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We want to thank you all for visiting The Minstrel Show's website.
There are not too many rules to this site, however, we do believe that all that visits should respect each other.
Also, you may not agree what we have on here, but please respect us as human beings.
We recognize that there is a constant problem that faces Black people as a whole in the known universe.
That problem brothers and sisters is a lack of understanding of knowing ourselves and our ancestry.
Knowingly, DJ Maineframe, J-Maestro, Queen Cecilia, Royce, and BlackSYNCE are dillegently working to empower our Black people.
Our mission on accomplishing this is through education.
If we can educate our Black people of the known universe with some of the constant struggles and vices we face, we can move toward a common solution.
No change comes over night!
It is a continual process.
Nevertheless, you can improve and expedite the change by freeing your mind from the mental corruption that deciphers your reality and produces incorrectness.
For instance, the mass media in a whole i.e. the television, newspaper, internet, movies, radio, video games, and word of mouth.
We do not expect you to believe everything that we say.
However, think as an individual about what you are observing.
Is there contradiction here?
Does something seem stranger?
If so, why are you still taking the crap?
The patterns that continue to enslave our minds must stop!

Revolutionary yours,

The Minstrel Show Team