Just One Dance by mardel PG Disclaimer: I just borrowed them for the story they are owned by Kronish Productios. Thanks to Jan for the encouragement and Isis for the beta reading. Bailey had stopped in at work for a minute to grab some papers he'd forgotten to take home with him the night before. He was wearing his motorcycle riding gear, complete with a long black leather jacket. He had decided to take the day off, it was the weekend after all and they had just finished a grueling case. Rachel was working her way into the team. She was trying hard to fill Sam's shoes. Sam. He missed her. Everyday he thought of something he wanted to tell her, then would remember she was gone from his life. Maybe forever. Bailey rode north for several hours. He hadn't been out on his bike for months. It was nice being away from work for a little while. He wished he had someone to share it with. He passed the road signs for the next cluster of cities. He noticed a sign that said Greentown. That was the small town Sam had settled in, near the rehab center. Chole was being treated by one of the best child Physiologists on the east coast. Sam had requested Bailey not try and find her. Chloe needed to be her only focus. But it had been eight months, Bailey made his decision he would stop and see them. He knew Chloe would be glad to see him. He was unsure of Sam's feelings. Bailey located the farm they were renting, Denzel barked a greeting as he pulled into the court yard in front of the house. Sam was standing on the porch shading her eyes with her hand. Oh, God it's Bailey, she watched as he dismounted from his motorcycle. He looked fantastic, he was wearing snug blue jeans, a black leather jacket that made his shoulders look a mile wide. His hair was wind blown. Sam had the strongest urge to run to him and jump into his arms. Instead she stepped off the porch and walked towards him. "Bailey is it really you?" "Hi, Sam I was out riding and thought I'd stop by, how have you and Chloe been?" Bailey smiled and stepped forward a few feet then waited for a sign from her. "It's really you." Sam said again, and smiled. She stopped close to him looking into his dark eyes. She'd missed him so much, everyday she wanted to call him and tell him she missed him. But that hadn't been their relationship, they were friends. Period. Whatever feelings she had for him were her problem, Bailey didn't love her that way. Bailey gave in to his impulse and pulled Sam into his arms. Hugging her close, tightly, her face pressing into the hollow of his shoulder. She melted into his body, it had been so long. She missed him, but she missed this, the feeling of complete safety, peace, of being cherished. "I've missed you Sam." Bailey's voice was deep, low close to her ear. Sam held on to him tighter emotions overwhelming her. His scent pulling at her memory, she was so familiar with the mixture of spice, cigar, leather, musk all things she associated with Bailey. Bailey continued to hold her, he'd missed their occasional hugs. But it appeared Sam had missed them even more. She finally pushed against him and leaned back enough to look into his eyes again. "I've missed you to Bail. I'm sorry." "You don't need to apologize, I understand why you had to leave the team." "I'm sorry for leaving the team Bailey, but I'm even more sorry for leaving you. We've been friends for so long and to expect you to stop worrying about me, us…." Sam couldn't express herself. Bailey was confused by her statement. Did this mean she knew of his feelings for her. Did she share those feelings? "Come inside you must be thirsty." Sam took his hand and walked to the house. "Is Chole home?" "No, if you had called first I could have warned you. She is spending her first weekend with her grandparents. Angel is in town." Bailey removed his jacket once they were inside. Sam had gone into the kitchen for ice tea. She almost dropped the glasses in her hands when she returned to the living room. Bailey was standing in the middle of the room, looking at her photos on the walls. The sight of him took her breath away, he was wearing a open at the neck, plain blue cotton shirt. It was fitted more than what she had been use to seeing him wear. Revealing his powerful build, something she had tried hard not to notice in the past. "These are wonderful Sam." Bailey turned towards her when she returned to the room. He noticed the dazed look in her eyes. He didn't know he was the cause of it. "Here Bailey," She handed over one of the glasses, then took a seat to try and compose herself. She couldn't keep acting like a school girl with a crush. She'd know Bailey for years. "Thank you, that hit's the spot." Bailey sipped his ice tea and moved to admire the other photos on the far wall. Now Sam had a view of his broad back and the way his jeans hugged his Oh, God don't go there, she didn't know why she couldn't keep her eyes off of his tall frame. She wanted to go to him hug him from behind, wrap her arms around his chest, and press her face into his back. What was wrong with her? Bailey returned to the couch and took a seat across from Sam. " You really have a good eye, your photos are wonderful." "Thank you." Sam said with out looking at his face. Bailey noticed her nervousness, he didn't realize he was the cause. "Tell me what you have been doing besides taking photos?" " I've been writing a little, trying to settle things in my mind. Helping Angel, being with Chloe." Sam answered, still not looking at him. "It's nice to see you Sam, but I'm getting the feeling you don't want me here?" Bailey leaned forward trying to get her to look at him. "No, I mean yes, it is nice to see you. I wish Chloe was home. She is going to be sorry she missed you." Sam looked at him for a second, then lowered her eyes to his mouth. She just couldn't look into his eyes right now. He might notice her reaction to him. "You look good, recovered from being shot again." "Yeah, it took longer the second time, even though the wound wasn't nearly as bad. I've got more scares now than a professional stunt man." Bailey joked, he wanted to see Sam smile, hear her laugh. "How are the girls?" "Fine, Ariana is studying at Juliard. Frannie is in her third year of college." "Good, I'm glad they are doing well." "How