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Welcome to Lindsay Mehalik's        web page!

Personal Stuff:
all about me!

whats goin on this summer?

the PTOU beach house for beach week!!!!!!
                                                    June 21- June 28
In August I will be visiting my aunt in San Diego, CA.....I can't wait to go to the zoo!
I will also be working A LOT this summer...... waitressing at Glory Days!

whats goin on next year?

next year I will be going to the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill.............. check it out!

how bout these web sites? out the weather for the next couple days... it better stop raining!

US Gov't!
   the Constituion of the United States........ do you know it?
    how is our system of government set up?
Here it is, very simple!
    the three branches of government:

    who represents us?
    House Representative: Frank Wolf  district 10
    Virginia's Senators: George Allen
                                          John Warner