Arizona Sunset by mardel This story is based on the character from The Dangerous, Billy Davalos. Billy had been in Arizona for months, he had found a job he liked riding fence for a ranch called the Double D. He hadn't ridden much since he youth, but he hadn't forgotten much. He preferred to make a friend of his mount, he didn't hold with treating animals badly. His horse's name was Rusty, and he spent most days talking to himself and his horse. It was fall he was going to be spending more time indoors soon. He was headed back to the cabin for the night, the wind was picking up, it got cold in the foot hills this time of year. One of the ranch dogs had attached it's self to him three days earlier. When Billy had asked the dogs name, the foreman had said. "We just call him dog." Billy had been calling him Jet, cause he ran fast everywhere he went and he was mostly white like a jet stream in the sky. Jet came running in from one of his forays after jackrabbits. But he woofed at Billy and ran off looking back to see if Billy was following him. "What's the trouble boy?" Jet woofed again and ran off towards the river. When the man didn't follow him he ran back and woofed again. "Ok, but make this fast it's going to be dark soon." Billy pointed Rusty towards the river and followed the dog. Jet ran over the a mound of something laying on the bank, Billy thought it was just the dog wanting to play. But then he saw the mound move. He was down off his mount and feeling for a pulse, the woman was hurt, almost drowned. She was very pale, her long hair plastered to her face and neck, her clothes were torn, her feet bare. Billy looked for broken bones, but found none. "Well that's one good thing in your favor, lets get you to the cabin." He was surprised she was so light, he balanced her on the saddle in front of him while he urged Rusty towards home. It was a long way to a doctor, Billy hoped the woman woke up soon. He was holding her slender body against his chest, he was worried she wouldn't wake up at all. Billy managed to carry her into the cabin, he started a fire in the stove and took off her wet clothes, he wrapped her in a thick wool blanket and moved the cot next to the stove. He hadn't been with a woman in months, the process of undressing her, had given him the beginnings of an erection. But once she was covered, it subsided. Billy heated up his dinner, canned beef stew and feed Rusty and Jet. He was just putting more wood in the stove, when the woman groaned and moved. Billy went to her side, "Can you hear me miss?" "Who are you?" she opened her eyes. "My name is Billy, where you in some kind of accident?" "I don't remember, where am I?' "This is the double D ranch, it's in Arizona." The woman looked up at Billy, her head was aching, but she could see clearly. Billy was a big man, but he looked kind, it was something about his dark eyes. He was bearded, with shaggy hair that touched his collar, he was big, his hands his shoulders but she wasn't afraid of him. "Could I have some water?" "Here, don't drink to fast.' he held a tin cup of water to her lips, she drank slowly but she drank the entire cup full. "Thank you, my name is Rebecca, I'm sore all over did I break anything?" "Not that I could tell, just your head has a big knot on the side." "Do you want anything to eat? I have stew." "No, I don't feel hungry. Just tired." " Is there anyone that we should send a message to, that will be worried about you?" "No, there is no one." she yawned and was back asleep. :::::::::::::::::: Billy turned down the lamp and took off his boots, he usually slept in the raw unless it was winter. But he decided against it with his guest in the cabin. He stretched out on the other bunk, and was asleep himself in a few minutes. Rebecca was wake before the sun rose, she needed to use the outhouse or bathroom. or what ever. She just hadn't figured out how, she only had the wool blanket to wear. Her clothes were gone. She had just sat up on the side of her bunk when she became dizzy. She waited for it to pass, she was moving towards the door leaning on the end of the bunk, for support. "The outhouse is on the right side of the porch, do you want help getting there?' A deep male voice asked. "I think I can make it, if I don't rush. Thanks." "Let me know if you want help." Billy sat up and stretched, rolling his shoulders and raising his arms to the ceiling. Rebecca was focused on her goal of the door. ::::::::::::::::: Billy was making coffee and oatmeal for breakfast when Rebecca returned. "I found my clothes outside, where are my shoes?" "You didn't have any when I found you, I hung those up to dry, if you put them near the stove for a little while they should be dry enough to put on soon." "You can wear these," Billy