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~~~The McGinn Family homepage~~~

The song that is playing is " Autumn-by: Enya"

Hello everyone and thank you for taking time to visit our little part of the World Wide Web.

Above is a picture of My family. There is me, Vickie (29), my husband Rod (33), our son Joshua(11) and our daughter Jessica(8). This picture was taken Dec."2000".

Joshua (10 1/2), Jessica(8), Destiny(4), Kirkland(3), taken June. 2002

Joshua "2002"

Jessica "2002"

These are the Pokemon that my kids adopted.

This is me and my kids on our summer holidays in St.John's, NF.

The above picture is of My beautiful children and Me. There is Jessica(7 1/2), Kirkland(3), Me, Destiny(4), and Joshua(10). The two little ones are my foster children who I have had for a year now.This picture was taken Dec.1,2001

~~~Rod and Vickie~~~ Married June.24,1995


My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Somewhere I found peace
For all the Parents
My kids Favorite website
