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Everett A. McPherson

Most POW/MIA pages have black backgrounds to honor those who are missing. I chose clouds as my serviceman was a pilot. Please read the account of his loss. On March 18, 1966, First Lieutenants McPherson and Davis were the crew on board an EF-10B, one in a flight of two aircraft on an electronic counter-measures mission in support of an air strike approximately 10 miles west of Thanh Hoa City, Thanh Hoa Province. Their flight received 85mm anti-aircraft fire during the mission. There was an explosion in their aircraft while at an altitude of 26,000 feet and over neighboring Nghe An Province. They were believed to have been hit and downed by enemy surface to air missile. A SAR mission over the area produced negative results. Both airmen were initially declared missing in action. Returning U.S. POWs had no information on their fate. Both airmen were initially declared dead/body not recovered, based on a presumptive finding of death.

"If you are able, save for them a place inside of you and save one backward glance when you are leaving for the places they can no longer go. Be not ashamed to say you loved them, though you may or may not have always. Take what they have taught you with their dying and keep it with your own. And in that time when men decide and feel safe to call the war insane, take one moment to embrace those gentle heroes you left behind." Maj.Michael O'Donnell KIA 3-24-70 Vietnam

The beautiful Virgina State Vietnam Vetrans Memorial

Thanks to Sweet T for the pictures

One last honoree

Thanks DOC for the graphics


War Dogs


This site is owned by mardel

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