lay a pair of thick sock on the bunk next to her leg. "Want coffee?" "Yes, please. Is that oatmeal?" "Yeah, we have oatmeal most mornings, unless we have just come back from the ranch house. Then we have eggs and bacon." "We?" "Jet and me," Billy indicated the bog at his feet. "He's the reason I found you, he found you first and then told me." Billy grinned and patted the dog's head. "Thank you both." Billy handed her a mug of coffee, "I have sugar but no milk." "anything is fine. " "After we eat and get dressed, I'll take you down to the ranch house, It's about a two hour ride from here. I'll find you a shirt to wear over your clothes it's a little cool out this morning." Rebecca ate her oatmeal, in silence. She was trying to remember what had happened to her. She was also sneaking looks at Billy, he was a well put together man, his shirt was slightly open at the throat, she could see dark hair and the strong column of his throat. His voice was deep, but some how soft. His manner graceful with no wasted motions. His hands were square, wide with long fingers they were strong hands. Rebecca had always liked strong hands. Billy moved to the only furniture in the room and pulled out a flannel shirt, Rebecca noticed his jeans were bunched up at the crotch, like they were straining to hold him. "You can wear this, I'll go out and saddle up Rusty." Rebecca wasted no time in pulling on her clothes, they were torn in a few places, but still wearable. Her shirt had the most tears, she was glad for the shirt Billy had given her to wear over hers. She had to roll the sleeves up a few times so her hands were visible. "I'm ready can I help with anything?" "No, I'm done, I'll mount up first then you put your foot in the stirrup and swing up behind me." Rebecca did as he had instructed and settled on the saddle behind him. Her arms around his waist. Rebecca noticed how warm Billy was she wasn't worried about being cold on the ride. Billy had to concentrate on telling her about the country they were traveling through, to keep his mind off the nice feeling of her softness pressed into his back. He was glad it was a cool morning, he would have gotten over heated quickly with her so close. :::::::::::::::::; "Mr. Templeton this is Rebecca, I found her laying on the banks of the south Platte yesterday," "Good Lord young woman how did you come to be there?" The older gentleman asked, coming close to get a good look at her. 'I'm not sure, I can't seem to remember much." "I've heard of such cases, people get hit in the head can't remember." "Could I borrow truck to take Rebecca into town?' "Yes, of course, but let me ask you young woman, do you know where home is?" "No, I can't remember that either." "Can you cook? My usual cook up and quite on me last week, her sister is sick and she doesn't know when she will be back." "Yes, I think I can cook." "Do you want a job for a little while, I pay two hundred a month and board. You can use the ranch truck if you need to go into town, and you can ride any of the broke stock if you have a liking for horses." Rebecca looked over at Billy, he nodded. She thought she didn't know where she should be so she might just as well stay put until she did. "I accept." "We still need to go into town, I want the doc to look at her head, and she needs some clothes." "And shoes." Rebecca added. "Get the things she needs at the general store and put in on my account, consider it a signing bonus for bailing me out of a jam." :::::::: "First you need shoes, then clothes." Billy pointed her towards the general store. "I'm check with the sheriff and see if there is any reports of a missing woman in the area." Billy was hoping against hope, that Rebecca would be around for a while. He liked her, and he was attracted to her. "Sheriff, have you any reports of a missing woman in the last week or so?" "No, why did you find one?" "Yeah, I'll give you a description and if a notice comes in you can contact her at the Double D, Mr. Templeton has hired her for his new cook." ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Rebecca was almost done shopping, she had quickly found shoes that fit, underwear, socks and jeans. She was looking for some warm shirts that weren't way to big. "Nothing at the sheriff's, you need more than this little bit, you need a jacket or coat. more than two pairs of jeans and a few sweaters or something warm." Billy looked at her pile of stuff. "I've been looking but everything is much to big." "We so have children's things, a large boy's sweatshirt would probably fit the young lady." The older woman behind the counter advised. Billy reached a stack of sweat shirts and sweaters down from the top shelf for Rebecca to look through. He held up a pale blue cable knit sweater, to