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Me and my Kids

Hey. My name is Helena and this is my home page. I am 26 years old, I have a 2 1/2 year old son named Michael, and an 1 year old named Gabriel. Congratulations to my big boy Michael for getting accepted by QBNW modeling agency! Anyways, here are some pictures of my family. Hope you enjoy them. Here I am. And these are pictures of my son when he was still in the hospital. Here he is when he just got out of the hospital at only a week old. Here is a picture of him around Thanksgiving time. And here he is when he just turned 3 months old. These pictures are of him when he turned 6 months old. And these are pictures of him when he was 7 months old. These are some pics of my son's first birthday back in September of 2003. Here is one of him when he was 13 months old. Look at him cheesing! Here we are at the zoo. And here he is at 13 months old with some of my cousins. These are pictures taken at Jade Buffet. My brother is in the picture with him. Some more pictures of Michael at my cousin's house. I think it was about Thanksgiving time because he wasn't quite walking yet even though he was already 14 months old. These are pictures that were taken over Christmas time at his grandma's house over in New Jersey. He is 15 months old in these pictures. Here he is being baptized at St. Jerome Catholic church. The deacon who baptized him was Deacon Joe. With Grandpa Rey and Grandma Lydia With me. Look-his dad actually came(his dad is Presbyterian and had a hard time with me wanting to baptize my son Catholic.) His godfather is on the left in the black sweater. These are the most recent pictures. Taken around Easter time. Here is a picture of Gabriel when he was just born. This picture was at my cousin Vern's wedding. The baby was about a month old. And here are some pictures of Gabriel when he was about 2 mos old. These pictures were taken at Michael's second birthday party. Gabriel was 4 mos old here. And here is my baby baby when he was 6 mos old. These are the most recent pictures of Michael. And these are the most recent pictures of Gabriel. Here are some pics of Gabriel at the Easter egg hunt back in March. And these are a couple of pics that were just taken at his first birthday party.
