Forest for the Trees by mardel Disclaimer: I just borrowed them for the story they are owned by Kronish Productions. NC-17 SBR and a little adventure Sam couldn't think what had given her the idea that she could date a man other than the one she was in love with. Bailey was the only man she was ever going to care for, but he had been making motions like he was trying to get Janet back. She wanted to be happy for him, but Janet was not the right woman for him anymore. Not that she thought she was either, she needed him in her life, she wanted him in her life. But she had no illusions that he loved her other than as a friend. Her attempt to date the father of one of Chloe's friends had been a disaster. He was a nice man, a handsome man who kissed nice, but that had been all. They had nothing in common other than their daughters were the same age. Then the even bigger wreck of her dating the lawyer on the Jack case. There was a little bit more in common with him, but it just hadn't been enough. She had been dreaming a lot lately and in several of those dreams Bailey had been the main attraction. She had been trying to come up with reasons that she should stop thinking about him. She had made a list of his good points and bad points one late evening. But try as she could the only two bad points she had come up with were he sometimes drank to much, and he worked to hard. She had been free thinking and writing down what ever came into her head. When she read the list the next day she was surprised to find a few items she didn't remember writing. loyal, strong, dependable, intelligent, these were things she remembered but in the middle of the list were built, good hugger, beautiful eyes, great hands, she didn't remember listing these things, she agreed with them but she hadn't realized she thought of him in that manner. That had been the first time she had admitted to herself that she loved him as a man. The first time she saw Bailey after that revelation, she had been a little flustered. She had stammered and even blushed a little that morning at the office. Bailey had noticed but had been completely un aware that he was the cause of her discomfort. Sam didn't know how she was going to continue to work with him with out letting him see her attraction for him now. But she knew she had to try, she liked Bailey in her life as her friend and she didn't want to jeopardize that friendship. Over the next few weeks Bailey revealed that although he wanted to get back with Janet she had cooled on the idea. She felt he only wanted her back because his life was easier with her and the girls close by. Not because he loved her and wanted her. Sam had been sympathetic but she had also been glad for her own selfish reasons. Bailey's daughters were important parts of his life but Franny was in college now and Ariana was deeply involved in her music. Chloe was very attached to Bailey, he was like a father to her in more ways than he probably realized. The team was working on a case in Tennessee four young men had been found with strange markings carved into them and tied to trees. Sam had given John several impressions to work on, and George was working on backgrounds. Bailey was walking with Sam at the scene of one of the crimes. It was a wooded area with a sloping approach to the actual location of the body. Sam was wearing her usual low healed shoes and going slow down the hill. But she slipped, she was bracing herself for the impact when she felt Bailey catch her. He had been talking to George on his cell phone, and had dropped it in the process of rescuing her. Sam had felt strong hands grab her under the arms and she was pulled up and back into a very hard male body. Then to make sure she was steady, a strong arm came around her middle. She had not realized Bailey was her rescuer until he had said " Easy there Sam." Sam experienced a rush of relief when he caught her, then that was followed by a feeling of safety as his arm wrapped around her. Then as she stood pressed close to his wide solid body, a feeling of appreciation kind of slipped in to her consciousness. It felt very nice being held in his embrace. "Let me escort you down there," Bailey told her. Sam would have told him it wasn't necessary but after what had just happened she nodded and said "Thank you," Bailey released his hold on her and retrieved his dropped phone. " George you still there?" " Yeah, what happened?" " I dropped my phone but it landed in some leaves so I guess I didn't break anything." Bailey explained. "Bailey, I never knew your reflexes were that quick, how did you manage to catch me when your attention was else where?" Sam asked him when he hung up with George. "Old habits, I guess, I spent a lot of time in the bush during the war. This environment kind of put me on point I guess. Are you alright?" he asked her. " Yes, thank you, but I won't wave off your assistance any more." She smiled at him. Bailey knew why he had been able to catch her, his attention was never off of Sam when she was with in his sight, especially in the field. He was glad he hadn't broken his phone. He assisted her down the hill and she examined the surroundings. John reported that a useable tire track had been found. The first county police