moved off of her. He lay on his back, still recovering from his incredible experience. " I'll never recover you have drained me dry cara." he told her, teasing. "You'll never be empty caro, you're huge like a bull," she patted his ample testes. "Careful, sweet or you will be under me again in only a few minutes." he warned her. "Let me enjoy the first time, then you can start again." she inhaled deeply, and sighed. Martin was nearly recovered, his breathing back to normal. He moved in the bed, finding the most comfortable spot. Angela watching him, always admiring his body. "Have you ever not been able to mount one of your ladies?" "No, but I've never have chosen one as young as you before. I was worried, we would not fit well together." he lifted her small hand to his lips and kissed it. "You've not had a virgin then?' "Only my wife, and I'm still no sure she was. There was blood, but only a small amount" Not that he cared. He knew the children were his, they all looked like him. He told Celia she could take a lover if she made sure not to have his babies. He didn't expect her to go with out sex all the time he was gone. He suggested a workman that lived in the village. Aldo was young and strong. He was rumored to be well endowed as well. Aldo wasn't the most handsome of men, but Martin hadn't been until his thirties. Celia had told him no other man would satisfy her now. He'd dropped the subject. "So you were worried you'd be so madornale you wouldn't fit?" she giggled. "Only for a moment cara." Martin laced his hands behind his head, and sighed, he was sure he was going to need more attention before they went to sleep so he was relaxing now. Chapter ten They'd spent half of the night making love. But still he woke just before dawn, Angela was cuddled in to his side. One hand spread over his chest. He lifted it to his mouth for a soft kiss. For once he was not aroused when he woke. The light from the window was still pale, it was not yet six he guessed. Cero wouldn't be along for awhile yet. He was drifting, half awake and half a sleep, when a loud sound rattled the ship. He was up out of bed and grabbing his breeches in his hand as he raced for the deck. "Report!" He yelled pulled his clothing on once he saw they weren't sinking or under attack. "Captain, we sighed several whales during watch, we think one may have bumped us." "A whale? Are you sure there is no damage?" "Si, Captain, I sent men to all cargo holds and below no water is leaking." "Bene Gergio that was quick thinking, can the watch see the whales still?" "Si, Captain, they are moving off to the west now." He pointed. If you looked closely you could just make out the humps of their dorsal fin. "Bene, I'm sure most of the men woke with a start this morning ahh?" He slapped the mate on the back and returned below deck. "What is happening are we sinking?" Angela was fully dressed and looked frightened. "No, cara it was just a curious whale saying good morning." He hugged her and soothed her. Kissing the bridge of her nose. "Oh, I saw you rush out, I didn't know." "Shh, little one, everything is fine." Martin rubbed his large hand over her back. She was trembling, still frightened. "I was hoping to eat together this morning. I want to explain to you about Alber'." "Alber' who is he?" "He is my most trusted friend, I will be trusting him to set you up with your shop while I am gone. I would do so myself if the voyage were shorter, but four months is a long time. You should not have to wait until I return." He kissed her one last time on the temple and moved to sit at the small table. "Captain, your breakfast is ready." Cero placed the food and caffe on the table and turned to leave. "Grazie, Cero, report any damage to me." "Si Captain." he bowed and left. Angela took her chair at the table, sipping her caffe. "Tell me about him how will I know him?" "Alber' is half french as you may have guessed. He is even more of a ladies man than I, he has several mistresses but no wife at least not last I knew." Martin smiled and passed the bread to her. Then he continued. "He is tall, with rich dark hair very like yours now that I think of it, blue eyes and a thick mustache. He will probably be one of you best customers. He wears only fine clothes that he spends a fortune on." "How do you know him? He is a ship captain also?" "No cara he is a friend, from long ago. I trust him, you will like him." Martin continued to eat. Angela was worried, she didn't like the idea of another man having a say in her life. She'd been under the control of men all her life, and only two of them had treated her fairly. Her father and Martin. "Don't worry cara, he is an honest man. You will be protected and cared for I will see to it." ::::::::::::::::::: Martin was sure they were very near the coast of Spain now. He would meet Columbus in port and learn if the supplies they needed were ready. He paced the wheel deck. The wind was shifting, they would have to tack soon to keep their heading. It was looking like one more storm would plage them before they reached land the following day. That meant it was his last night with Angela. He would have to give her the letters for Alber' and his banker. He would secure passage for her on a ship returning to Italy. He had Cero bring him water to wash with, stripping out of his clothes in the companion way and washing quickly. He dressed in his old shirt and new vest. His clean breeches and boots as always. He brushed his hair out then tied it back from his face, with a leather cord. He even shaved, so he would be at his best for his lady. "How do I look Cero?" "Magnificio, Captain as always." Cero smiled, holding the small mirror his captain used to shave with. "Cero, do I look like a man in love? Will she welcome me in to her heart?" "Si Captain, the lady is in love with you. How can she not be?" " I hope you are right my friend. It mean much to me." Martin took a deep breath then entered his cabin. Angela was sitting by the window,. watching the waves. "Good evening cara I'm sorry I couldn't join you at noon, but I was needed on deck." "Ciao Captain, I know, the wind was difficult today. We changed directions several times." She stood and moved towards him, balancing on her toes to kiss his cheek. One hand resting on his shoulder. "I have a gift for you. Cero and I are giving it to you." She handed him the jacket she'd finished that morning. It was beautiful, soft suede, in two shades of rich brown. Cut to fit his build perfectly. the fancy stitching accenting the overall style of the jacket. "It is molto bello, cara, you made this for me? I do not deserve such a fine jacket." He held it up, admiring her sewing skill. "Shall I try it on?" "Si, per favore." she nodded. Martin slipped off his vest and donned the jacket, it was a perfect fit. Hugging his shoulders with out constricting them. He fastened the front smoothing the soft leather over his chest. "It is perfect Angela, any man would look good in this jacket." he praised her. "There is even room for my arms to move, you are a sorceress to create such a wonderful garment for me." he lowered his mouth over her's kissing her with passion. Angela responded holding him tightly, she knew it was their last night. She was already dreading his leaving her. " You like our gift then?" "Si, cara, it is wonderful." Martin released his hands from her body. Stepping back to put space between them. Cero was expected very soon with the evening meal. Martin didn't want to be in mid love making when he arrived. "I owe you a special present now. You will have to tell my your birth date so I can choose a proper gift for you." Martin knew most Italian woman believed it was bad luck to wear any stone not of their birth month. Except of course for diamonds. "I was born in the fall, September." "Saphires, then they will almost match your eyes." he smiled glad he knew at once what gem was required. "A necklace I think, to wear around your lovely neck." Martin smiled. "I don't need a present caro." she sounded sad, her eyes brimming with tears. "No sweet one, there is no need for tears. I will be back before you miss me." He tried to make light of the situation. "I miss you already." Angela held back her tears.