are Grace, George, John?" "Grace is happy being a mother, she takes leave now when she needs it. George is busy creating a new program to hunt down information. John is the same as ever, dating five women at once." Bailey laughed. "Tell them Hello for me, I'll write Grace soon." Bailey was studying Sam, she looked beautiful as always. More rested, but she wasn't happy. It hurt him to think after everything, she couldn't put the past behind her and begin to live again. He wanted to put a smile on her face. He wanted to kiss her senseless. "How about I take you out to dinner? Since no one is home." "I don't know, Angel is due home later. I could leave her a note I guess." Sam hesitated. But she was being silly, it was Bailey. "We don't have to take my bike, we can take your truck." he joked with her. "Alright let me get ready then." Sam wrote a note for Angel and changed into a long sleeve blouse. Bailey drove to a restaurant Sam recommended. She began to relax a little after they took their seats at a table. They talked like old times. Bailey finally got her to laugh towards the end of the meal. He was holding the door for her when he noticed a place across from the dinner that had music pouring out the door as a couple entered. "Come on Sam, dance with me, you need to enjoy life more." Bailey took her hand and led her to the bar. "Bailey really I don't think." "Come on just one." Bailey looked at her with those dark eyes and she couldn't say no. Just as they entered a slow song was starting. It had a longish intro so Bailey moved with Sam towards the dance floor. She stayed stiff and away from him at first. Then the words of the song came to her Whisper to me softly breath words upon my skin No one near and listening, so please don't say goodbye Just hold me close and love me, press your lips to mine mmm mmm mmm feels so right Sam knew this song, she loved this song and now she was dancing to this song with Bailey! She moved close to him, an arm around his shoulder her face only a few inches from his body. He was holding one of her hands in his large strong hand. The other was on her waist. Lying her beside you, I hear the echos of your sighs Promise me you'll stay with me, and keep me warm tonight Hold me close and love me, give my heart a smile mmm mmm mmm feels so right Sam leaned into Bailey pressing her face into his chest and shoulder. Just for a few minutes she was going to pretend they were a couple. She was dieing to kiss his throat, just once. But she held back. Your body feels so gentle, my passion rises high You're loving me so easy, your wish is my command Just hold me close and love me, tell me it won't end mmm mmm mmm feels so right Bailey noticed the change in Sam's posture the longer they danced she was leaning into him. Not that he minded, she felt perfect in his arms just like the song lyrics were saying. The music ended and he prayed the next song would also be slow. He got his wish, the next song was by the same group Alabama, Sam was so lost in the moment she didn't move away from him. It's her first night on the town since she was just eighteen A lady down on love, and out of hopes and dreams The ties that once bound her, now are broken away And she's just like a baby, learning how to play Now she's a lady down on love She needs somebody to gently pick her up She's got her freedom, but she'd rather be bound To a man who'd love her and never let her down Bailey thought this song was perfect for Sam's current life situation. He longed to be the one to gently pick her up. He moved his hand on her back as the next verse started, holding her just a little closer. She never thought that love could ever end so soon Her mind drifted back to a mid-summer moon When he asked her to marry and she gladly said OK A woman came to be, from a girl of yesterday Now she's a lady down on love She needs somebody to gently pick her up She's got her freedom, but she'd rather be bound To a man who'd love her and never let her down The song ended and people clapped for the band. "Bailey please can we leave?" "Sure Sam, what ever you want." Bailey walked out to the truck with her, opening her door and assisting her inside. They were both quiet on the drive back to the farmhouse. Sam was fighting her feelings, she had made the only choice she could to take Chloe and find her a treatment center. Bailey had only been trying to cheer her up, the dance didn't mean more. Bailey was telling himself, tell her, what have you got to lose. She's already out of your life. You know you loved having her in your arms. They walked inside together. Bailey wanted to talk to her. " Bailey , I …. I'm sorry. We have a guest room, why don't you stay it's to late to ride home in the dark." "Thanks Sam, but I think we need to talk." "No, Bail, I know you were just trying to cheer me up." She moved away from him, paniced that he would feel the need to explain. Bailey followed her. "Sam that was my purpose, but there is something there. You feel it, I feel it." He lifted his left hand to her cheek. She could stop him if she wanted to, he leaned in and kissed her, his mouth gentle, tasting, her caressing her lips. Sam froze, all thought stopped, she opened her mouth under his, when their tongues touched she nearly swooned. Bailey, supported her, his other hand coming around her waist. Sam clutched at his shirt, then wrapped her arms around him as the kiss continued. There was so much love, she could tell he felt the same as she did. When Bailey ended the kiss, he looked into her blue eyes, " I love you Sam," "Oh, Bailey." She sighed, and lifted her mouth back for him to continue, she wanted more, she wanted all of him. She's loved him for so long. They kissed again, longer, more passion, both of his arms holding her. She loved it all, his taste, his touch, dancing with him had been near heaven, this was heaven. When she pushed against him, needing air. " I've loved you for a long time Bailey, I just wouldn't let myself admit it. I'm sorry for leaving." "Shh, don't explain," Bailey held her close, a large hand stroking up and down her back. He was so happy, he didn't want anything to spoil it. He continued to hold her. Needing her in his arms. Sam sighed, she felt safe, loved, like she was finally home. end