officer on the scene, had been on the ball and protected a wide area of woods from all the following vehicles. Sam was not getting any impressions from this location. But she was having a few flashes about someone getting hurt. She couldn't make any clear leads from them however. "Sorry Bailey nothing." she frowned. " OK, Sam we will just have to dig harder at what we do have." On the drive back to the local police station Sam wanted to ask Bailey a question. But she was finding it hard to put into words with out it sounding like she was flirting with him. But she had never noticed quite how hard his chest was in all the years she had known him, he had comforted her on more than one occasion. She was aware of his strength, without having dwelled on the details before or speculated about his build. Now she was intensely curious. "Bail when you were shot last year, the doctor said if it had been most men it would have killed them." " I don't remember hearing that." Bailey grinned. " What has you thinking about that?" "I had a flash of a man being shot earlier today, but I don't think it has to do with the case. Someone mentioned a few months ago something about your recovery being long and hard but that you were stronger now than you had been before. At the time I thought they meant metaphorically. They meant actual physical strength didn't they?" " I took my recovery very seriously and it did take over six months for me to get back to complete range of motion and my former muscle strength." Bailey told her. "Your chest is hard as rock, Bail, that means muscle mass, what have you been doing ?" she asked. " The physical therapist I was working with showed me several techniques for building strength. I may have added a little mass with my current work out routine." Bailey admitted. "Your amazing, " she shook her head at him. Sam found herself distracted several times that afternoon, she had another flash of a man being shot. But none of the victims had been shot so far and it was rare for the mode of killing to change in cases like this. Bailey had gotten a suite with a sitting room and three bedrooms for his team. John had the room next door. Sam was still sitting up at midnight, he had attempted to go to sleep at eleven. But he had woken up again after only a half hour of sleep. He pulled on his sweet pants and a t-shirt and went back out to the sitting room. Sam was reading the case filed still. "You should at least try to sleep Sam." he told her, taking a seat on the couch. " Look who's talking." she looked up at him. That was when she noticed he was wearing a t-shirt that was stretched tight over his chest. She couldn't take her eyes off of him. She had never been overly attracted to men with big builds, or for that matter even found of them. But on him it looked good, the fact that it was Bailey she was attracted to scared her. Bailey didn't notice her, checking him out. He was tired and it was the last thing he would expect from Sam. Sam stood so she could pace, it helped her think. "I've been going over the files for the third time and I haven't come up with anything to add to the profile." she told him. " Sometimes there is nothing you missed, you have given us plenty to work with Sam, relax for a little while." he took hold of her hand as she paced past the couch and pulled her to sit next to him. Sam leaned into his warmth resting her head against his upper arm. She had leaned on him like this before so it wasn't like she was making a pass. But this time she also curved a slender hand over the hard swell of his biceps. Bailey had started this contact, but in his usual gregarious manner. Now it was feeling like more than their normal casual contact. Sam wasn't sure what she was doing, giving him an opening, taking a big chance. Bailey flexed the arm her hand was wrapped around and when he did so she caressed him. He felt the bottom of his stomach fall out when she stroked his arm. Sam was telling him with out speaking that she welcomed his attentions. He turned towards her more on the couch and lifted her chin with one knuckle, he kissed her softly, tenderly but intensely. Sam placed a hand flat against his wide chest and leaned towards him for their first kiss. If they had been standing she was sure she would have melted into him. He kissed with such tenderness it would have been impossible for her to not feel his love. Bailey ended that first kiss and looked into her eyes, the love he saw for the first time there amazed him. He lowered his mouth over hers a second time and she responded to his passion with passion of her own. Sam was hungry for him all at once, it had been a building and now that she had faced her love for him and he was returning it, there was no stopping her. Bailey's arms had come around her and her hands were busy one buried in the thickness of his hair holding his head. The other attempting to get under his shirt. Bailey had not though this would be fast and rushed, he wanted the first time between them to be right. He ended the kiss and told her, " Easy sweetheart. Don't rush." Sam blinked and looked at him, " I need you Bail." "OK, then at least lets go to one of the beds." Bailey smiled and pulled her to her feet. Sam took him into her bed