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Because, I Have You

The heart of a woman,
Is a very precious thing.
So full of love and warmth,
Like the brightest day of Spring.

It’s always searching,
For a love so true.
For it’s ultimate soul mate,
Could that possibly be you?

Searching for a friend,
A partner and a lover.
That can surely not be misled,
By the words of another.

Someone in which
You can place your trust.
That’s a priority,
A definite must.

To share good and bad
For the rest of your life.
To walk hand in hand
As man and wife.

There’s no greater feeling,
When you come to realize.
That you’ve found that special one,
You can see it in their eyes.

All the searching is over,
All the wondering is through.
Because I have everything,
Because I have you!

Written By Amy Yowell

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