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Welcome to the Maple Tree Abuse-A-Thon Fanfiction Contest!

Hi there. I'm Kawaii Dragoness, otherwise known as Kawa. I'm an otaku with an unhealthy obsession, and I'm the Queen of Sap.

And I'm Marg--just Marg. I watch TV shows way too much for my own good, and I'm the Cheezmeister (along with my cousin Celia, who is not here.)

As another one of our crazy ideas, we decided to make a fanfiction contest for all those who write the glorious thing we call sappy fanfiction.

If you don't know what sap is, go away--no, just kidding. There's no true definition of sap, really, so we decided to give an example that I wrote.

Let's take an example couple--say, John and Mary. Here's an example of what would be an extremely sappy scene between them:


John: Oh, Mary.
Mary: Oh, John, my darling!
John: Mary, I love you deeply and truly. If I had a choice between the most beautiful woman in the world and you, I wouldn't have to choose, because to me, you are the most beautiful woman in the world. I have never felt as sure about anything as I feel about my love for you. Seeing your bright face every morning is what makes my life worth living. I love you from the bottom of my heart and...will you marry me?
Mary: Yes, yes, I'll marry you!
[they kiss]


That's your basic sort of sap--clichéd romance, a cheesy sort of thing. This isn't the best though--great sap can be wonderfully romantic and very pretty--and still be the sort of cheesy stuff we all know and love. That's what we're looking for in our contest. Here are the details:

Rules Contest rules. Self-explainatory.
Nominees Whose stories are in so far, that we are currently reading and deciding upon.
Winners Who we decided upon.
Kawa & Marg The two evil dudes behind the contest.
Links Other places with good sap.
Link to Us Our purty button....