room, one lamp was providing a soft glow as Bailey stood by the bed a turned towards her. " Your sure? You won't have second thoughts later?" he asked because if she pushed him away afterwards he wasn't sure he could take it. Sam wrapped both arms around him and pressed her face into his chest. "I' m very sure Bail, I've been in love with you for so long." Bailey was so over joyed to hear that he laughed. "You have? Then we have wasted a lot of time." he kissed the top of her head. Sam wiggled her fingers between his shirt and pants and pushed it up so she could place a kiss on his chest. Bailey carried the shirt off over his head, she was in a hurry. Bailey freed her hair from the clip holding it up off of her neck. He stroked one large hand through the thickness of her soft hair. Sam kissed a line from the middle of his chest up to his collar bone then over to his jaw and then she found his mouth again. Bailey let her lead for now, he would want some control over their lovemaking soon. Sam was pressed full length against him, he liked the way that felt. She was rubbing herself rhythmically over his lower body. He had become aroused when they entered the bedroom, she was seeking that portion of him now. Even as her mouth was busy devouring him Sam needed to feel more of him . She was rubbing against him like a cat , and for just a moment she couldn't find him as she had hoped, then he was there pushing back against her. He was aroused fully and letting her feel that he wanted her as much as she did him. "Bailey I need you, please." she asked while slipping out of her pants and panties. Bailey lifted her blouse off and unfastened her bra, he nuzzled each breast in turn then lay her back on the bed. He followed her, supporting his weight from crushing her. Sam tugged his sweet pants down and his organ was freed, she guided him to her, she was so hungry for him. He thrust carefully forward, she was ready for him hot and slick. Sam moaned her pleasure at his entry, then she arched up to help him fill her, he was stretching her slowly filling her deeper and deeper. "Oh, that is so good." she breathed. Bailey wanted to take time and do it right, but she was in to much of a hurry. She urged him on pulling him deeper and faster until she cried out, then still she urged him on more until both she and he finished. Sam was surprised, she often didn't achieve climax at all. With Bailey she had done so twice. Bailey was surprised she had been so easily pleasured. Next time he would take time and do it right. " That was wonderful Bail," Sam told him. He had lay back and pulled her so that she was resting against him. "It was real nice from this side too." She sat up next to him and caressed his chest with both hands. "Your magnificent and there is more of you than I realized." "My work out routine paid off. " he grinned at her. Sam caressed his muscles, then lay back on top of him and snuggled close. Bailey stroked her shapely back and sighed. He could be ready again if she wanted to continue but he knew that she might be satisfied already for the night. But Sam was far from done for the evening. " You said you have been in love with me for a long time, when did you realize it?" Bailey asked her. " Only recently did I admit to myself it was this kind of love." " Grace made me face it over a year ago," he told her. "Chloe is going to be thrilled. We are going to get married sometime aren't we?" " I wouldn't have it any other way." Bailey kissed her deeply. "Your going to have to make love with me again if you keep kissing like that." Sam teased him. "Anytime, sweetheart I'm part Italian remember. Hot blooded and all." he pulled her more firmly against his lower body so that she could tell he was ready if she wanted more. From the feel of him he was very ready. Sam straddled his erection and rubbed his hardness along her softness. "Your amazing Malone." she told him and moaned as he thrust deep. Bailey just groaned his own pleasure and thrust deeper still, seeking to fill her completely. He took his time and built a burning need in her for him, by the time he climaxed himself, Sam was riding a wave of pleasure like none she had ever known was possible. They both slept deeply after the second session of love making. Sam was pressed close to his side when she woke. It wasn't yet day light. Bailey was breathing deeply one arm wrapped around her. She hated to wake him yet so she just enjoyed the warm solidness of him. She always had slept better when they were away from home, it was because she knew he was near. He had been her protector for so long a role he had assumed only moments after asking her to join his team. Bailey treated all women like he was their guardian, it was the old world manners that were so much a part of him. Grace even allowed him to hold doors for her and assist her with things she wouldn't have any other male. "Good morning sweetheart," Bailey kissed her. " I love you so much, but I think you might want to go shower in your room so Grace doesn't think." " I love you Sam, your still going to marry me ?" he asked. " Yes, of course." she stroked a hand over his chest " I didn't protect you last night, it might have to be sooner than later." he told her. " That wouldn't be a