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Lonesome Cowboy

Have I ever told you
that if I sit really still and silent, sometimes.
I like to think I can hear your
heart beating in time with mine?
Have I ever told you
that when I watch you speak to me
through lines and cords,
and bytes and ram,
I imagine your voice,
whispering into my ear?
Have I ever told you
that I wait out each day in anticipation,
wanting only an hour or two,
just a second in space and time,
to feel close to you?
Have I ever told you
that there have been times,
when I ached for you so badly,
that the emotions so overwhelmed me..
that I sat in wonderment
at the depth of my feelings for you?

Have I ever told you
that sometimes,I will reach out,
touching your name
on this cold screen before me,
wishing I could reach in
and pull you to me?
Have I ever told you
that after the first time I heard
the sound of your voice,
thousands of miles away,
I sat up all night,
turning the conversation over
and over in my mind…
examining it like a newly discovered flower? Have I ever told you
that I dream of you often,
I dream of you reaching out
and touching my hand,
simply to let me know
you are there, and everything is okay?
Have I ever told you,
have I still yet to tell you . . .
that I love you?

A special thank you to the creator
of the orginial Lonesome Cowboy ..
for hours of laughter and fun, frienships that will last a lifetime and all the joys this
"virtual" world can hold...*S*

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