her. "This one is nice." he grinned. "OK, these two and the sweater." "You still need a jacket," "I don't see anything in my size." "I can place an order for a lady's jacket, it will be here in three or four days." "I guess that will work," Rebecca nodded. "Thank you for your help, will I be seeing much of you at the ranch?" Rebecca asked on the drive back. "I'll be done with riding fence soon, then I'll be spending the winter at the bunk house with Sam and Jim, most of the rest of the hands have places to be this time of year." Rebecca nodded, she was glad he would be around. ::::::::::::::::::::::: Rebecca met the rest of the ranch hands that evening, Mrs. Templeton had cooked the evening meal, but she was glad to turn the duty over to Rebecca she was to old to be standing on her feet all day cooking for ten people. Billy was spending the night at the bunk house, he over heard two of the men talking. "Yeah, that new cook is sure a looker, even with that bandage. I'm going to get me some of that." "You had better be careful I think Billy had already staked a claim on her." "Maybe he thinks he has, but he still has a few weeks up at the line cabin. I'm done with my fence already, I'll be back in to the ranch for a the rest of the month until winter sets in." Billy stepped up to the table where the two were playing cards, " Jake, Henry you boys talking about Miss Rebecca?" "What's it any of your business" Jake protested. "I'm making it my business, you keep away from the new lady cook. She doesn't need a mangy snake like you handing her a hard time." "You staking a claim on her then?" "If you want to call it that, just don't let me hear you tried anything with her." " What ever you say Billy, I'm not crazy enough to want to tangle with you." :::::::::::::: Two weeks past, Rebecca had been working hard, she was a good cook the men all liked her way of making fried chicken and stew and corn bread. She looked up one night to see Billy standing in the door way. "Hello, Miss Rebecca." he took of his hat. "Hello, Billy are you down to stay now?" "Yes, winter is almost here," he took a seat at the table, his eyes following her as she dished out the food. Rebecca was glad she didn't have to talk anymore her heart was in her throat, the sight of Billy, up close after dreaming about him for two weeks had surprised her. He seemed bigger to her somehow, his shoulders wider, his voice deeper. She had even noticed how his jeans bulged at his groin, he was well endowed as the saying went. Rebecca almost blushed at the thought. She hurried to dish up the food and escape to the kitchen. Billy had been having dreams of his own, of him and Rebecca together. There was a hot spring he knew of he would like to take her to visit. He had always wanted to make love to a woman there. It was secluded up in the foot hills just off the ranch boundary. Billy waited until all the rest of the hands had finished their dinner and gone back to the bunk house. "Rebecca can I give you a hand with those?" "I only have to load the dish washer, it won't take me long, but thank you for offering." "I have the truck tonight, would you like to drive into town and see a movie?" "That sounds nice, I got a message that my jacket arrived, but I never did find time to go and pick it up." ::::::::::::::: Billy took her hand in his as the walked from the General store to the movie theater. It was only two blocks. Rebecca was nervous as a teenager, she liked Billy but she didn't know what he was thinking. During the movie he was a gentleman, she leaned into him and hide her face when the scary part of the movie happened. Billy put his arm around her then and kept if there for the rest of the movie. He kissed her before the lights came up, when the movie credits were playing. Rebecca kissed him back, her lips hungry for him. She was clutching at his arm with her hand, she could feel the hard muscle under her hand. She liked that feeling. "Rebecca I'd like to be alone with you?" Billy asked her now, so she wouldn't feel pressured. "I would like that too." she kissed him again. Once they were in the truck they kissed again, Billy leaning down to her, his body over her. Rebecca wrapped her arms around his neck, his mouth was hot, his kisses full of passion. She was moving towards him, lifting her body into his. Billy was to old to make love to her in a truck, he needed more room for one thing and he though she deserved more than a quick coupling in a truck. "We need to stop, if you want to continue this when we get back to the ranch. I can come to your room." He swallowed, he was fighting his urge to just take her then and there. 