problem Bail, one of the few things I have never shared with you is that after Chloe, I ruptured and hemorrhaged when they repaired things they said it would probably be impossible for me to get pregnant again. And in three years while Tom was still alive I never did." Bailey looked hurt, " I'm sorry Sam," "If you were hoping for more kids with me." she sighed. " No, only if you had your heart set on more. Chloe will make me more than happy as a father." He hugged her long and hard. " I'll see you again after I shower." Sam watched him go then jumped up to shower herself. When she was fresh and clean and her hair dry and styled, she join Bailey in the sitting room. He had made coffee and was about to send for breakfast. He knew everyone likes and dislikes Grace ate fruit for breakfast and sometimes a bagel. Sam liked lots of coffee and either a bagel or toast. John, George and he ate eggs meat and toast and coffee. "Hi,"Sam moved to Bailey and looked him in the eyes for a second. "Just making sure it wasn't a dream." "Only if we had the same one," Bailey kissed her quickly on the mouth. "I ordered breakfast," His cell phone rang then " Good morning George, good work that should be a big break in the case, I'll tell the rest of the team. Thanks George." "What?" " He located a man in the next town who fits all of the criteria of your profile, and he was just released from a state prison three months ago. " John came in just as Bailey was explaining, "Count on George to find the guy," John said, "He was a good choice boss, when are you going to let him come out in the field with us?" Grace asked. " I have promised to bring George on a case soon. But he is waiting delivery of his new notebook computer, one with enough memory for it to be of use in the field." Bailey said. "I'll contact the local police for some backup." John got on his cell phone. Grace was looking at Bailey and Sam, she knew something was up but she wasn't sure if she should ask yet. The case in Tennessee was going to go down in history was the quickest solved case they would ever have. From the time they were called in to capture. Had only been three days. Mostly due to George's quick computer work . On the trip back to Atlanta Sam had wanted to sit with Bailey, but they had decided to tell Chloe first and they wanted to wait until after she knew to tell the team. Grace had her suspicions already and George knew something was up with both Sam and Bailey when they returned. He hoped it was that they had finally admitted to each other that they loved each other. He had first become aware that Bailey had it bad for Sam over year ago. It took longer for him to tell that Sam also was in love with Bailey, only with her it harder to tell because she hadn't even realized it herself. George knocked on her office door. " Hi, glad to have you back, you look rested. Did the fresh air in Tennessee agree with you?" he asked smiling. "It's always nice to be back, I did sleep well while we were gone." she replied. "So what's new with you?' " That should be my question, something happened between you and Bailey didn't it?' he stepped closer and lowered his voice just in case. Sam blushed nodded then smiled and hugged George. "That good was it?" He teased her. "I don't kiss and tell but yeah we did admit a few things to each other. But we haven't told anyone yet so keep quite about it for now." "You know I'm happy for you both, you deserve happiness Sam. Your not going to share any details then answer one question for me did you finally make a move or did he?' " I kind of did, but he kissed me and that was all it took." Bailey followed Sam home and they told Angel and Chloe. Angel wasn't very surprised and Chloe was overjoyed. "Can I call you just Bailey from now on then?" she asked. "Yes, you can sweetie," Bailey tickled her. Chloe giggled. They all had dinner together and Bailey kissed Sam good night. Bailey was on his way home for the night when he disappeared. Bailey groaned and turned over. He had no idea where he was or what had happened. He didn't remember anything after getting in his car at Sam's. It was dark out, he was Laying on the ground. He was wearing only his shirt and pants, his vest, gun and coat Were all missing. There were stars out and it was a clear night. He moved to sit up and His head began to pound. He lifted a hand to the back of his head, there was a big lump And some blood. He saw a small dark shape a few feet from him, and decided it was one of his shoes. He looked around and located the other shoe uphill about twenty feet away. Bailey took a deep breath and stood up, his head hurt more when he did but he wasn't Dizzy. That was a good sign he hadn't been injured seriously if he wasn't dizzy. He collected both shoes and sat down again to put them on. All the while he was listening For sounds he could identify. He thought he was out in the forest a way, he heard no Road noise. It was a cool fall evening so he knew he was going to have to keep moving To stay warm. He walked to the top of the small hill. He didn't see anything that gave Him a clue to his location. He decided to walk south and figured he would located a Road and water in that direction. He had been walking for over an hour when he came to