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Writing in Japanese
Japanese writing consists of 4 alphabets: Katakana, Hiragana, Romaji, and Kanji. Katakana is 46 letters (more with voice marks or combined letters) and is mainly used with foreign "borrowed" words. Hiragana has the same number of letters and is used for only Japanese words. Romanji, which you already know, is the English alphabet. Kanji is infinite symbols usually used to portray a whole word or phrase. This last group originated from the Chinese and many of the symbols are the same with different meanings for Japanese Writing. You may see more than one of these alphabets used in the same sentance, but only one is used in the making of each word.

Here is a chart of Katagana:

Here is a chart of Hiragana:

Since Romaji is our English Alphabet, I don't believe you need a chart to help you with that.

Since Kanji is infinite, I cannot possibly show you a chart of all Kanji....If you want to see a good list click here.

If you are looking for a good translation page...English to Japanese or Japanese to English. Try this page