'Yes, I do want you to come my room." :::::::::::::::::::: Once they arrived back at the ranch Billy was eager to go to Rebecca's room. She lead the way. Her room was behind the kitchen, Billy kissed her again, once the door was closed. He lifted her body against his, his erection growing already in anticipation of their union. Rebecca could feel him, his arousal was hard against her abdomen. She had to stand on her toes when she was kissing him. But his mouth was worth the effort. His tongue teased her, then stroked her. She moaned as his hands roamed over her body. He pushed the hem of her shirt up to slip a hand under her shirt, his thumb played with her nipple. She moaned again, she reached a hand to his shirt it had those pearl snaps, she freed them one by one then lowered her mouth to kiss his chest. Billy let his shirt fall to the floor and moved to take off his boots. He reached to unfasten his now very snug jeans, his cock making them bulge hugely. "Let me do that," Becky slipped the zipper down, her hands caressing his long erection as they went. She filled her hands with his swollen organ, he was well endowed. "Your huge, Billy." she purred. stroking his length. He lifted her shirt off, and undid her pants. Then he urged her to lay on the bed. "Your beautiful, Becca, I love the way you respond to me.' "Come show me what else you like." Billy covered her with his large body, nudging her legs apart with a knee. Rebecca moaned as he pressed his swollen cock against her softness. "You feel so huge, use it all for me Billy." He pushed forward, she was more than ready. He thrust deeper, she moaned. He loved the tightness of her around him, he groaned himself as he began to slide back and forth, the friction between them was perfect. Rebecca wrapped her legs around his body as he pumped over her. She climaxed quickly, she was close to a second climax as he was quickening his pace, Billy was close to his own end. He thrust a few more times deeper and harder and she cried out only a second before he groaned his climax. Billy was breathing hard, he hadn't been so satisfied in a long time. He allowed some of his weight to rest on her, but he was still pumping his hips against her. He moved to lay beside her, and pulled her body into his side, her head resting on his shoulder. "You were wonderful." "You were pretty wonderful yourself." He kissed her temple, and hugged her to his side. They fell asleep in each others arms. Billy woke up when Rebecca suddenly sat up in bed. "OH, my God, I over slept, it's almost time for the guys to arrive for breakfast." "Good morning, no get dressed," she kissed Billy quickly and jumped out of the bed. He was laughing at the sight of her running for the bathroom to wash and dress. ::::::::::::::::: Billy and Rebecca continued to see each other, he brought her small gifts. Like a Christmas Cactus and a pair of mittens since her hands were always cold. He was planning a special trip with her up to the hot spring, but he had to make sure everything was perfect. Rebecca had not remembered her past at all. The Doctor said it could take months or it might never return. She was in love with Billy so she wasn't worried, she figured she must not have a family or husband if she couldn't remember them. She didn't think she had ever loved anyone they way she did him. It was amazing to her, how wonderful just standing in the circle of his arms made her happy. Billy arranged for Rebecca to have an afternoon free, so he could take her to the hot spring. She had been kind of hoping they were going to share a horse again. But she saw him leading two towards the chow hall. Jet was barking he hadn't been out on the trail for weeks. He was eager to go. "Mount up Becca, I'll keep him steady for you." Billy grinned as she reached for the stirrup. She took two times before she was in the saddle and then only because Billy had added a push to her bottom. They rode up the trail, Billy pointing out different things to her on the way. He had packed towels and a snack for them, but he was looking forward to making love to Becca again. His cock semi hard the entire trip. Rebecca had noticed his condition. "Doesn't that hurt?" "What?" "Being hard when you're riding." "It could feel better, but we are almost there now." Billy helped her to dismount then tied the horses. "Come on honey I'll show you the hot spring." he took her hand and walked her down a path to the water. It wasn't big spring only a few dozen feet across. Rebecca was eager now, once they had arrived. She wanted to feel Billy long and hard inside her. She sat and pulled of her shoes. Billy followed her lead and shed his shirt, and boots. He was about to undo his jeans and free his throbbing erection. Rebecca reached to help him, she was shaking from the cool air, but she wanted him. Billy helped her into the water, then pulled his jeans off, his