a stream. He soaked his Handkerchief in water and wrapped it around his head to help ease the pain. He also drank a little but he didn't over do it. He thought about when he would Be noticed missing. He wasn't due to check in with work until Sunday afternoon. He had promised to call Sam Saturday afternoon. He hoped he would locate a phone Before he was missed. He was going over the possible men would have wanted Revenge on him enough to do this. There was always Jack of course, but he had never just taken one of his victims out and Dropped him off in the woods. But then the one thing you could count on Jack to be was Different with each new target. Bailey thought about how ironic it was that he and Sam had just found one another and Now here he was fighting for his life. After another hour of walking he saw up ahead a sign with his name on it. Malone in big bold letters. He had until now been cautious but not attempting to move from cover to cover. He took the package from under the sign and opened it keeping a tree between himself and the best vantage point for a sniper. Inside was a disassembled rifle and a note. Long time no see Malone, now it's your turn to suffer, if you can reach safety I'll let you live. But I'll be out there waiting to pick you off until you do. I have made the odds heavy in my favor but you do have one clip of ammo. He was sure this wasn't Jack. But he couldn't think who it could be, unless he had escaped prison and no one had notified him. Bailey was surprised all the parts were there, and the gun worked, it only took him a few minutes to reassemble. Bailey considered his options, he could play the game the way Billings wanted it played he could attempt to put him on the defensive by tracking him. He could wait for help, but that wasn't really an option. He decided he needed to go on the defensive, he unrolled his handkerchief and tied it over his head to help keep in his body heat. Then he climbed the tallest tree he could locate and took a survey of his surroundings. He still felt south and east were his best directions of travel. He was once again on the move when he had to hit the dirt. Billings had taken a shot at him just to shake him up he was sure, if that was all the better shot he was then Bailey had nothing to worry about. His head wasn't hurting as much now, and he had fallen in to a steady pace. He knew if all he had to do was walk out, he could make fifty miles in twenty four hours. But that was under ideal conditions, he was far from that, his shoes were broken in but not the best traction. He wasn't worried about water, in these hills it shouldn't be hard to located. He'd gotten a good idea of where the shot had come from he was circling around to that location with out being to obvious about it. As he recalled Billings had not been a veteran, so his skills for hunting where either in regards to animals or none at all. He decided his best defense was to hunt the man that was hunting him. He located tracks that Billings wasn't even attempting to hide. Bailey wasn't sure if this meant the man had never considered the possibility that he would he the one put on the defense. Or he was leading him into a trap of some kind . Bailey had spent several years in the jungle of southeast Asia he wasn't about to be taken out by a lazy good for nothing murderer from Alabama. He followed the tracks for over an hour. He was getting close enough to his quarry that he had gotten a brief glimpse of him. Bailey heard voices, and found a spot to watch the trail. Billings was talking to himself, " I'll show him, I'll show them all, calling me a monster just for cutting those girls up." Bailey took careful aim, he couldn't kill the man, that wouldn't be self defense. He was about to pull the trigger on a clean shoulder shot. When he noticed in the distance behind Billings was a truck. He lowered his weapon and moved towards the truck. He was very cautions approaching it, but he checked it over and found no traps. He would have to hot wire it but he still needed some idea of his current location. He couldn't believe there was a cell phone on the floor of the truck. He grabbed it and checked to make sure Billings was not nearby. He dialed the VCTF. knowing George hardly ever made it an entire day with out spending time at his computer. "Fraley." George answered, he had only stopped by his desk to check on the progress of a new data base that the tech support people were finishing up loading. "George, great listen I've been sort of kidnapped, but at the moment I'm away from the guy. Try to get a fix on this call I'll leave the phone open as long as I can," "Working on it, are you hurt?" "Just a bump on the head, I'm in a wooded area in the mountains I think this is either North Carolina or Tennessee." " Hang on a second, your right, the program has narrowed the search area down to the Smokey mountains, it will take a little longer to give me your exact location." " I think the man who did this is Victor Billings, but I had thought he was still in prison." Bailey explained. "Bailey are you moving the signal is getting weaker?" George asked. " I think the battery is about to go on this phone." he checked the reading it said bat low. " I'm not in immediate