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Welcome to my TLK Fanfic Website!

Last Update: 10/1/03

Okay, (after much work and revising) I bring to you my main website: (*cheers*)

Please note that it is obviously still under construction!

A little info about the story: My fanfic follows around my main character (Maisha) as a young cub and then focuses on the various obstacles and events he has to overcome throughout his life. In starting this story, I realized that I would like to include some of my friend's RPing characters in the plot, making a somewhat big version of a roleplay. (I'd like to say before anyone reads that I thank all of them for giving permission in letting me use their characters here! I hope I do a good job of implementing them in my story!)

Before I go on further, I would like to thank all of those who helped contribute to the making of this story! Without you, this story would never be here. Also, I am aware that there are some spelling/grammar mistakes throughout the story, so keep in mind that I know they are there (its just a matter if I want to go back and fix them lol) If there are some mistakes/errors that make it hard to follow, I will try to fix them if I detect any (As long as you can get the general idea and concept behind the story, I don't plan on worrying about mistakes too much.) On that note, I would also like to say that I am not very good with the beginnings of stories so if it sounds bad, I apologize lol, I'm doing my best! With all that been said, here is a table of contents to the chapters of the fanfic:

Chapter #



Before you read click here!

Chapter 1: The Beginning


Click here

Chapter 2: Destiny Foretold


Click here

Chapter 3: A Potential Friend


Click here

Chapter 4: The Journey Home


Click here

Chapter 5: A Cause for Celebration


Click here

Chapter 6: ??? (Untitled as of yet)

Due 10/8/03


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10/1/03- Yes, yes I know I've been neglecting this site more and more but now I'm trying to devote more time to it! I am trying to put out a chapter every Wednesday now so check back Wednesdays for updates. Of course everythings not set in stone... Got Chapter 5 up and running today so check it out guys! I need to put some more work in to the actual site and not the story as well. Oh well. Something to add to the 'To Do' list. Enjoy! ~Maisha

8/24/03-Wow, sorry everybody for setting this down so long >.< It's been a while since I have had time to work on this, but now hopefully I will get back on track. Thanks to everyone for telling me to keep with it! Your support is what this site and story is all about. Chapter 4 is up!! (I had it handwritten from last year, and I just used that...that's why it is so short! My apologies!) I will try and add more shortly (Shortly=Less than a year lol) So be patient please! Thanks a lot! ~Maisha

7/27/02-Okay, sorry I missed my deadline for chapter 3, but it's done now! I wanted to finish it before I had to leave, (which is today), and at least did that. I rushed it a little bit because of that, but oh well. Sorry if its short and not very good! I will be gone next week on a camping trip so won't be able to update. Will work on chapter 4 when I get back! ~Maisha

7/15/02-Woo! Thanks for over 100 hits! Few minor updates, added music to before you read section and added an estimated time to completion date for Chapter 3 (But don't hold me to it!!) I need to tidy up some of the other parts of this site (They are a bit sloppy and not much to them) but I want to get chapter 3 knocked out of the way first. Added a purty 'lil border around the TOC as well (lol). Thats about it! Later! ~Maisha

7/11/02 & 7/12/02-Okay, I updated a few new parts of my site. As you will notice, I have a quicknav now to help navigate through all of these other sections. Right now, I am working on the character profile page to give a bit of background information on all of the main characters in my story (as it mentions them of course.) I also plan on it covering the character every few chapters (meaning like it will tell about him/her every so chapters so you can see how they develop throughout the plot) but we will see how all that goes. That is also where I will put some of the artwork of the characters up there (and of course credit the artists accordingly.) I also added some new MIDI files on some of the pages, so you can hum to the beat of some of your favorite TLK music while looking at these pages (or just turn your sound off lol...) Fixed a few things on the chapter pages...that's about it! Enjoy!~Maisha

7/10/02-Yes! I finally finished chapter 2 of my story (even though obviously I had planned to finish it sooner, but hey better late than never!!) It's link is available in the above table ^^. I hope you enjoy it, it took me a long time to write, and I still (!) don't like it, but hey. Chapter 3: A Potential Friend is already underway, hopefully I will be able to finish it quicker. I also added a before you read (which is also located in the TOC) I know most of you have probably already read the first chapter if you are here, but I felt like I needed to give some additional info (and some credit to other characters as I now have them beginning to develop in my story!) So please stop by and read that. ~Maisha

6/29/02-Finally after a little bit of work and lots of effort, I've made a temporary homepage for my story (as you see here.) Already thinking about changing the layout some, but for right now it will have to do. Planning on finishing chapter 2 by tonite or tomorrow. If I finish it sometime today, I will upload it tonite and link it here. That's about it, still working on some subsections to the page =). ~Maisha

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