huge cock stretched up against his hard abdomen. He stepped into the water and lowered his mouth to hers. Rebecca was in heaven, he was so magnificent, his body was all hard muscles and dark hair, she hadn't taken the time to explore him the first time they had been together. She wanted to now, but Billy was in a hurry. He trapped her between the wall of the spring and his body. Kissing her deeply, his mouth hot on her lips, her neck and hollow of her throat, he positioned his cock to enter her. Pushing forward, to send himself deep between her legs. Rebecca moaned, wrapping her legs around his body and kissing his jaw, his mouth everywhere she could reach. He was thrusting in long slow strokes, he knew she was easy to please but he still wanted to hear her cry out because of him. "Tell me what you feel, honey.' "You feel so hard, so huge, Billy you feel perfect." she moaned as she reached climax,. her legs gripping him tight. Billy rode the pleasure out with her, his hips still pumping, he was not done. He continued his movements, his hands braced on the edge of the wall. Rebecca moaned, she was still feeling the pleasure. He thrust deeper, his cock filling her even more, he quickened his pace groaning as he came close to his own orgasm. Rebecca cried out "Billy, Billy Oh God." He came with the sound of her voice still in his ears. He cried out his finish. He was weak from the effort it had taken and was glad he didn't have to support his weight just then. He kissed her, and then let himself float. He was pulling himself up on to a low ledge and pulling Becca to join him. She still wanted to feel his body. "Billy you are so powerful, I want to touch you." "I'd like that, you do what ever you want." Becca tested the feel of his huge arms, she had never seen arms as large. She caressed him, again and again. She loved the feel of his strength beneath her fingers. His chest was her favorite location she kissed the very center of his chest, stoking her hands up each side of his powerful body. Billy had his head back, enjoying her attentions. "I love you Becca, this was the most special way I could think of to tell you." "I love you Billy, it was wonderful." "There is one more thing," he kissed her deeply then helped her climb out of the water. They dressed quickly, kissing each time one of them wanted to, then he lead her back up the trail, he then turned left and they climbed another trail to the top of a low ridge. Billy lead her to a special place and wrapped his arms around her from behind his chest warm and hard behind her. "Look, " he nodded towards the west the sun was just beginning to set and the colors were so beautiful, reds and oranges, yellow and even pick. They watched together. At peace and in love. end Billy escorted Rebecca back to the horses, he was following her out of the springs when he noticed her horse limping. "Becca come and share Rusty with me, you mount is limping." Billy dismounted and check the leg, the horse didn't have any stone in his hoof. So Billy mounted up and helped her to settle against him. Becca liked the feel of him. His muscles gave off warmth, the movement of the horse was soothing at first then she began to become aware of the rhythm, it was kind of similar to the thrusting they shared when making love. She tightened her hold on Billy, and rubbed against the saddle. Rusty was going down a small hill and the pleasure was almost as nice as when she was sharing her self with Billy. "Billy you aren't feeling needy again are you." she asked. She lowered her a hand to his groin and found him throbbing with need. "There isn't a way to do this, is there?" "I'm told if you have a steady mount and a willing partner it is possible." Becca struggled to unfasten her pants, and slip them down, then she reached forward to unzipped Billy's jeans, he was very ready, his cock stretching up and filling her hands. "Now what," She asked willing to try this, wanting to try this. Billy stopped the horse and wrapped an arm around Becca, he pulled her around him, to sit facing him. Together they slipped her down over his swollen organ. "Oh, that feels so good." Billy struggled for some control, he was ready to come, now. He nudged Rusty forward and the pace was begun, they were both feeling the motion of the horse, Becca was already near pleasure. Billy urged his horse into a lope and the explosion of feeling made them both cry out. "That was great, fast but great." "Well now we know, I like it better the old fashioned way." he kissed her. Becca stayed mounted on him for a few more minutes until he was subsided. Then she returned to her position behind him. Billy spent the night with her, they made love one more time before again spending the night sleeping in each others arms.