danger, I even have a weapon so if you send a couple of cops up here for me make sure they understand Billings is armed with a rifle and he might take a shot at them. I can take him out if I have to, but I'd rather capture him." " understood and your getting even weaker, your in the lower portion of Smokey Mt. National Park most of the roads run south and east." George was telling him when the signal died. Bailey put the phone down where it had been and closed the truck door. Now that there would be help on the way he decided to see if he could keep Billings in sight. He followed the trail back up the ridge and saw him in the distance. He was going to have to double time it, to keep him in range. He was starting to feel excited about the whole situation. Billings arrived at a cabin and went inside. Bailey could smell coffee, that was enough to make his stomach growl. Meanwhile George had contacted the Park police in Smokey Mountain National Park and informed them of the situation. Then he had called John, and explained and then he had informed the SAC about Bailey's abduction. John was on his way almost immediately, using the VCTF chopper. George decided not to inform Sam as Bailey had said he was in no danger. Bailey was keeping Billings under surveillance, but he was becoming tired now. John was on the move he was breaking rules by taking the VCTF chopper on his own. But he wasn't about to let Bailey down. He landed near the headquarters building of The Park Police, they had sent out several patrols to look for Bailey, but there was a lot of ground to cover. "Is there one place that is the most remote in the Park, a place that would take the longest to walk out of?" John questioned. "There are about three places up here," The officer pointed on the map. " It would take two days to walk out if you knew which direction to go in, if you didn't it could take a lot longer." "Come with me, " John told the officer, and they headed for the chopper again. The man Bailey was watching, whom he thought was Victor Billings was on the move again. Bailey was following him, but he was wanting to put and end to the game. Billings had just stopped and he was listening, he turned towards Bailey and raised his rifle. Bailey had taken cover behind a tree, but the very edge of his shirt was visible. Billings took his shot and hit Bailey a grazing hit on the upper arm. Bailey moved to better cover, and returned fire, but he had no target by the time he was able to get off a round. "Are you having fun yet Malone?" he yelled. Bailey tied his handkerchief about this arm now and watched for any movement from Billings. He was determined to win this encounter. His patience finally paid off, when he saw the shoulder of his target move just enough so that he now had a target. Bailey took the shot and was rewarded by the yelp of pain from Billings. "You were saying Billings?" Bailey yelled. He was moving in for the final confrontation when he heard a chopper. John located Bailey and Billings whom he had captured by the time they arrived. "Nice to see you John, I bagged my quota for the day." Bailey smiled at his friend. "Your bleeding," John said "It's nothing, George was able to get hold of you quickly, he didn't bother Sam about this did he?" Bailey asked worried that she would be worried about him. "No, he called me and explained, but your going to have to do some fast talking to explain about my use of the chopper." "No problem, I'll take care of it." Bailey smiled. "Sorry I'm late calling Sam, I had a matter to take care of this morning." Bailey told her. He would explain the whole situation to her once he saw her in person. " You wouldn't be free for dinner this evening, I know of a nice little Italian place you'll enjoy." "Bailey is there something wrong?" Sam asked. 'No, not a thing, what do you say just the two of us for dinner?" "Yes, that sounds nice. I'll see you later then." "I thought you said we were going to a little Italian place for dinner?" " I'm half Italian, my place is little, close enough and I'm a great cook." Bailey smiled as he parked the truck. He cooked for her, they talked about things other than work. Sam was enjoying the evening, but she was beginning to feel there was something else going on here. Bailey had decided to waste no more time, he might have died that morning. "Sam, I know we already agreed to marry, but I would like to set a date." He handed her a ring that had belonged to his grandmother. Sam was surprised, but delighted by his present, she kissed him and hugged him hard. Bailey returned her embrace and kissed her deeply. "Is that an agreement to setting a date soon?' he asked. "Yes, but you'll have to move into my house, you don't have much of a play area here for Chloe." " I'll move anywhere if it means I'll be there with you." He told her. They moved into the bedroom and Bailey undressed her, slowly, kissing his way from her throat to her knees. His touch gave such pleasure to Sam that she couldn't wait any longer and pulled him to her before he was finished with his travels. They joined together with slow easy motions, and built their mutual pleasure to a fine explosive finish. Bailey was now pleased that he had shown her the best way to share the experience. 23