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~my mum~


In Loving Memory of My Mum

There are lots of ways we can describe my mum,

she was hardworking, dependable, generous, kind, helpful,

are just a few but most of all she was the most loving person anyone could ever wish to meet,

She struggled alone to bring up 3 Daughters on a very low budget but showhow she always seemed to have the time to dedicate herself to others outside of the family circle.

We were a happy family even thou we didn’t have much of material things we had what was most important “LOVE” she taught us the most important things in life and to respect one another and other’s around us.

She was Brown Owl of the 12th Burslem Brownies and Guides Pack which was held in Bradwell Methodist Church every week,

she was commited to the movement and never missed an opportunity to train and to make sure she passed on the very best to all the girls who went along,

she soon gained her Pack Holiday Licence and was soon packing everyone off camping, all who went camping with her will have wonderful memories to fall back on.

The house was always full of glue bits of card, paper etc with which she used to get ideas for some sort of craft making or other,

she used to run the play scheme in the summer holiday for all the children in Bradwell

each day she would pack her bag with all sorts of things and head off to the church where she met other mums to make sure the children of Bradwell would have a fun packed day.

She wasn't one who sought personal glory preferring always to be at the grass roots.

My mum passed over without seeing her Six Beautiful Great Grandchildren, and i know if she was here today she would be passing on to them , exactly the same wisdom and love that she passed onto her own children.

Somewhere "Up There" i know my mum is still carrying on where she left off here, organsisng,training.and still keeping in the background our loss was very much gods gain.

Gone Too Soon

You would tuck me in every night

With gentle kisses and hugs so tight

You laughed at my jokes and cried with my pain

You always were there come sunshine or rain

You raised us alone you were so strong

Always with smile and your heart with song

Behind closed doors I would hear you weep

Dad left you alone and the pain went deep

You left too soon I know not why

There are many nights I'm sure I'll cry

As I look to the heavens I still call your name

From that day forward life was not the same

As time marches on I'm sure it will show

I am in good hands and this I'm sure you know

There is one thing certain that all will see

A part of you will always be a part of me

Love you Mum

It broke my heart to lose you

but you didn't go alone,

For part of me went with you

the Day God called you Home.

As you laid there waiting

for God to take your hand,

I placed a kiss upon your

cheek to last you for awhile.

And i whispered in your ear

I Love you Mum

God saw you getting tired,

When a cure was not to be.

So He wrapped his arms around you,

and whispered, "Come to me".

You didn't deserve what you went through,

So He gave you rest.

God's garden must be beautiful,

He only takes the best

And when I saw you sleeping,

So peaceful and free from pain

I could not wish you back

To suffer that again.